

All the board members sit right in front of the both children.

modern cameras are installed to record the exam.

At Salman's behest, the first math test of the both children begins.

they are given a paper to solve, which they both solve without any hesitation and return it in about an hour. asking for another paper to solve it, on which the board is surprised, Salman himself is also surprised.

The board asks the children to check the paper.

Salman also has the same idea.

But both the children say with complete confidence,

That it is your job to check this paper.

please don't waste our time, let us to solve another paper too,

The board respects the children's confidence and mystery, and gives the second paper to both to solve.

Shams and Aftab solve that paper too within an hour and return it to the board with great confidence, and Ask the third paper. solve it completely, and ask for the fourth paper, solve it completely, and ask for the fifth paper, both solve five papers completely within about five hours, when Solve the fifth paper.

Then Salman gets up from his chair, says to Shams and Aftab, son! Today's exam is enough, the rest of the exam will be given tomorrow.

He asks the board to take the rest of the exam tomorrow.

Tomorrow there will be master level papers,

On the second day too, Shams and Aftab solve five papers with confidence within five hours.

On the third day, all 14 members of the entire board ask to both children questions about Math for five hours.

Continued on Post-55
