
Parental Love

By dinner time, Rhea had understood that her daughter had absolutely no game when it came to seducing men.

As the trio sat down to eat the grand buffet and talked about nothing in particular, it frustrated Rhea to see that Mira did not laugh at any of Max's jokes or pretend to be interested in what he had to say.

She conversed with him like she would normally do with any other individual and was 100% genuine.

While this was an admirable trait, as an experienced woman Rhea knew that it would take Mira nowhere in the romantic sphere if she kept behaving this way.

It was common knowledge that Men like women who laugh at their jokes and praise them endlessly for their bravery while pretending to be mesmerised by their words.

The flirtatious laughing, the subtle touching, the lip biting were all part of the seduction game and Mira absolutely sucked at it.
