

I clear my throat and say, "Look, I think you've misunderstood something. I'm perfectly fine on my own. Thank you though." I quickly finish my tea, grab the bun and turn to walk away. Before I even take two steps, he's beside me and saying, "You don't have to worry, I won't send you back. I won't ask either. You'll be safe with me."

I quickly stop and turn to look at him like he has three heads before looking him up and down. I then take a bite out of my bun and say, "If you continue following me, I will take it as you're a pervert."

He stumbles to a stop with a look of shock, but I pay him no mind and continue walking. As we get further away, I start to hear Mago's laughter. I roll my eyes and continue eating as Mago says between laughter, "You must look so innocent and pure for him to say that. Hahaha, is he blind or stupid!?"

His laughter causes me to giggle as I say, "I'm not sure but let's keep to ourselves from now on." Mago 'hmms' in agreement as I keep walking. Hopefully going back to the first spot I appeared in will be what I'm looking for. If not... I just hope it can give me a few clues.

On my way, I pass through a small town right outside of the woods. Children laughing and running can be heard as I keep going but when a child falls in front of me, I stop. I reach down and help the child up, checking to see if he was hurt anywhere but he wasn't paying attention to me, he was looking down at his hands with tears in his eyes.

I peer into his little hands to see him holding a piece of paper folded to look like a frog. But at the moment, it had been crushed. I look back up at the child before feeling myself soften. I lightly say, "Can I see your little froggy friend? I may be able to fix him."

The little boy looks up at me, his little chin trembles as he struggles to keep from crying, but he reluctantly nods his head and lifts it up to me. The other kids were now with us as they all watch with sad looks. It's not often they get paper to play with and it was already ruined.

I take the paper frog and crouch down to that I'm at eye level with the kids. I then bring the paper frog up to my ear and listen as if it's speaking. I nod my head and then look at the boy before saying, "You have to make a wish, and then blow on the frog. He says that if you do, he'll be fixed."

The boy looks at me with surprise and slight suspicion, but he clenches his tiny little fist before taking a deep breath. He holds it for a minute and then blows on the frog. I push a tiny bit of magic into the paper frog and watch as it fixes itself.

The kids all suck in, surprised to see it work. I then ask, "Do you want to see him hop?" The kids all look at me in wonder before eagerly nodding their heads. No longer suspicious after seeing the frog get fixed.

This time I blow on it, causing it to fall from my hands. The paper frog lands on the dirt ground before hopping once, twice, and a third time. The kids all squeal and giggle, causing me to smile. I wave my hand over their paper animals, causing all of them to come to life.

The little paper animals run, hop, or bounce around as the kids watch and join in with laughter. I stay crouched, smiling as I watch them.

Weimin stands back with his two men, watching with surprise. What kind of power could do that?? He knew she was a good person, just watching her play with the children made his heart tingle. Watching her crouching in the sun, smiling at the children as her peach-colored dress swayed in the breeze made his heart beat faster. She was a beauty but watching her like this made him want to swoon. Such a heartwarming scene... Such a heart of gold! She looked like a goddess!

The kids continue to play and giggle as I suddenly hear a familiar voice say, "It seems we're fated. To think I'd run into you again." My smile is instantly gone. I slowly stand up and tell the children, "It's only good for a while, once it wears off, they'll stop moving."

The kids all nod their heads and take off running to show their parents, I turn and start walking again, completely ignoring the man in white.

He blinks, slightly shocked before quickly catching up to me and asking, "Have I done something to offend you?" I sigh as I keep walking and say, "You keep saying I should go with you, that I'd be safe with you, but I don't want to. I've made that very clear, but you are either too stupid to understand that or choosing not to. Which is it?"

He blinks and stops, shocked once again. His offer had offended her. He quickly catches up and says, "I see, I apologize for upsetting you. That wasn't my intention. I see that you're a person with a heart of gold, someone who wants to save others, a true hero, and someone just like me."

This time, I'm the one who comes to a stop in shock. A hero? A person with a heart of gold!? Someone who wants to save others, a true hero!??!? I scoff, as I look up at the man in disbelief. I can almost see the delusions burning in his eyes. I am nothing like you dude... nothing!

I slightly laugh but it's dark. I look up into his dark brown eyes as I say, "Listen closely because I'm only going to say it once. I am no hero, I don't wish to save others, and my heart is as black as ink. I really don't know how I gave you that impression but it's wrong. In fact, I'm currently trying to find a way back home so I can kill someone, possibly an entire family. So, please excuse me."

I take a few steps before saying "Oh" and coming to a stop. I turn around to look at him and say, "If you end up on my bad side, I won't hesitate to kill you either." I give him a cold smile before turning around and walking away.

Hah, hero my ass!
