
Body in the woods.

I yelled in one voice which echoed in the open surrounding and drew everyone's attention, very swiftly. And he squeezes his breaks. An obvious look appeared at his face which was addressing how pathetic my condition is to quell around him .

" What else can I do? You're already in hot water, don't invite me to make you worse. Get going. '' With words passing while removing his helmet, he leaves with cruel eyes. However ,after turning in front his rear viewing mirror showed me a very unusual thing ; a smirk. A smirk on his face. He move away riding his bike.

" Did he just smirk at me!? Gosh! He is so ..,so,..cruel! I'm speechless!. Just a mean brat!! Control Ana,...Control. I have never cursed anyone in my whole life,...get a grip on yourself." A frown appears on my face.

And with disgust, anger and tolerance, after praising his persistence to make fun of me. I,move on my way back home.

The long road was waiting for me in front.

After leaving the school a few distance behind, I chose the short way to reach home, which was a road between the woods. The appealing thing about the short road was its ineffable surrounding.

The way which I was heading was short as compared to the regular one, however it's real length was inside the woods, it was even long to cross. The specialty of this road was not its length nor its beautiful surroundings, for me the road was unique because it was a road taken by hand full of people. And by my luck, the road was owned by me today, as not a single soul was present on the road.

" Thank God. Now my misery will only be witnessed by me. "

The street was covered with woods in its both sides . Cold breeze, and pure air to relax and recover my energy was abandoned by the nature. Which touches my skin, and play with my hair and cloudy weather on the top makes me feel intoxicated by all my previous pressures and problems. How it feels like to live in the presence of nature; I was learning it bit by bit. Road covered with greenery , along with romantic vibes ,what else anyone want to feel? .

" Let's say... ,what Katy did is not a punishment or troublesome for me today...,because if she hadn't done this, I'd have never discovered that this place is so beautifully gifted. (Sigh)

This island..as I take a step to move closer to it ,it never fails to surprise me".

Walking alone on a long road, listening to the tweets of birds and noise of tree leaves bashing each other in the flow of wind .However, with all this, one thing kept its place in my mind. And it was the problems I will and I am facing in school. My mind tries to accept the fact that I'm going to face this situation in school everyday, or maybe till the end of it. But I should brace myself to stand firmly in front of them and especially Mr.Rock.

" How much they try, but they can't bring down the child living with toxic people around. We are always ready for the worst as we can see that coming. And real bullies for an Asian child, which are more toxic and dangerous then anyone can be ,are their parents. So these tactics and tricks don't work on children like us." I speak out to myself.

Thinking about all the work and experiencing the best of the atmosphere, something happened which bastardised the place.

While moving in my direction, suddenly I hear an acceleration of a car approaching towards me from the long road left back by me. I slowly stop my steps and a Cop car squeezes its brakes beside me. I was astonished by the sudden moves and I watched them moving across the road into the brushes. Couple of cops get in front of me inside the brushes.

" Unit one. This is unit one. We have reached the site, send an ambulance and everything else is under control. Over and out." One of the cops informs, in the walkie-talkie.

I hesitatingly put my steps forward heading towards them, cause I sense some suspicions and my curiosity drove me inside with some orders which obliges me to follow their leads. The closer I get , the voice falls in my ears . Listening to them informing in their walkie talkie, about the site and that they found a body in the woods. First I didn't believe my ears, however when I moved closer to get the acknowledgement of the tension in the air.

" Aah!" With a deep grasp I see my skin getting goosebumps.

I closed my eyes after catching the blood covered body in front. I get scared, and painted myself Grey, seeing a body covered with blood and deep scratches all around his whole body. With a deep grasp, and heavy breathing I spill out words

"Oh my God! Sir what happened here? who is he?" .

"Hey ! you girl! Don't come any closer. Stop ...move back!", one of the cops exclaimed. Furiously I take my steps back. "What are you doing here? this is not a safe place to roam around.....Go home!".The cops commanded me in a caring gesture, but which was in a yelling manner.

His words startled me for a second, nevertheless It was my fault.

I ask him in shock but with curiosity "But sir what happened! ....Is he has been murder? ...or kidnap? and the kidnapper killed him!? is he alive or dead? or..." Before I could complete my sentence he dragged me out ,rudely and placed me upon the road.

" Get your cycle, and leave."

" But sir…"

"Oh girl, Stop it . Ain't you afraid to see a dead body in front of you!? How unsuitable your questions are. Read the place." He interrupts with an amusing look on his face.

"I'm sir, but ...I'm asking for our safety. I'm sorry for the question a lot. Recently, I moved here. And these things are a matter of worry about this place,i live nearby...so for our own sake, I just got curious. I'm sorry." I answered him , with a low head and waited for his answer. He gives a strange look and answers,

" Okay,...there is nothing to worry. Its not a murder or kidnapping case, it is attacked by a wild animal. The scars in his body tells the story. Okay, now if you got your answer...so go to your home straight and don't roam close to woods for someday, till we find the animal who caused this...I hope you bet my words, now go. '' He answered and called the ambulance and his co-operate team to seal the area. I take his words and walk home taking long steps as I could.

After jogging along my cycle , I reached my destination. Natise street.

As I enter Natise street, I slow down my steps heading towards my home. But as I head in ,I see my coming headache standing in front of me. Wrong guesses of The LEADS, the tactics which can bother me is not their kids tricks, which they play ...its my mother who is my living nightmare. She can scare me from my roots.

I caught my mom and Mrs. Latina talking in front of our house and as I moved closer Mrs. Latina caught me in her eyes ,which I was trying to escape. Because, all I know at the end of the day, I'm a spoiled, careless brat to my mom. And she will surely shout at me after seeing the condition of my bicycle; but as Mrs. Latina caught me in her eyes, "Oh hello Ana! What happened to your cycle? Don't tell me you walked so long from your school to home? " In a sweet swift tone she asks, and before answering, I dared to catch my mother's eyes ,and unfortunately they were ashamed of me.

" Yes , Mrs..Latina. It was a long day as you can see by the condition of the bicycle. They just ditched me." I answer in a friendly tone.

" Welcome home." Mom greets me passing an annoyed look as she always thinks that I'm not responsible for taking care of my things.

She hides her anger in her chest and pretended sophisticated in front of Mrs. Latina ,but I know, once she is gone, I'll surely get a good scolding.

" But how does this happen? " Mrs..Latina asks which my mom sees eye to eye with it. Nevertheless, though I hate it, I lied.

I tell a made up story about how my cycle is in this condition, because if I be brutally honest to her, then there will be not a single chance that things will be normal.

Not having a good relationship between our neighbors was very common in our last neighborhood. And this was the first time ,when I was watching my mom getting close to a lady. I don't want to ruin this. And also Mrs. Latina is so sweet. I don't understand how Lucas is so mean ,when he is under a roof , surrounded by such a sweet person. I get mad at him, however, there aren't any bad feelings for him, even though he is arrogant.

As I finish my story, I inform them about the scene which I saw in the woods and they both were astonished by the news. I tell them how the body was scratched. It looks like a big animal like a lion or tiger have done this or a fox. And when I mentioned fox the reaction of Mrs. Latina changed.....which I didn't get.

As I mentioned about fox, Mrs. Latina quickly responded,

" Fox! it can't be that!"

Mom and I held a silence for a nick of time as her gesture was out of our understanding.

"....oh...umm,...I mean our area is so silent and secure...and I never heard about any wolf or foxes before. Believe me, I've been living here for many years. So don't worry about it, I need to go,....meet you soon ,bye!." and Mrs. Latina leaves with strange behavior. She didn't wait for our response. And again, mom and I paused for a moment thinking about her behavior.

"So ..,what did you do with your cycle? I know that what you said is a made up story,....I'm your mom." Mom INTERROGATE with having a straight look on her face.

" Mom, actually I mean....," with an innocent smile .

"Okay !..no need of any clarification ,I don't want to hear any more stories...get inside. I'll tell your father to repair it as soon as possible." Mom pleads in a rude anguish tone and gets in .

I follow her, bending my head down.

After taking a long bath, I come out wearing a towel around my body and sit on my chair while applying moisturizer, with my music on .After some moments...my phone starts ringing, I noticed it was an unknown number. I denied at first and continued to listen to my music but then, again the call came from the same number, I sigh and answer, " Hello?"


" Whose this?" I ask politely, moving towards the window of my room.

"Hey..it's me.,.Adrian. "

"Adrian who?....(oh! then I realised Adrian) ...Adrian Storm!.."

"Yeah ,..it's me. I get your number from the form you filled. '' He answers.

"Which form?."....( I forget about the form as I get lost in his words)

"The annual event one?! didn't you remember? " Adrian laughed.

" Yeah..I get it ,I'm sorry, I am quite forgetful these days..." I answer by embarrassing myself in front of him. But his laugh sounds so soothing, it's like I never heard from anyone.

" You're funny! okay. Let's come to the topic, I called you so you can save my number as we are going to be partners. " He informs me.

"Partners !....like when ,in events right? " I asked as my mind was thinking about something else.

"Yeah, In events. What happened to you?...you sound lost? Is everything alright? Is it because of our group?... like what happened today. '' He asks in his caring tone .

But it became difficult to tell him the real reason. How can I tell him that the reason I'm lost is because I'm captivated by him and his voice. Why am I lost? ...so I told him about the scene which I witnessed today on my way home, to change the topic.

And he too sounded shocked. I told him that the marks on the person's body was as if he got attacked by a wild animal or foxes or wolves. And he stops answering for a moment , and after some moments his words come on the phone .

"I'll talk to you later .And don't roam around that place." and hang up the call. Getting bemused was the first reaction.

" Why is everyone reacting so weird as they never imagined that wild animals can cause danger?. His reaction was the same as Mrs. Latina. This place is quite weird. " and I continue with my chores.
