
Fairy 57: Zack vs SS-Class Criminal II

Zack eyes widen in shock, as he personally saw the masked man appeared right in front of Zack. He never thought the difference between the physical Stat of Ability A and B were that much difference between them.

It is true, when his magic stats became over A-, into the lowest tier among the Rank A stats, there was a massive increased in his magical abilities. But at the same time, it also made it several times harder to increased the before. After all, higher the stat, more effort is needed for the next tier or realm.

Maybe because, Zack was lost in thoughts, and startled seeing how fast this demon masked man is. He failed to stop the man in question, from grabbing a held of Zack's face, only to slam the back of his head into the ground!

Zack spat out air, and as soon he felt the pain in the back of his head. Awakened Zack up from his pain and thoughts. And quickly slashed Nightfall towards the man in the demon mask. But the man himself, simply saw through the attack of Zack's and even kicked the side of Nightfall's body knocking it away from him.

"That sword… is not half bad. I think I might as well keep it for you, of course, when I kill you. Now, how you want to die? Swift death? Or slow painful one? If it is a swift painless death, tell us where the princess is… either way. You not getting out of here alive boy." Went the wizard in the demon mask.

"No chance in hell!" Zack roared and used his Gravity Magic to push this freak of nature away from him. However, the wizard in the demon mask, leaped to the side dodging the wave of gravity spending him backwards, almost he has experience fighting with Gravity Wizards before.

"Hmm, Gravity Magic, it been a while since I faced someone with that magic. Now I think about it, Gravity Magic users are rare, not as dragon then those so-called Dragon Slayers, I kept on hearing about. Even so, I do wonder, who taught you how to use Gravity Magic in such a blend way."

When the man in the demon mask said that, and flipped backwards, from the second wave of gravity headed towards way. And even summoned a katana in his right hand. But when Zack saw him summoning the Japanese sword, Zack's eyes widen realising he uses the same kind of magic as Erza, Equip Magic.

"Oh my, aren't you an interesting one. But what shame, you picked the long painful death… however, least I can have my fun, don't you think~?" Simply went the man in the demon mask, as he looked towards his own men, while Zack tried to calm down his chaotic mind, for the first time, facing someone stronger then him, in a serious battle, not like those sparring matches he once did with Erza.

"You really do lack experience boy… never mind that. Guys, I am afraid to say, unless you work as a team. You no match against this kid. And it been a long time, since I had fun like this, so, go and look for our escaping little princess." Went the man in the demon mask in a playful tone.

"Aye, aye, right away."

"On it."


"Right away boss!"

As soon the demon masked man said that, the eight other wizards spread out, and left on their own way. And Zack, who trying to calm his chaotic mind, made his biggest of mistake yet. Because he vowed in his mind to finished this right away, overestimating himself that he is capable of dealing with these nine wizards alone.

Made Zack, who never faced such a situation in his life, to show great worry within his eyes, as he looked at the Shadow Wizard heading the same way he left Hisui in. And the man in the red demon mask, didn't miss Zack's clear as day expression, and suddenly appeared right next to Zack's ear.

"Oh my, oh my… Can't you be any more obvious. Didn't you realised, you just revealed her location, you know? So, she's that way, around one or two kilometres, right? Hahaha, you really need to work on expressions boy, too bad, you wouldn't have a chance in this lifetime!"

As soon the man in the demon mask said that, in a mocking way. He then slashed towards Zack's neck, with his katana. Lucky enough, Zack managed to avoid having his head removed from his neck, by using the force of gravity to pull him away right before his head was removed.

"This is the first time, I seen this. I never seen someone use Gravity Magic as a form of movement. However, if I am not wrong, faster you go with Gravity Magic, stronger the force it has to be… normal person being pulled by that much force, will rip apart… unless your body made of steel, like yours."

As soon the man in the demon masked said that Zack leaped forward, knowing more he delay this, sooner that Shadow Wizard will find Hisui. And recklessly slashed his sword forward, while the masked wizard himself, effortlessly dodged each slash heading his way. 

{Master! Calm yourself!} Nightfall voice sounded inside Zack's head, snapping Zack of his chaotic state of mind. And even used Gravity Magic to distance himself and the demon masked man.

{Master, I understand your worries about that princess girl. However, if you don't calm down, you will lose, or worse be killed. When facing someone several times stronger then yourself, it is advisable not to lose yourself, and you must also have a clear mind. If you don't, you will win this fight, against someone who clearly stronger then yourself. Just like this guy before us.}

Zack simply nodded his head, and took a deep breath calming his unstable mind. And give a serious look towards the man in the demon mask before him. Who for some reason, waited for Zack to calm down.

"Calm down, have we? Least you not so much of a hopeless state, it no fun that way. By the way, I been curious what is your age boy?" Asked the demon masked wizard.

"18." Zack honestly told, slowly ready himself with his Quake Magic (Gura Gura no Mi).

"Young! Dear me, I thought you in your early 20s, or something… not to be that young. Say, since I am in a good mood, how about we play a game, boy?" Went the demon masked man.

"Game…?" Zack asked, looking for a opening to attack, and still remain on guard, against this monstrous wizard, who seems to be treating this, if he were walking in some park.

"Simple really. You just need to give me a single wound, hit me once, then I let you go." Went the demon masked man.

"Like heck I am going to believe that." Zack honestly went.

"Do I look so untrustworthy to you, my boy? I honestly tell you; I am a man of my word. I promise, once you give the smallest of snatches, I will let you and that girl go. To be honest, 100,000,000 Jewels may be a lot, but for me and my men, it not hard to earn that much at any given time." Said the man in the demon mask.

"100,000,000 Jewels??" Zack became confused.

"The price of the ransom going to be. Well, like money matters to me and my men. We just bored, you see? We are just a group of former assassins that are bored, and as former assassins, we need a livelihood, that all this is. Nothing more, nothing less." Went the man in the demon mask, in a very playful tone.

"I don't understand what this ransom thing is… but like heck I will stand by, and let you and your men harm a innocent child!" Zack roared, reaching his limit of his rage, and send a supersonic attack, Sonic Slash, towards the masked man, who become startled seeing such a unknown use of magic, blasted from a sword.
