
New City Lord

" Damn it! How did this happen? How much have we suffered?"

" Sir, The casualty is great. We almost lost ⅔ of the Black Army." Someone spoke.

Wu Zhu snorted as he looked around. He was the current commander of the Black Army. Looking at the devastated city square, he couldn't help but feel angry.

" Those motherfucking Steel Fortress people! How dare they betray us!"

" Anyway, reorganize our men and start cleaning up!" He shouted.

" Sir Wu! Great news! Sir Roger and his men stopped the Ninth Base Army from attacking us and they finished them off."

" What?" Wu Zhu was surprised. " Roger paused them all alone? Damn, It seems like he really accumulated a lot of power in the dark huh?"

" But still, It is remarkable that he saved all of us. If Ninth Base Army invaded our city, it would have been over." He sighed.

" Bu-But… Their army is marching toward the city square."

Wu Zhu's eyes narrowed when he heard that. He could already guess Roger's intention of Roger.
