
Finding the culprit

" Oh come on Sebastian" Max said as he tried to shake the dwarf off from biting his leg.

Currently, Max was fighting his own teammates and although he could easily hold his own against the three of them because they did not fight like themselves but rather like robots, Max was finding it hard to not accidentally kill them. 

He sincerely did not want his friends to be sent back by his own sword and hence he was trying his best to just dodge and block while not hurting them. 

' This won't do, I need to find the caster of the mental manipulation spell and somehow bring the fight to it, I can't keep dodging them forever ' Max thought as he barely dodged a dagger thrown by Asiva that was aimed at his eyes. 

" Hey! Siv you love my red eyes, Gosh ". Max complained as he decided enough was enough and summoned his nether beasts.


