
Fairy 74: A ‘Nice' Chat - Part 3

Seeing that Zack is not saying a word, her smirk deepens, knowing Zack must be least heard of Mister Rivers' ruthless side. Taking his silence as a good sign, Yi slowly stood up, with her aching body, and still looking at Zack with her smug smile on her lips.

"You know he will never let you go… he doesn't like sharing. Not to mention you already stolen one of his women… now you just badly beaten two up… do you realised that mean?" With a cunning smile, Yi went, and still noticed Zack didn't move at all, and just listen to her.

"Death! He will do anything in his powers, and overwhelming wealth to kill you! No matter how strong you are! Money is the thing that makes the world work! And we Black Rivers don't lack money!" With a twisted smile, Yi said that.

"Of course, there is a way to make him pardon you… from stealing his woman and harming his women as well. It is very simple… actually. You just need to help us capturing that b-!?"

Before Yi could finished her words, a flash of light, along with a sound of shockwave blasted the winds, before instantly someone grabbed her throat, as well shattered the ground the moment he appeared before her.

"You know… since that fight… with that masked man, I was thinking what was different compared to the both of us… even if he has high Agility Stat, his speed was too fast, way too fast… was it truly in the realms of Stats? Or was it something else?"

Yi heard what Zack said and can't understand an ounce what nonsense is on about. But the strength on her throat deepens, making it even harder for Yi, who now frightened as heck, to breath.

"Then I understood, it was skills, techniques, or even spells. He was way better than me in every area. Especially speed… so, I wonder how could I move fast as he? How could I move faster than my own Agility Stat?"

Zack asked, with his cold eyes still on the frightened Yi, who has no clue how to response, when she is finding it hard to breath, never minding speaking or answering, to this nonsense she doesn't understand.

"Then it came to me. I could move freely within the vibrations I create, like I become one with them, when I used my Quake Magic. Than I thought, what if I could move alongside with shockwaves? Or even supersonic waves as well? Looks like I can… even if I just thought about it, I never given time to try this one out… even so… even if I don't feel pain, but it does drain more magical power then I expected it will do."

This is the first time, since his battle with Damon, he used Sonic Steps, by blasting a supersonic wave, only to move within it, which explained why he could instantly, almost like teleporting, in front of Yi.

Since the time he fought against Damon, the leader of the Nine Hands. He thought how to counter, or even move like he did. Of course, Zack knew Damon has higher stats then him.

But at the same time, he also knew… he was too fast, to be just physical stats.

He doesn't know why, he knows this. He just instinctively knew; that demon mask wasn't just physically able to move that fast only based on his Agility Stat.

Because of being toyed with Damon, who could end his life any time he so wished. Made Zack realised something very important he never once realise.

That is, all this time, he been mainly focus on offensive magic.

He only has two defensive spells and no movement spell, besides using Gravity Pull to move around. Vibrating Flow, and Gravity Shield are his only two spells that focus on defence, then offence.

Vibrating Flow is the spell or technique of creating rippling within the air, only to formed them into a shield of barrier, flowing the force of attack towards him.

While Gravity Shield, is a layer of gravity formed around either the caster, or whoever he casts it to. It lessens the force of both physical and magical attacks towards him.

Both spells may sound similar. But Vibrating Flow cannot be cast on a person or a object, but from his hands, then to the atmosphere itself. While Gravity Shield cannot be cast on the atmosphere itself, but it could be cast on the person or object.

Not to mention, Vibrating Flow could block even the elemental effects of spells, like heat from Fire Magic, coldness from Ice Magic, and so on. While Gravity Shield cannot.

Which is why, when he fought against Damon and his icy magical hammer, he didn't use Gravity Shield, but Vibrating Flow along with Gravity Force, to deal with that attack.

Besides those two, he has no other defensive spells. And when it comes to movements, he normally uses Gravity Pull, and treats himself like a ragdoll, as he moves in an insane speed.

Which is why Zack has been focusing inside his mind the last few days, how could he move faster, without harming his body in the progress?

And that answer came to him.

He knew the moment he uses his Quake Magic; he will become one with the vibrations, becoming a Vibrating Human himself.

Zack doesn't know why this is, but he knew it has to do with something called Devil Fruit he recalled God speaking of.

And then it came to him. If he could move freely, like a fish, within the vibrations of the quaking earth, cannot he also move alongside with it? For example, sending a blast of supersonic shockwave, only to entered inside the shockwave, and travel within it.

Of course, this was just theory, that Zack been thinking of. Because he been in Foglia, and also has Hisui with him now, he cannot go and try if his theory is right or not.

But the moment Yi spoke ill of Vottes. He unknowingly formed that theory in unknown rage, only to instantly blast a wave of supersonic shockwave before her feet, and travel within it, like swimming within the sea like a fish, only to grabbed Yi's throat in a fit of rage.

"W-W-What nonsense you on about… you monster…?" Yi weakly went, as dare not look into the sharp green eyes looking into her own eyes.

"Nothing much… I just explaining to you, because if I don't… I might kill you in a fit of rage, which isn't like me." Zack told the truth.

The reason why he bothered explaining about the progress of Sonic Steps to Yi, this stranger, yet enemy was simple. If he didn't distract himself in some way, he might actually end up killing these two people, who are part of the very same Dark Guild, that caused a dear friend of his so much trouble.

They robbed so much of her for their selfishness reasons. How can he not feel the desire to kill them, knowing they are right in front of him?

"You think you get away from harming us… you are a dead man… Zack… Mister Rivers will do anything, to get your head, from harming us… and stealing his girl…" Yi went with a madden smirk on her face.

"You think I give two damns, about a guy, I am going to crush sooner or later? No matter what you say, no matter what you offer me, the moment you guys offend a fairy, you need to be prepared to face a wrath of the fairies themselves… otherwise we dare not to call ourselves Fairy Tail's wizards, who dare to overlook such a thing… and you Black Rivers people, earned the fury of the fairies, I hope you guys are ready, what it means to stepped on the tail, of a fairy."

Zack went, showing the red Fairy Mark on his chest, it reminds himself who he is, where the place he called home is. He didn't want to lose himself in the emotions known as rage, the rage he felt towards these two girls.

On the other hand, Yi eyes widen upon seeing the Fairy Mark. When she saw the tattoo of Nightfall's tattoo form, she thought he was from an unknown guild he never seen before.

However, it is a different story the moment she saw the Fairy Mark. Even if she is not from Fiore herself, but almost everyone in the underworld knew of the guild in the small kingdom known as Fiore.

Fairy Tail.

The strongest guild in Fiore, and the home of many monsters. They are known as a loud wild guild, that even the Magic Council finds hard to deal with. But that is not the reason why Yi and many of the other dark guilds in Ishgar knew of them.

The Dark Guild Crusher, Gildarts, he is infamous in the underworld for his record of destroying Dark Guilds one after another.

There also Titania, Erza Scarlet, she is also famous newcomer, who also knew for her righteous side. Many famous Dark Wizards has been captured and beaten to the blink of death by this S-Class Wizard, who already rumoured to be a SS-Class Wizard herself, or near that level.

Of course, Gildarts, Makarov Dreyar who also a Saint Wizard himself, as well Erza isn't the only famous wizards. But these three are the ones that in the spotlight the most. Because one is a monster, a nightmare himself to lesser and even high-level Dark Wizards.

While another one is a Saint Wizard himself, and for Erza, she is a woman who is a S-Class Wizard. Besides the other S-Class young woman, who has stepped down for some reason (Mirajane).

Yi knew the number of female S-Class or above Wizards is lower compared to male S-Class or above wizards. Which is why, as a woman herself, she has some kind of respect towards Erza Scarlet.

But as a Dark Wizard herself, she also wary of Erza or Titania, who known to be ruthless when it comes to her enemies, or criminals themselves.

Even if Black Rivers is a somewhat powerful Dark Guild, they still counts as a mid-level Dark Guild, who has many connections. But even their connections mean nothing, to a guild that doesn't give two damn about what other thinks about them.

Fairy Tail is famous for following their hearts, not bending to the rules of others. Their money and connections will only slow them down. Not to mention… there also many monsters in that guild, besides the three in the spotlight most of the time.

Yi didn't say anything, as she knew there is no fleeing from this monster, who also now joined the other ranks of the monsters, that lies in Fairy Tail.

"Now I think it about time, we have a 'nice' talk, don't you think?" Zack went, as he begins his investigation, of these two members of the Black Rivers Dark Guild.

Of course, he feels uncomfortable, but in the end, he has no choice, when he needs to know what they knew of them.


Author Notice


Two more original chapters, as well the last author notes in the raw of the fanfic is left for Vol.2!

Christmas is on the way, and before Xmas, I wanted to get these two original chapters, as well that author note away. By the way, that incoming author note is the last one I did for the fanfic. I didn't do any of them when I was doing Vol.3, and speaking of vol.3… it not even halfway done… and I left it nearly a year now… but no, I want to focus on my DxD fanfic.

I mean, even if I was just editing and proofreading the chapters I already done for this fanfic. It been what? Months since I started on them, and I didn't do anything for my DxD fanfic. So, it is fair, that I go back… but the question is… can I?


Anyway, enough about that. Happy Xmas everyone, and those that don't do the whole Xmas thing, I hope you have a happy winter holiday instead.

Sorry for any grammar, you should know by now, I am not good at it. This is a mental thing, that I find hard to wrap around my head. Hope you understand that, as well enjoy what I wrote.

Thanks for reading this nonsense of mine.
