
Camp Followers

With the pristine road connecting Zanzan to the footsteps of Thesalie, it took Alxs only three days to complete the journey, arriving at his destination early noon, as the huge army faced no sort of hindrance from the other party.

The place they chose to make camp was on a relatively flat plain a few kilometers away from the formidable walled city, the specific location chosen due to a myriad of reasons.

It had a favorable flat terrain making it easier to deploy large scale infantry and cavalry.

It had a large lake nearby as well as numerous small creeks and springs for easy access to fresh drinking water.

And lastly, the surrounding was mostly forested and covered with lush vegetation, useful for both obtaining lumber as well as getting feed for the draft animals.

With all these advantages, as well as the place being close enough to their target, Alexander did not need to think too hard about where to set up camp.
