

One month later

Kings cross was a mess of people both magicial and non magical. as I made my way to the Platform 9 ¾' I saw several people just standing around who assume are aurors or obliviators to make sure nothing goes wrong here.

I arrive at the Platform 9 ¾' and proceed to slowly walk the wall through hauling my trunk in with me.

As I made my way onto train I looked for an empty compartment and found one in the middle towards the back and sat in it.

After I settled down in the compartment and rested my eyes and held back my excitment at finally being in the wizarding world.

And after I was settled I took out my charms book and started reading it turning to a bookmarked chapter and focusing on my occlumancy to remember the information and

retain in it better.

As I was reading the door came open and

in came a boy with green eyes, round glasses and untamable black hair yep it was Harry Potter the boy who lived turned to me with a look of suprise on his face and said "I didn't know someone was in here sorry i'll leave."

"No no thats ok you can stay but for referance you should have knock first."

I say in a kind tone

"Right" he says and sits down

"My name is Jon Snow what is yours?"I ask in a friendly tone wanting to start a conversation

"I am Harry Harry Potter." he says back reluctantly I guess he's afraid of the whole boy who lived thing getting to me

"Well Harry do you have any subject you think you'll like at hogwarts."

"I don't know yet I haven't looked at any of the books."hmm I know for a fact he got his books before me so the dursleys most likely put his trunk away from him until he left

"Well I hope you find classes to your liking it would terriable if you got to the magical world and were able to enjoy it Harry."

"Yeah that is true I am just worried i'll be behind everyone in everything."Harry says in an insecure voice

"Hahahaha" I start laughing

"What are you laughing for." he screams

"Becase your worries are unfounded we all just got our wands some may know simple magic but you aren't behind as you'd think."

"Really"he asks

"Really"I say with a smile

We then chat for a while about where we were from what we think we'll have to do to get in etc.

Then theres a knock at the compartment and in comes freckle face himself Ron weasley

and he says "All the other compartments are full can I sit here."

"Sure"says Harry looking toward me I the nod

and Ron places his stuff down and say "I am Ron Weasley who are you."

"Jon Snow""Harry Potter"

"Bloody hell your the boy who lived." blatantly ignoring me

The two then proceed the to have the same cannon interactions and start up there own conversation and I go back to my book.

They were interupted by the trolly and Harry buys the entire cart I get a chocolate frog from there pile and proceed to reading of my charms book.

Again the door opens while ron is trying to turn scabbers yellow and in walks, a girl with bushy hair walks in and asks "Has any of you seen a toad oh your doing magic well lets have at it."

Ron then tries to turn sabbers yellow but is unsucessful and the girl says "Is that even a spell."

"Of course it is."

"Anyway back to the toad have any of you seen it"

"No you should go to the older kids and see if they have a spell that can help you."I say knowing about the summoning charm

"Brilliant I would have never thought of it." says Harry

"Yeah brilliant." says Ron

"Ok thank you for helping." says the bushy haired girl

"I am Hermione Granger by the way. "she says

"I'm Snow Jon Snow. "

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Ron Weasley."

She then left and Ron says"So rude of her to

barge in like that."

They then go back to there talks while I slip out of the compartment to the hall and walk to the restroom at accidently bump into a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes we look at each other and I say "Apologies Ms. I did'nt mean to hit you."

"That is ok."says the girl

"Allow me to introduce myself I am Snow Jon Snow and you are."

"Daphane Greengrass" she says in a neutral tone clear with signs of occlumency

"It will be lovely to see you at the castle Ms Greengrass"

"I doubt it you are a muggleborn are you not."

"Yes I am"

"Then we most likely won't see each other."

She then walks away elegantly

I then go and use the restroom and return to the compartment and also change my uniform while I was there.

After several hours the train finally stopped and I followed the announcers instructions and left my luggage on the train.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there, Harry?" A great big booming voice called out. I turned to the source, almost gaping at the giant of a man.

He was even taller than I'd expected- Reading about him in a book was something, but seeing him in person was another thing entirely. He was gigantic, with a stout build, likely hiding the incredibly dense muscles beneath.

A great big bushy beard covered most of his face, only made somewhat pleasant to look at thanks to his jovial demeanor.

"Any more firs' years?" He looked around, spotting me. "Come along, now!"

At Hagrid's instruction, I hopped on one of the boats, joined by Malfoy and two other children I didn't know.

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to draw this one's attention just yet. Luckily, he was too busy gawking at Hogwarts Castle.

I frowned at that. Yet another person who was a product of his environment his father, Lucius, likely groomed him from birth to be this way.

With that sobering thought, we finally entered through a cavern, which led to the castle doors. I forced the thought out of my head in favor of staring at my surroundings.

The castle was even better, up close. Thick, stone walls, a large, oaken door, capable of withstanding extreme force- especially if it was magically enhanced, which it likely was.

I took my first step on the castle floor and felt a tingle sweep through my entire body.

But, there was no time to ponder this question, as the oaken door opened at the third knock, revealing the stern visage of who could only be Minerva McGonagall, wearing a set of green robes.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid announced.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." Was her reply as she opened the large door wide, revealing the gigantic entrance hall.

I marvelled at our surroundings as McGonagall led us to a large set of doors, behind which we could hear the cacophony of what could only be a mass of children in a single room.

The Great Hall, where we would be sorted.

I gave a half-hearted listen to what McGonagall was saying about the houses, noting that her stern eyes seemed to narrow onto me. I gave a mental shrug, unconcerned with the matter. The castle grounds themselves were far more interesting than the people in them.

There were actual suits of armor, complete with swords and shields! They shined as if they'd never been used before. As far as I knew from the books, there was no real upkeep done on these, so this was basically a maintenance spell of some sort that kept them in tip-top condition for centuries.

I salivated at the thought of such knowledge.

Eventually, she instructed us to form a line, and the doors to the Great Hall opened. We followed the Professor inside, marveling at the thousands of floating candles, sitting underneath the open, starry sky.

This was incredible magic. I barely paid any attention to anything, until the clack of a stool against the stone floor took it back- it was the Sorting Hat, and it began to sing its song, one I'd read hundreds of times before.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." McGonagall said, holding a roll of parchment. I wondered if that's where the phrase "roll call" came from. "Abbott, Hannah!"

"Potter Harry"

After he goes up and sit it take awhile before a yell of "Gryffendor" and a round of applause

and he sits at their table

"Snow Jon"

I then slowly walk up to the hat and sit on the stool after I sit Mcgonagall puts the hat on me and I let it fall over my head.

'Hello other worlder.'says the sorting hat in my head

'Hello to you too I take it you bypasted my occlumency that easily.'

'Don't sell yourself short my boy your shields are excellent.'

'Thank you that means alot coming from you.'

'From me and what do you mean by that.'

'You are a thousand year and some change year old entity you have see thousands of students and all sorts of magical wonder so yeah it means alot coming from you.'

'Why thank you my boy anyway lets get to the buisness of sorting you could go in any house but there is only one I see fit to put you in.'

"RAVENCLAW" he announced with a shout

I then to took the hat off and walked to the ravenclaw table and sat down at an empty spot.

As I sat down boy asked me "Jon Snow right?"

"Yes thats me and you are Terry Boot right."

"Yes how did you know."

"I never forget a face."

"Hmm interesting."

Soon enough, a few more students were sorted in Ravenclaw. Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein.

I quickly lost interest.

My excitement was soured when the food appeared, and I laid my eyes on all the pumpkin juice.

"I hate pumpkin juice." I groaned. In response, the juice disappeared, replaced by water.
