
Crossbow (Part-1)

As a former mercenary, Hemicus certainly could appreciate the significance of what this bow would be able to do and he had a hard time imagining what the battlefield would look like when this was used en masse.

"I know what you are thinking you know," Alexander gently broke his guard captain from his fantasy, and then spelled out what this stoic man was likely thinking, "You are probably thinking that a thousand soldiers using this bow would create almost a literal wall of arrows for the enemy, where even if they were to form a testudo, a few of them would be able to find the gaps and reap lives by the minute."

And by the look on Hemicus's face, Alexander was sure he had hit the bullseye.

So, Alexander asked him the next question, "What do you think would be the cost of the bow?"

Hemicus gave himself a bit of time to think at the question, and then in a low voice said the estimate, "Ummm, well…about one hundred ropals."
