
Novice Steam Engine

The promise of just 1,050 men was enough to send Marvin over the moon, as he profusely thanked Alexander for his generosity.

"Thank you, my lord. We will not fail you!"

And with that said, the main 'workshop' portion of the tour had come to an end.

But that did not mean Alexander was done.

No, for there was one last thing that he had yet to see.

And that could even be said to be the main attraction to the place.

"Marvin! Has that machine I wanted been constructed? I want to see the improvements."

After having his lunch there, which consisted of some bread and cheese with wine, the lord then asked this of the blacksmith.

"Ahhh.. of course, of course. It's all the way to the back, my lord." 

Marvin was quick to comply with Alexander's desire and brought the visiting delegation to the very rear of the huge workshop, at a small clearing cordoned off by wooden palisades and guarded by soldiers.
