

They all stand in the room looking at the 6foot woman at its center. Her wavy brown hair turns black under the covers of the night and her boots can't be seen in the dark but of course everyone except Zhen can see them.

Eyes of the wolf.

Cassandra can tell what must be going through their minds; they are pondering on their current situation. They wonder if she is for real or she just wants to use them to accomplish her own goals.

"Take a walk. All of you, as you do that think about what I have said and anyone who returns, I know they are serious and want to be part of this pack.

If you don't return, I promise I won't come after you," Cassandra says.

"I hope you don't mind then, I will be taking you on that," Shedrach says and heads toward the door.

Axel grabs Hannah by the hand and they leave as well.

Maya rubs her hands over her head and grunts. She seems to be in a bit of turmoil and she turns to Joseph who sits calmly, "Aren't you going to leave?" Maya asks him.

He relaxes his back and searches for the tv remote, "No, I am interested. I want to see how this pack turns out," he says with a smile.

Maya glances at Cassandra, "I have to think about it," she says and suddenly leaves.

"Quite the indecisive one she is. I've had enough time to think about it. I want to be a part of your pack but I want something in return, something we have in common," Joseph says.

Cassandra's eyes meet his, "What do you want?" "Revenge," he turns and shows her the scar behind his neck, "I want to kill the alpha that did this to me, I join your pack and help you with your revenge and you return the favor.

Do we have a deal?" he asks.

"We do but before you make demands a habit, you should know that I am the alpha of this pack," she says.

"Sure, no contest from me ma'am" he says and shrugs his shoulders.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it," Zhen says as he glares at Joseph. The werewolf chuckles, "Sorry," he says but Zhen can clearly see that he doesn't mean it but he will take it nevertheless.

Maya walks out of the building and sees Hannah and Axel walking in one direction and she decides to go the opposite way so she doesn't have to see any familiar faces.

She folds her hands as she begins to walk away from the building.

The night's breeze whispers into her ears and the stench of a nearby trash can makes the wolf's face turn into an ugly frown.

Her sensitive nose can be a disadvantage sometimes.

She thinks back to when Cassandra came for her at the park. She is strong, very strong. To have her as an alpha won't be a bad idea but then again she knows very well that the authority of an alpha in a pack is almost absolute.

In a newly formed pack it can be addictive and that power can get to one's head. She may want them now but what happens when she is no longer interested in the pack.

What if she starts creating rules that don't make sense like kicking out late bloomers like my previous pack?

Abandoning people like me because of something that could not be prevented.

She heard what she said to Hannah when they were at Rocky cabins and it got her but those could easily just be promises.

Since Maya was kicked out of her pack she has never joined any group and so she can feel her own eagerness to accept Cassandra's offer but she doesn't want to jump in just like that. She wants to be sure it is the best decision for herself.

Axel and Hannah walk fast as they try to put enough distance between themselves and the crazy pack of ferals. There is no way Axel trusts them. He was willing to play along because he alone could not face them but Cassandra gave them the perfect opportunity the moment she told them to take a walk.

He can't endanger Hannah with such crazy people.

Yes, Hannah is a feral but it wasn't of her own making. The bastards did it to her. They turned and used her like a piece of trash, never allowing her to have a real bond with the rest of the pack.

I promised to protect her and that is what I am going to do.

"Where are we going?" Hannah asks with words that barely leave her mouth.

"We are going far from here. We can't be with them," Axel says, "Why not?" she asks and he stops as her words bring a bit of shock to him.

"What do you mean why not? Don't tell me you are considering her offer," "Shouldn't we consider it? She is right, I mean we will need protection," Hannah says.

She rubs the sides of her elbow, "I am scared Axel, what if the alpha comes back for us? You know how he is," "Then we will leave," Axel says.

"To where? We don't have any money. We have been stealing from the residents of the cabin just to survive and not be found by the alpha.

We can't live like this forever," she says.

"I know but I don't think this pack is any better. For one it is a pack of ferals and ferals don't become feral overnight," "I know, I am a feral," she says.

Axel's heart softens like soaked cotton as he catches the tears under her eyelids.

"They are dangerous. They aren't like you, Hannah" he says.

"That doesn't mean I should just hide and keep myself away from the world. If she means what she says we won't only have protection but we will have soldiers. If the alpha ever comes after us we will have people who will fight for us," Hannah says.

"And what if this is all bullshit? What if they don't care and she just want us to increase her numbers?"

"She would be increasing our numbers as well," she says.

She walks close to him and places her palm on his face. It feels rough against his cheek, "I may be a wolf but I don't know anything about being one. I can't fight and I can't turn at will but she still wanted me.

Apart from you no one else has ever wanted or needed me but she does," Hannah says.

Axel clenches his fists as he stares at the ground, the black all-stars she got from Cassandra's barely fit her little feet.

He raises his head and her teary face melts his hardened heart and his clenched fists fall open against his thighs.

I can't win against her. I just want to protect her.

"Okay, we will go back but once you feel uncomfortable you better tell me," "Thank you," she hugs him.

She smells nice, courtesy of Cassandra.

Maybe things won't be so bad.

Joseph and Zhen sit quietly as Cassandra arranges something in the kitchen. Joseph raises his head towards the door as he hears footsteps and a smile creeps onto his face like a bug.

"This one is unexpected," he says as the door opens and Shedrach walks into the living room.

Axel and Hannah shortly join after and Cassandra walks in, passing beers around before Maya finally walks into the living room.

"I guess it's a full house," Joseph says and sips on his beer.

Cassandra nods her head, "I believe we are all in agreement of this pack," she says.

"Well, since you are clearly the Luna who is going to be the alpha?" Shedrach asks.

"You are mistaken my boy," Joseph says.

"I am the alpha but you are welcome to contest for my position," Cassandra says.

Shedrach smiles and sips on his bottle of beer, "A woman as an alpha and a pack of ferals, I'm loving this already,".

The birth of a new pack. Samuel better be on the run. I hope you are all enjoying my work. Like and comment if you got this far. All thoughts are welcomed.

KingPablocreators' thoughts