
Powerless!? Who said so!?

"Oh! you are quite smart to have figured that out. It's already ended I don't mind telling you how the plan went," Tug still had a smug expression on his face, "But I'll like to first ask, how did you find out?"

Chiron raised a brow, "It was just a guess. However, you confirmed it the moment I gave the order and you still stayed while the others left."

Tug did not understand what Chiron was saying, but Chiron did not mind explanining.

"You are a soldier. Soldiers know one thing, and that is to follow orders. Last i check, the Vandora army is very strict with discipline. In other words, when it comes to orders, there is no second say. If by some coincidence, they are problems, everybody knows it all lies on the head of the commander. Soldiers are allowed to give their opinion, but never allowed to disobey orders. The only condition that warrants disobedience is if a superior order has been given."
