
Chapter 6: Appropriate

The first week proceeded without difficulty; she helped them figure out how to order clothes and they cooked for themselves so there were few points of interaction. She had managed to schedule appointments with a doctor specializing in males.

She wanted her wards to have the best care and knew that most studies targeted females since that's where the money is. Only the rich would bother to care about their toys.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get all their appointments on the same day. Today she had scheduled Yoongi and Hoseok's. Despite her limited time with any of the boys she had noticed that Yoongi's shoulder injury was bothering him a great deal.

Backing down the driveway Teddy took the time to survey the men in the backseats. Yoongi had dressed in all black. With his beanie on and hoodie up, he left little out in the open, and if the deadpan stare he was giving her was any indicator it was intentional.

On the other hand, Hoseok wore some pants dyed peachy orange, and a white T-shirt and gave her a bright smile when he met her gaze.

She breathed out lightly returning it with her own tentative smile. A snort from Yoongi caused her to spin around facing front: her cheeks heated up in what she hoped was not a blush. Reaching towards her wrist to start some music, hoping to fill the tense silence now present in the car.

"What do you require of us in public?" Yoongi asked. Giving up on listening mindlessly to songs she had memorized years ago, Teddy quirked a questioning eyebrow looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"Surely we can't display the appalling manners we have at home, Mistress," Yoongi responded his eyebrows raising in challenge.

Leaving the blatant antagonism, Teddy contemplated the question. She did not want the men to act as anything, but themselves. As for politeness, she wanted them to be treated with respect.

However he did bring up a valid point, she could not allow them that freedom in public. Women had free reign as to what they required of their spouses or wards, but only if it didn't give men power.

They weren't against other women having men play companions that they had conversations with, but any perceived equality had to be an act. If it was deemed that she was giving them too much sway they could be reported, and the seven men confiscated to be sent to correctional facilities.

"What are you guys comfortable compromising on while we are in public?" Teddy returned. She wasn't going to make excuses or try to explain herself, there wasn't enough trust for them to mean anything but empty platitudes.

Hoseok shifted in his seat bringing his arms to cross in front of himself. Yoongi shrugged, "I doubt we haven't done whatever your female brain can come up with, Mistress."

"That wasn't what I asked. Tell me what you are uncomfortable and comfortable with, I'm not going to be some cavewoman who gets heady on making intelligent lifeforms feel less than them." Yoongi and Hoseok smirked and side-eyed each other when she used the word heady instead of a more crass but accurate term such "off" or "horny".

"I'll deal with whatever you send my way Teddy. However if your asking for a preference don't order me to stop moving." Hoseok stated with a kind smile. You returned it with a firm nod. You had seen his fidgeting when you first met him, you knew he had a lot of energy and you would never expect him to try to repress that aspect of him.

It did bother you slightly when he emphasized not to "order" him to stop moving as if any other form of forcing him to remain still was acceptable. Like he would rather be forced because he couldn't make himself and the failure would hurt him more than the loss of autonomy.

"Do no touch me. If you need me to move make it an order." a sense of heavy bitterness permeated the words from Yoongi, even so Teddy couldn't bring herself to ignore his faster breaths and body that leaned as far from her as possible.

"Understood." she managed her tone keeping it even.

The silence didn't last long before the pulled into the facility. Parking Teddy took a moment to gather all of the boys medical papers on the passenger seat. She had already sent the doctor their files, but wanted the physical copies just in case.

"Please don't talk without my permission, stay right behind me, if you need to talk to me or need a moment alone make a fist with your left hand and place it on your right hip. I'll pull you somewhere more private or if need be will come back to the car." She watched their posture change as the orders wrapped around them. She opened her mouth to apologize, but managed to stop herself. She chose the most effective and least invasive ways she could think of to prevent anyone questioning her.

After some appreciative gazes from the recptionist to the attractive boys Teddy lead them to sit down. She got a couple glances when she had placed herself on the inside, both boys to her right. Closest to the door. Her eyelid twiched as she struggled to keep her eyes from rolling.

"Theodora Raine." A nurse called. Standing she lead Yoongi and Hoseok towards where the female nurse stood a customer service smile plastered on her face.

"And what brings you here Ms. Raine." The nurse started as the walked into an examination room.

"Mostly just the standard check-up, but this one here has something wrong with his shoulder that I was hoping to get looked at." Gestruring towards Yoongi with a slight frown on her face. No need for the nurse to know it was directed at the slight against Yoongi and Hoseok instead of her wards being damaged goods.

The nurse nodded typing a message out on her bracelet before doing the standard weighing and measuring. There was none of the awkward questioning about drugs and sexual partners, all men were carefully tracked, any sexual activities or drug intake would be put in their files for the future female, whether that be a wife or a mistress.

"Well I am all good here Ms. Raine, I'm sure the doctor will be in to see you soon." It ended up that soon meant a good twenty minutes of Teddy opening her mouth to say something than shutting it, Yoongi acting like a statue and Hoseok pacing the room when he wasn't sitting with his hand tapping fast patterns on his knee.

It ended up that Yoongi shoulder would be fine he just needed to stop straining and get proper nutrition and that both he and Hoseok were fine, although the doctor did recommend some nutrition pills for them. Yoongi for his shoulder's recovery and Hoseok because he was several pounds underweight.
