
Let Me Spoil You A Little

"Calm down, Ella!"

Nana Esther slowly stood up and pulled Ella into her arm.

"You are worrying over nothing! I am fine! At least, I am not dying today. However, you don't expect an old exhausted woman like me to live forever."


"No, but!" Nana Esther interrupted Ella "You don't have to worry your beautiful head about me. What we should be worried about right now is what my great-grandchildren would like to eat. So tell you Nana what you are craving and I will speedily go and prepare it."

Nana Esther fondly stroked Ella's tummy and smiled.


Ella's initial panic faded into a smile.

"Thank you, Miatisa! I will eat whatever dish you make as long as it is not too spicy."

"Then I know just the right delicacy for you. You are going to love it. It use to be a special dish my mum, bless her soul, made for me when I was pregnant with Rex. Come, let's go to the kitchen and I will show you how to make it."
