
Chapter 12

Percy's POV (3rd)

Percy was sleeping peacefully after a long day of killing monsters. He didn't understand why Ouranos thought it would be a good idea to keep sending them at him, if it doesn't work the first seven times then it definitely won't work the eighth.

He was dreaming about his time in the Yellowstone national park until he was snapped awake by the sound of voices below him. Apparently having fallen asleep in the tree was a good idea, his back however, would disagree.

"Milady, there's a lot of monster tracks here." Great. Hunters. "Yes Phoebe, I can see that. Hunters be ready, there could be an ambush." Perfect. Artemis is there with them. Could this honestly get any worse? Percy, in an attempt to put some distance between him and the hunt, started jumping from branch to branch, trying to make as little sound as possible.

Things were going smoothly, until the squirrel came. It had come out of nowhere, right onto the same branch as him not caring about the noise it was making. "Milady, in the trees!"

"Hunters, open fire." Percy quickly jumped down from the branch he was on, landing on the ground in a roll, arms raised in a surrender gesture. "Now before you guys try to kill me-," Percy was cut short by an arrow whizzing towards his face, "now that wasn't very nice Pheobe."

Percy was about to speak again when another arrow came flying towards him, "Could you guys not do that?"

"How do you know my name boy?" Pheobe asked. Percy was about to respond when he saw Thalia snickering, if she doesn't want to help him, he won't help her, "well it's mainly from your lieutenant me weekly."

All heads immediately turned to Thalia and Percy had to hold back a laugh from the angry look on her face. A small smile suddenly graced her features, "Yeah, I don't see the problem talking to my cousin: Percy Jackson."

All heads snapped back to Percy, most of them studying him, trying to find any features resembling their old friend. Some of the newer hunters looked at him in shock, they've all heard the stories about the legendary hero. "Touché Thals."

Percy was trying to figure out a way to escape the hunt, without injuring them. Maybe he could call Zoë? Use her entrance as a distraction, and sprint away. There were some flaws in the plan, such as Zoë getting injured or the resident goddess chasing him down. Speaking of Artemis, where was she?

Percy scanned the group of hunters, there was no goddess in sight. Percy was immediately set on high alert, he had definitely heard her earlier, and the lack of movement from the hunters suggested something was up. He felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck and immediately jumped out the way, dodging an arrow shot at him. The arrow wouldn't have been able to pierce the impenetrable pelt he was wearing, but the force applied would've left a nasty bruise. "Do you all just shoot arrows at people when you meet them?"

Artemis walked into view, adorning her usual twelve year old form, "It's nice to know that your reflexes haven't diminished Perseus- nor your ability to annoy me." Percy let out a huge smile at that, he always took pride in pissing immortals off.

"Percy Jackson!" Ah schist, "Hey Pheobe, how's life?" This seemed to only make her angrier, "How's life? You seriously leave camp for nine years, leaving us no competition in capture the flag, and you have the audacity to ask me how's life?"

"Yeah that seems about right." At this she let out a laugh, "It's good to see you haven't lost your nerve."

"Perseus," Artemis said, "while I would hate to interrupt this little reunion, I'm afraid I have to bring you to Olympus. Your father has been quite different without you, and the council would most likely want to discuss the war with Ouranos with you, seeing that you are the only person to meet his forces."

Percy was confused, "You've guys haven't been attacked yet?" All of the hunters shook their head, "Seriously? No giant thunderbolt coming down, bringing hundreds of monsters with it?" When nobody gave a response, Percy looked up at the sky and gave it a one finger salute, eliciting a laugh from most of the hunt. He let out a long sigh, "I'll come with you, but only on a few conditions," Artemis made a gesture for him to continue, "Rule number one, I don't have to stay at the camps." Artemis nodded and motioned for him to go on, but before he did however, he let out a long whistle. "Rule number two, you guys have to look after my wolf while I'm gone."

Percy laughed at the confused looks on the hunters' faces. One of them was about to speak up until the largest wolf they've ever seen came running into the area, crashing into Percy and knocking him to the ground, licking his face, "Ack! I missed you too girl, now could you stop doing that? I'm water proof not slobber proof." Percy laughed again at the shocked look the hunters were giving him, "So hunters meet Zoë, Zoë meet the hunters. Zoë you will be staying with the hunters for a while, don't eat them until I get back," Percy turned back to Artemis, "Alright, these are my terms, do we have a deal?"

"Yes Perseus I believe these terms are agreeable, although you will have to tell me more about your companion after this is all finished." Percy just nodded in response and disappeared with Artemis in a flash of golden light.
