
Chapter 10: Lady Bug. 115 AC

[Next Morning]

I stood in front of my mother as she drank some liquor early in the morning as usual. She looked a bit hungover, but she was happy nonetheless. I was talking to her about my worries about how we can keep two dragons in Runestone, but mother quickly dismissed it.

"You don't have to worry, Andar," said my mother. "Runestone is on the coast of the fingers, and many fish roam our waters."

"But aren't the fishes one of our smallfolk's source of food and income?" I stated. "Wouldn't it be troublesome for them?"

"They'll learn to live with them." mother smiled. "The dragons could also go for the mountain goats. Or the mountain clans…"


"Very well, mother." I nodded. "Also, I'm curious about the talks you had last night."

Mother apparently laughed at my query. "Are you worried that I'm going to promise you to a random girl that you've never met?"

"I'm just curious." I answered.

"Don't worry my dear." said mother calmly. "I will not make you suffer the same fate as me and your father, married to someone you don't love…"

I just sighed in relief unconsciously, making my mother laugh even more. "You can go now, explore the keep to your heart's content."

"Then excuse me." I turned around, and exited my mother's room, which was in the middle of the red keep. After that I walked through the corridor, seemingly trying to find my way out of this big castle.

Honestly, this place is too… grand for my taste. You'll probably need to walk about a quarter of a mile to go from your room to the exit gate of the castle, which is not fun at all.

As I kept walking, I seemed to stumble across the Godswood of the red keep. To be honest, I didn't know that they even had one, so I was curious, and entered the place.

There, I came across a servant, who was watching a little girl sitting below the tree. She had messy hair, probably just woke up from her sleep, and in her hand was… spiders?

Bloody hell, if kids in this world play with spiders for fun, then I don't want to have one.

"Princess, we should move along," said the servant calmly. "The queen needs you to be ready when the sun is at the highest."

The princess continued to ignore the servant, instead, she just played with her spider. "Mother wouldn't mind letting me be here for a while."

"Princess, the tourney is in the afternoon." the servant insisted.

"The tourney…" she murmured, her spiders crawling around her arms. "When the arrow of bronze struck its targets… when the sword of coal slay its victim… Then the dragons shall know their bane…"

Oh wow, that's weird… I should probably go now…

Suddenly, the princess raised her head, and she finally saw me standing in the middle of the godswood. "Cousin." She greeted me with a warm smile.

"Princess…" I nodded awkwardly. 

She stood up from the ground, dropping the spider that was on her arms, and she walked up to me. She greeted me with a proper bow, and asked me. "Are you joining the tourney, cousin?"

"My… father signed me up for an archery contest." I said. "A special privilege, he said."

"That is splendid news." she said cheerfully. "I will make sure to watch you."

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded. After that, there was an awkward silence, but Princess Helaena seemed to not feel the awkwardness at all, as she was still smiling.

After about a minute, she finally spoke again. "May I see your dragon?"


"Your dragon." the princess repeated. "I want to see Vermithor."

Wow, that was unexpected. "Princess, i heard from the servant that—"

"Surely he will tell mother that I will be visiting the dragons." she cut me off, turning towards the servant.

The servant just bowed. "I will tell the queen about your whereabouts, princess."

"See?" she said to me, still cheerful. "May I?"

I could only sigh at her plea, so I agreed to her request.

In the yard of the red keep, three dragons were sleeping. Two slept side by side, while the other slept far away from them, seemingly not wanting to get close. They weren't chained, I made sure of that, but the Dragonkeepers were guarding them at all times.

As I walked closer towards the two, Vermithor and Silverwing, both of them seemed to notice my and Helaena's presence. They rose their heads, waking up from their slumber, and Vermithor approached me.

I caressed the dragon's head, giving his neck long strokes that he seems to enjoy. Vermithor purred, his breath hitting my face, and I could feel his enjoyment.

Even though he's old, he still loves these kinds of things…

"Is he this docile everytime?" asked Helaena curiously.

"Well, not every time." I murmured. "But generally, he's quite friendly to other people."

"Can I touch him?" she asked again.

"Here." I said, offering my hand. She grabbed my hand, and I guided her palm towards Vermithor's skin. Helaena giggled at the sensation, seemingly mesmerized in it.

"Don't you have a dragon yourself?" I asked her.

"No… not yet…" she murmured.

Wait, what?

Oh wait, she's still six. I forgot…

"Well, you'll get yours soon enough." I said.

"Hm… maybe…" she mumbled again. She then released her hand from mine, and stepped back. She looked at the other dragon. "And whose dragon is this?"

"Her? No one's." I answered. "She was Queen Alysanne's dragon, her name is Silverwing."

"Then why did she follow along?" Helaena asked again.

"Because she loves the company of Vermithor." I said. "She's his… mate… I guess."


"Yes, Princess."

Helaena just hummed. But then, she suddenly approached Silverwing, seemingly want to touch her.

I quickly stopped her, holding her hand tightly. When Vermithor saw Helaena suddenly approached Silverwing, he roared menacingly towards her direction, seemingly protective of her silver dragon.

The roar was so loud that it could prubably be heard by all of King's Landing, I could also hear a couple of shouts from the castle, mostly screams of women. 

The Dragonkeepers quickly took control. They pointed their sticks at him, whichis not good. 

[Lykiri Vermithor!] I shouted. I turned towards the Dragonkeepers, and told them to not point their sticks at him. 

Vermithor quickly calmed down, he touched my palm using his nose, and purred deeply. 

"Don't do that." I scolded the princess. "Dragons don't like sudden movements."

"I-I'm sorry, cousin." She stuttered. "I will try to be mindful next time."

I just sighed. "You'll have your own turn in the future, princess."

The princess nodded at my words, she was about to say something, buta sudden yell came from the castle. 

"Helaena!" We turned towards the source of the voice, it was Queen Alicent, along with the servant from before. 

The queen stared in shock as she saw me surrounded by two gigantic dragons. She rushed towards her daughter, and knelt to check her being. 

"Are you alright?" She asked the princess. 

"I'm fine, mother." Helaena said anxiously, seemingly trying to let go of her mother's grip. 

"You're supposed to be getting ready for the tourney, why are you here?"

"I'm spending time with cousin." Said the princess. "Is that not allowed?"

The queen turned towards me, to which I just bow. "Your grace."

The queen just nodded. I can't tell what she thinks of me, but that is definitely a bad first impression. 

"Come on." Said the queen to her daughter. "The tourney is in a few hours."

Helaena nodded sollemnly, but she refused to be touched by her mother. Themother and daughter pair left the yard, leaving me with the dragons. 

Well, I need to find a bow for the contest… Hope they give me one…
