

"What brought you here, your majesty?" Luis asked. His secretary comes in with two cups of tea shortly after.

"Just doing a brief visitation. I had some free time today so I thought I could check up on you guys. Care to tell me how my financial company is faring these days?"

Riz could guess he would hear a piece of good news by simply looking at Luis's face brightened up. He wondered how this man handled negotiation if he couldn't keep a poker face.

"The company has flourished in recent years." Luis got up to his feet and walked to his desk. His hand is searching for something among the towering files. Once he found it, he passed a file to the king. "Here, take a look."

Riz grabbed the file and promptly opened it.

The file Luis gave contains the current circumstance of his financial company. According to the report, his Royal Bank has been established outside the kingdom. Naharog, Tetherswest, Vofors, Bagyarosia and Inver. Only Cerdeauxia manages to block their expansion there.
