
Dreadful Room

"What shall we do? This is getting out of hand." Sheen consulted Marco.

Marco could only shake his head, "Pray. Pray that he'll get lucky."

The two whispered to each other even though they were close to each other. They were looking at Lorenzo's urn and its bright gold glow.




Panic got over me. My hold on the urn went soft. Fortunately, Mr. Fred caught it.

This was unheard of. They clearly said that after red was purple, nothing about purple to gold.

I apologetically looked at Mr. Fred for almost breaking the urn. But when I saw his eyes there was sadness hidden within. I can't understand why.

Today was the day I was waiting for and I think I achieved something great. Yet, I felt that I shouldn't.

When I stepped down the platform the other children cleared the way from me. But I did not care. I walk towards Deniesha grinning.

"Did I mess things up?" I asked.

"You did not. You even did great." Deniesha consoled.

She pinched my nose and then flicked it so hard before walking to the platform. One of the Guards of the Five handed her the urn.

Just when I was contemplating about what's the meaning behind Mr. Fred's reaction, a disturbance happened.

Curious, I took a glance at the platform and I was also taken aback. Her urn also glowed with the color of gold. But hers looks like it might materialize out of nowhere.

She went back happy with her result. I'm so proud of her achievements. But something is creeping inside me that I can't understand. That something is wrong. I looked back again to Mr. Fred and I saw him go down the platform holding a rope. He whipped it softly towards Deniesha, the rope bound her and tied itself tightly.

"Noo. . . . mh!..mh!..mh!" I tried rushing towards her, but the Guards of the Five surrounded me. They held me down and gagged my mouth with a cloth. I tried shaking them off but they're too strong. Behind those robes are their hulking muscles with veins popping out like worms. As I tried to escape their grasp, they squeezed both my arms and it broke.

"Uhm . . . ." that's the only thing I can say. I can't shout nor scream in pain.

There was panic in the eyes of the children. The sudden turn of events was unexpected. We were just checking our foundations. My eyes wander around searching until I saw Marco and Sheen.

They saw my pleading eyes but they can only avoid my gaze as they looked down. I was hoping they'll be jumping to my rescue.

My mind is clouded I don't know what to do. It's foolish of me to think that they can rescue me and Deniesha. The difference in power is just miles apart. I turned my gaze away, afraid that I might implicate them.

When my gaze went back to Deniesha she was now getting carried by Mr. Fred. She looked at me with assuring eyes. Even though she was also scared she tried to look strong and positive.

They carried us towards the canteen, while they instructed the children to get inside the library.

As we get inside the canteen, they headed through the room that Mr. Fred and co enters whenever they were eating. Inside the room was brightly lit with a long table and a lot of chairs on its sides. This room was connected by the canteen where they usually serve food.

At the end of this room was a door. When we arrive at the door it opened. And Mr. C came out of it. Thank god, I thought.

Mr. C is a person who adheres to rules and is a righteous person. That's why he punished those who break them.

Or so I thought.

Mr. C smiled at Mr. Fred, "Never have I thought they'll reach the peak of their foundation at such a young age. I was only expecting one with purple color but look what we have here." he looked at the both of us smiling sincerely, "You both exceed my expectations of this place. Now, shall we start?"

Mr. Fred and co brought us inside. This place was different from the whole place. This place looks like a cave. It has walls out of stone and some gems embedded in them giving this place dimmed light.

I can also feel that this place was different. A very thick feeling bombarded me but it was not painful or anything. This was ether and its quantity here is massive.

We were then placed on the corner, as they left only leaving us with Mr. C. Mr. Fred never said a single word, he didn't even look back. He just went straight away with the door slowly closing and the other room's light fading away.

The rope that bound Deniesha untied itself and she can now move freely. She went to me and removed the cloth that gagged my mouth. I tried removing them myself but I can't move my hands. A slight movement would hurt so much.

After Deniesha remove the cover I looked at Mr. C and asked, "Mr. C what is this all about?"

"Sssh, Sssh, Sssh. Silent I'm still thinking." With that, he snapped his fingers, and metal bars wrap around me. These metal bars render your movements and speech.

"Now, now, now which will I choose? Hmm, is it you or you?" Mr. C said while pointing at us. "Okay, I'll start with the appetizer," he said as he looked at me. His gaze was lacking in emotions. He smiles yet his eyes were empty.

He placed his hands on my head. My eyes widened as a strange sensation rushed inside me. It feels like it was grabbing my insides yet my organs weren't hurting. Overwhelming fear completely enveloped my body. Being this vulnerable is making me feel death's touch.

"Give me the Sunflower Breathing Technique and I will both spare your life. I promised." Mr. C said.

I was taken aback by what he said. How did he know about this technique? Deniesha out of fear fished out the paper with the Sunflower Breathing Technique. "Please, don't hurt us."

"I won't trust me," Mr. C received the paper and put it inside his pocket.

That grabbing feeling suddenly jerked, ripping out something inside me. I felt immeasurable pain inside, like ripping my heart off my body while I'm still alive. It made my body weak, I even pissed on myself. My breathing was laborious I might pass out anytime now.

I saw Mr. C pull his hands off my head and a golden ball materialized in his hands. He then swallowed it. Red veins popped out of his neck and his eyes turned murky red. He looks like a devil laughing ecstatically.




Mirce's attention now moved from Lorenzo to Deniesha. His gaze was sharp and filled with lecherous thoughts. He caressed her face, going down to her neck, and then viciously grabbed her breast with his left hand. His right hand crept on her thigh, slipped his fingers on her, and inserted it. Deniesha tried to block it with her legs but Mirce was stronger than her.

"Please don't. Please," Deniesha pleads.

It only fell on deaf ears as Mirce continued to stroke his fingers, removed it, and licked on its wet surface. This made him more aroused, so he threw her on the bed. He locked both her arms on her back with the metal bars.

He ripped her clothes off laughing maniacally. His tongue tried to slide inside her lips. Deniesha bit his tongue yet Mirce didn't flinch. He bit her lips back which set his tongue free. His laughter grew louder and more menacing as blood flowed in his mouth.

He slapped her hard on the face making it red. Deniesha cried as he went his way in her. He flipped her over removing her undergarments. He grabs her calf making her unable to flail.

Mirce took a whiff on her in-between, and then cram his tongue inside. Still, he was not satisfied. He pulled his rod and rubs it on her.

"No. . . no, no, stooooop!" Deniesha has a panicked look on her face. She did her best to struggle but Mirce held her head down as he thrust his rod inside her.

Blood flowed down her thigh yet Mirce was not fazed. He keeps on pounding and pounding, her screams along with her painful moans filled him with ecstasy. As he thrashed her insides, her cries turned to painful sobs.

Deniesha's eyes lost their vitality. It is now filled with hopelessness and surrender.

Lorenzo saw this all happening with his two eyes. He tried to scream but no voice comes out of his mouth. Looking away was impossible, his mind wanted to burst open just so he can scream but he can't. He wanted to struggle but his skin can't even twitch.

There is nothing that he can do. No desperate attempts neither he can fight back. Only his eyes can express what he feels. Eyes filled with horror as Mirce completely violated Deniesha.

Mirce looked in Lorenzo's direction. Having his most malicious thought, he carried Deniesha while still inside her. When Deniesha noticed this she tried to cross her legs and cover her part with her thighs. But Mirce just hold both her ankles as he spread her legs. He carried her in front of Lorenzo and thrust his hips sending some fluids flying on Lorenzo's face.

Lorenzo gnashed his teeth in anger but he can't do anything. He cried and cried that blood started pouring out of his sockets.

Mirce saw this yet he only grinned, mocking him with his playful expression as he sniffs her neck. He then firmly bit down her shoulder ripping her flesh, drinking her blood and the dual cultivation is done.

He sucked all her essence, vitality, everything. Mirce was satisfied with what he did. He tossed down Deniesha who lost all her strength. She flopped on the floor weakly.

"Get them out of here. I'll now break through. Throw them to the dumps."

The Guards of the Five entered the cave. They threw a blanket on Deniesha as they carried her and Lorenzo. They were heading to the northeast door the place where they throw things they wanted to rot.




They carried us towards the northeast door. The door creaked as they opened it up. A rotting smell wafts in my nose making me vomit messing with one of the guards' robes. He act like it was nothing not even batting his eyelids at me.

The other side of the door was filled with corpses of young children and different kinds of beasts. They toss Deniesha aside like she was dead. Meanwhile, I was thrown along with a strike in the stomach by the man to whom I vomited. His strike was so hard that I cough out blood. They left us here along with the rotting corpses as they locked the door shut.

Mustering my last strength I crawled beside Deniesha. She was looking up the ceiling with tears streaming through her eyes.

"Deniesha, can you hear me? I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I asked for her forgiveness.

Her blank look turned to me. Emotions flooded back to her eyes. Her weak arms softly caress my face smiling at me, trying her best to comfort me.

But her words shook my very core. "Please, Lorenzo kill me," she begged.

"But, but. . ." I stuttered.

"I begged you. At least. . . Let me. . . die. in. .your arms." Her weak arms grabbed me. She coughed so hard that her body arched.

"Please. . . ."

Deniesha's eyes looked so determined that I stopped. I stopped whining, I stopped acting miserable, and I stopped my reasoning.

I flailed as I stood up, sat on her body placing my broken arms on her neck. My breathing was ragged and my whole body's in pain, she has a beautiful smile on her face.

"I'm sorry . . . I love you . . . Thank you," she said.

Mustering all the strength left in my body, I finally screamed not because of my broken arm, or my ruined soul, but because of my broken heart. Because of my weakness, because it was all my fault.



I broke her neck, killing her instantly. Her eyes lost their shine, and her body dropped, yet she died smiling.

I brought her to my embrace, as bloody tears poured again. I keep on saying the word sorry over and over. As I embraced her corpse, I cried and cried as my voice echoed inside this dreadful room full of sorrow, defeat, and anger.

Sorry for the delay.

I was squeezing every brain cell to make this chapter.

I hope you like it.

Deniesha you'll be missed.

Key_Tocreators' thoughts