

It is night, everyone except you and me are sleeping in deep sleep, if you make noise at that time, then everyone around will wake up and start complaining against us in the morning.

Yusuf says, ok bro! I don't clap, I don't make noise, but it is a fact, that you are a great poet as well as a very good composer and singer,

if this song had music today, then this moon, this The stars, these winds, these trees, all the birds, all the herds, meaning the creature that is sleeping at that time, all of them, whoever heard them, would surely start dancing.

Salman says, my brother, thank you for the compliment, but it is all the effect of your love, because love, love gives strength, love, love gives confidence, love, love gives passion, love, love. It is love that makes you brave, love makes you successful.

Yusuf says, Come on bro! Now tell me how many types of love are there? And which ones those are?

Salman says, brother! The first type of love is natural love, this love exists in humans, animals, birds, meaning in all creatures. They all have this natural love for their children, whoever does not have this natural love, he is worse than a beast, I curse that man, who does not love his children. Because children does not come themselves in this world. but their parents invite them to come to this world, the person who does not have the equipment for the called person, does not make arrangements for him, does not have the feeling, respect, love in the heart for this person. to invite him to come, to call him to this earth, to give birth to him in this world, is equivalent to tricking him into a cage, oppressing him for the sake of his pleasure and fun.

Those who do this, they deserve to be cursed, I curse such people innumerable. Yusuf also curses these people.

Salman says, the second kind of love is reciprocated love, in response to a mother father or a nurturer, children who love them, trust them, consider them as their supporter and refuge for all time. It is the result of the success of the love of the mother, father or guardian, as much as the mother, father or guardian loves their children, so much is the honor and respect for them in their children. , dignity, and love.

Salman says. The third type of love is generated love. This love is that which, by telling about someone's qualities and advantages, a special place is made in the heart and mind of a person for the thing or person with these qualities, this thing or person has special importance and status in someone's mind. Love is created for them.

Like love of religion, love of country, land or region, love of nation, language, etc.

Salman says, I don't trust these three. Then he gives some examples.

For example, a person is born in a Hindu house, he is made a staunch Hindu by telling him the merits and benefits of Hinduism from childhood, he loves Hinduism.

If that person was born in a Buddhist home. then by telling him the virtues and benefits of Buddhism from his childhood, he would have been made a staunch Buddhist, he would have loved Buddhism.

If that person had been born in a Jewish home, He would have been made a staunch Jew by telling him the merits and advantages of the Jewish religion from his childhood, he would have loved the Jewish religion.

If that person had been born in a christian By telling him merit and advantages of christin religion from his childhood he would have loved christian religion , he became a staunch Christian

Continued on Post-24
