
Chapter 715: Ignored Zion

Their moans and groans echoed in the room as they indulged in each other to satisfy their desperate need.

They were both getting close to their climax when all of a sudden, someone contacted Ferdinand.

{Your Majesty, we are ready to depart.}

It was Zion.

'They're going already?!' Arabella was wide-eyed.

She wrapped both her arms and legs around him before she knew it.

"Ara…bella, loosen up a bit..." Ferdinand pleaded but she misunderstood.

"No! Don't go yet. Just a bit more," Arabella tightened her hold even more and froze when she realized what Ferdinand meant by his words earlier. 

His body had begun to spasm. He got extremely hard and had swollen even more. He was about to cum because she clenched so tightly around his length when she panicked he would leave already.

[That was dangerous. She wrapped so tight around me I almost came first.]
