

( Regus Aurelius's POV ) 

It was a bittersweet day for the vampire monarch as he read through the day's report. 

The vampires had lost one orb to the demons today, courtesy of the 30th ranked clan defending the orb which suffered heavy losses in the process.

On the other hand the Bloodfall clan had managed to rout one enemy base and destroy their orb which restored some face for the vampires. 

Regus was no fan of Ravan Bloodfall but overtime he had learnt to appreciate that man's cunning. 

There was no denying that when on the same side he was a valuable ally. 

He personally wrote a letter of appreciation for the Bloodfall clan as he meant every word that he wrote in the letter. 

They had performed a meritorious deed and in these times of war it was imperative that meritorious deeds be acknowledged and rewarded so that the troop morale remained high. 
