
War in the Plague Garden Part 6: Worldblighter

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne + Carnage Forces vs Nurgle Forces

Nurgle has now joined the battle, and after talking to Beelzabub, then focused all his attention to his brother Khorne.

The Decaying God was releasing all his power and rage towards the Blood God for what he has done to his realm.

Truth be told before he came to the battlefield, Nurgle he created a powerful God Artifact, that can rival Khorne's Unmaker and Laharl's Ragnarok & Claw of Hades.

Before entering the battlefield, Nurgle struck down a poor decaying giant tree that could rival the rotting wood that make Nurgle's Blighted Mansion, upon realizing he was literally outmatched in direct combat unlike his older brothers, he took said broken tree to build a godly artifact that will rival, his siblings despite his age and power.

Using said tree as the base for a weapon that will spread corruptive, debilitating, sweat carrion across the Warp and beyond...

As the foul miasma and vile powers of Nurgle was washing across the now restored battlefield, Valkia was utterly shocked of the newborn Plague God's power, as well as she never experienced anything like this during her time in the Chaos Wastes of the Old World.

Valkia she was flying near Khorne, using her daemonshield to block the pressure and foul aura unleashed by her new brother-in-law, Nurgle reminiscing of her past.

That she has face many monsters, and chaotic abominations as a mortal champion of her husband, Khorne she of course has even face many creatures aligned with the other ruinous powers but she's never faced whatever the Decaying God was wroughting.

All the daemons of both Blood and Carnage were using all their strength and will not subcome to the Rot, that Nurgle was simply manifesting from his presence.

But whatever relic he was unleashing was drastically affecting the knightmares, bloodletters, darkstalkers and flesh hounds making them badly ill, and worsening by the minute just by Nurgle's power alone, the stronger daemons were resistance to the Rot Lord's presence but even they were werry of what the Plague God was summoning fort.

Nurgle could feel the lesser daemons of his brother subcome to his lovely gifts, slightly improving the mood of the angry Chaos God but not enough to ease his wrath and anger he felt towards his older brother, the Blood God, Khorne.

Speaking of Khorne, he stood proud and opposing, not bothered by Nurgle's power quite the opposite the Lord of Skulls was excite at first he suspected his younger brother, to a weak coward that would send his minions instead of facing him himself, but Nurgle prove otherwise.

Also being a newborn God, Khorne expected Nurgle to be quite weak but despite it being a very short time, since his birth he has shown him that he is quite powerful and brave, a worthy adversary to the Bloodstained Lord of Murder.

Tightening his grip of his blade, Khorne eagerly waits his brother's move so they can begin their battle.

At the same time Skarbrand and Ragna were starting to feel quite nauseous from Nurgle's godly power, they both resisted the urge to vomit, Skarbrand from his anger and will, Ragna from her daemonic divinity...more of Scalpel's stomach medicine...

All the while Beelzabub, and Ruu were unaffected by Nurgle's miasma, stench, and carrion but like all the daemons around them they can still feel the dark, divine pressure of the Decaying God who started laughing joyously, in a mature almost elderly, but sick voice as a giant cloud of several shades of dark green burst from the right hand of Nurgle.

As the miasma started to fade and clear, exposing the menacing, and imposing weapon within Nurgle's stubby, bloated clawed fingers.

Said weapon resembled titanic, razor-sharp, curved cleaver, the handle appeared to be a giant uprooted diseased, dying tree but strangely enough it also appears to be strong, and alive with flowing, dripping sap of yellow and bright green puss like poison that circulate through it's handle and blade.

The bottom of the withered tree handle was bound by a rusted chain hooking on seven giant doombell, with the symbol of Nurgle proudly on display on each of the bells, said bells were a faded, rusted green in color covered in thick dark moss, and coated with the handle puss-like poison.

The connector between the handle and giant blade was Nurgle's symbol a rusted green three rings of the fly, with actual foul looking flesh and roots spreading and holding onto the cleaver-blade strongly.

As said the blade was titanic size cleaver, with rust stains and iron etched skulls covered the center of the blade, a rusted but still unbelievably sharp edge with some shipping on it granting said edge some jagged/saw like qualities, at the very top a singular, sharp, pointed spike hook.

Nurgle laughed and coughed joyfully at his weapon's completed form imbued with every single plague, disease, bacteria, and poison from all existence and since Nurgle also place a piece of his very essence into this cleaver, it shall grow in power, toxicity, and infection as he to grows in power.

An ever evolving host of pestilence, in the Rot Lord's mind he though that aside from his children, and plagues that this weapon is one of his greatest creations, especially since it will also house a newly created plague that Nurgle had quickly made, and he shall call it "Nurgle's Rot".

Still laughing and excited Nurgle swing his cleaver once causing the lovely bells to ding against each other, as he rests his weapon on his shoulder.

Calming his laughter, wet coughing, and weezing as Nurgle focused his lightsaber green eyes on Khorne, with one last lick on his lips the Plague God spoke to his brother, "Allow...me, to...present the...Worldblighter. My...weapon,...and...your doom...Khorne. You...will...pay...for what...has wrought...to...my poor...home...and children. Your corpse...and that of...all...with...you, shall make...beautiful carrion...and fertilizer...for the Garden. Hehehahahaha!!!" Nurgle said with a tone obvious filled with content, and anger as his laughter was almost drown out by his gasping, and coughing.

Hearing Papa Nurgle's declaration filled all the plague daemons with joy and hope that they will win this war, and conquer much more of the Warp in a fell swoop.

Khorne excitement grew he could sense the dangerous aura surrounding his brother's Worldblighter, and with his kill counts close to 1000s he was also confident that he'll win the secondary bet between him and Laharl.

Preparing himself for the upcoming fight, and seeing him his remaining forces also stood ready for the Blood God's command, but before he could order the charge or react while Nurgle was coughing and summoning his new God Weapon, he also made the first move.

While Khorne and his forces along with Laharl's reinforcements were focused on Nurgle's cometh and the manifestation of Worldblighter, Nurgle was also bending his ruinous power to bring fort a massive attack on his enemy.

With Garden itself blocking their senses Nurgle started erecting a titanic size puss filling boil on the earth of the Garden, just behind his enemies [Basically Ultra-Blighted Boil] as it grew unnoticed, when one of the daemon slime cuddled up to Ruu's leg to warn her.

When the Slime Daemon Queen turned and some the giant sick puss filled boil, pulsating and bloating itself bigger by the moment she yelled at Ragna and Beelzabub, warning them about the upcoming attack.

Valkia heard Ruu and also saw the boil nearing it's limits she ordered their forces to avoid the incoming attack, but Khorne knew it was to last the blast was going decimate his forces and greatly harm Valkia, knowing only one way to save both he rushed to stand in between the Blighted Boil and their forces.

Using his own body to shield Valkia and what remain of his forces, despite Valkia's demands Khorne stood firm as the boil exploded, bathing Khorne in thick, yellow acidic puss, despite his brass armor granting the Blood God protection of his direct contact his armor still steam and hiss from the infectious, acidic touch.

Some of the puss even managed to enter in between the parts of Khorne's armor burning his flesh, seeing this brought a wicket smile to Nurgle's face, as he immediately used that chance to strike along with his army marching forward to face the small Carnage and Blood forces.

As Khorne hissed in pain, Valkia flew onto his still burning back covered in puss, she used her hellfire to burn away all remnants of the Plague God's attack from her husband's back being careful not to aggravate his wounds, as the khornate daemons rushed to their wounded master side.

They were so focused on Khorne they let their guard down, and removed their sights on Nurgle and his forces that was so close to bulldoze through them all but Nurgle being as massive as he is, and his cleaver being as large if not larger then the Unmaker, he was already well in reach to strike, and the Plaguefather did so.

Once Nurgle was close enough to the still down Khorne, he rised his Worldblighter over his head and swung down at Khorne.

Khorne was in too much pain to react fast enough to dodge Nurgle's attack unscaved, using his will and adrenaline to move avoiding serious or fatal damage but...

Nurgle's Worldblighter still hit it's target, chopping deeply into Khorne's right shoulder breaking through the paldron and digging into the Blood God's flesh, despite being a dark daemonic God the poisons, and other infections that surge through the Worldblighter were causing burning pain within Khorne's body.

As blazing lava that composes the blood of Khorne dripped and pour out the wound, burning the green grounds below, Khorne fought through the pain and used his Unmaker as leverage to push out the cleaver, from his shoulder as well as push Nurgle away.

Nurgle stumbled a bit, but managed to keep his balance...regardless of his body...as he did so Khorne got back on his feet, his brother ignore the pain inflicted by both his [Blighted Boil] spell, and his blade.

Regardless Nurgle's anger was still not satiated, standing firm as Khorne prepared to fight all around the feet of the two Chaos Gods their armies, clashed and kill one another Nurgle spotted Ragna crushing the head of one of his Greater Daemons with a brutal clap over the Great Unclean One's head, causing it to burst in gore and putrid matter, and then fighting a numerous amount of plaguebearers and nurglings killing his dear, sweat children.

Growling Nurgle prepared to swing his Worldblighter and utterly destroy Ragna into a red gorery stain, when his attack was blocked by Khorne, making Nurgle but angry and confused as he asked, "Has my...rot...spread to...your brains...brother? Why protect...an enemy...a...servant...of our...brother?" Khorne and Nurgle were in a deathlock struggling against one another's strength, but Khorne still answered his oblivious younger brother, "Foolish brother. Can't even notice he is about to doom himself? That she-daemon you were about to strike down, is one of our brother's dearest wives, less you are ignorant our brother isn't only the God of Carnage, but also Lust and...Love. Meaning if I've hadn't stopped you from killing our sister-in-law, not only this realm but many more would suffer his unbridled wrath...plus...YOU ALMOST HARM MY WIFE, VALKIA!!!! I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT, NURGLE!!!!!!" with anger empowering Khorne he pushed back, and broke Nurgle's guard, leaving him open for his next attack.

Returning the favor Khorne started by stabbing Nurgle in the left shoulder, causing some damage but Nurgle is basically numb to most pain, but Khorne didn't stop there, he threw some powerful punches to Nurgle's upper area of his stomach causing his stomach maw to spew vile, blood,countless maggots, and several hundred nurglings. Khorne's blows forced the Plaguefather to bend forward allowing the Blood God to grab onto Nurgle's antlers, using them to keep Nurgle to from moving or dodging Khorne's brutal knee strikes to his face.

The Blood God continue to pummel Nurgle's face but Plague God countered using his mass and strength to charge Khorne tackling him, and forcing Khorne to release Nurgle, Nurgle continues his attack swinging his cleaver slashing Khorne's chestplate making the Blood God step back, turning to the burning hellish sword stabbed into his shoulder Nurgle grabbed the Unmaker's handle, immediately burning his hand when he did so, in one strong pull he rip the Unmaker out grunting and coughing bad when he did.

His hand burning while holding onto Khorne's sword he looked a Khorne for a moment before tossing him his weapon back, and said, "I...have no need...of...that thing,...but you do...I...want...to see...the great...God of...War, struggle...against Death...and Decay...so pick it...and embrace my gifts...brother." Khorne scoffed as he retrieved his Unmaker and prepare to keep fighting against Nurgle.

[Author: Hello, everyone Overlord_Bloodfall here I know this chapter took a while to upload but it's been a busy week getting ready for Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter, and have a great Thanksgiving, cya all soon.]
