

( Present day, Max ) 

Max had streams of tears flowing down his cheeks when he heard Patricia narrate the tale of how his brother died. 

He knew that the Universal queen was biased based on Kremeth and Drax's experiences but he never thought she was this corrupt. 

Even when he only had a third of his HP left, Lucifer did not have the balls to attack his brother in an open fight, but the queen used her implanted A.I. to destroy Rudra's cerebral connection and make him defenceless against the devil. 

It was truly despicable! 

" Your brother would not have died even when Lucifer slit his throat had the queen not interfered. 

Hades and Beniogre were both sitting in the audience with me, and I remember the god of death and the goddess of life working extremely hard together to preserve Rudra's soul and return him back to life but the queen did not let their spells take effect as she interfered with the spells completion. 
