
V5 Chapter 38 Daycare 2/2 (FTC)

" Can't see you! Wolf triplets. Blaze, Blain, and Blake."

They continue the song as they covered their eyes.

" Here!"

Blaze barked out with a wagging tail.

" We!"

Blain laughed as he lay on his back, kicking the air.

" Are?"

Blake questioned with a titled head, still extremely unsure of his line for the song.

" Can't find you! Rehaa!"

They all sang out as they waves their hands in the air, searching the area above their heads.

" *Giggling* Here I am!"

Bear sings out in a sweet way as she gets ready to clap for the rest of the song.

" Searching for! Rufus!"

" Still not here."

Fox stated as she examined her paws with a bored expression. All the kids broke into laughter.

" Now, now. Let's finish the song. "

Emma smiled as the children calmed down and got ready to continue the song.

" There you are! Kairu!"

All of them cried as they pointed at the little Kangaroo who was having fun just clapping along.

" See, this looks like a fun play for the baby."

Philomel chimed as she gestures towards the playpen, trying to convince Amon.

" Where's all the baby elves?"

Amon asked as his eyes darted around the hut searching for someone more similar to Little One.

" Light elves don't really... drop by the daycare. They rather care for them by themselves."

Emma awkwardly explain being extremely careful not to disclose that the elves found this place to be dangerous for their own kind since the half-beast youngling were much more durable to their kind of rough play. Amon immediately knew what she was trying her best to underline as he watches the preschooler lion bare his small sharp teeth at his friend as he tacks the young gazelle to the ground.

" Meh, toddlers are all the same, no teeth, drooling, poop machine."

Philomel shrugs as she picks up the small bear from the playpen.

" Hello, are you an elf or human?"

Rehaa questioned with a tilted head and places a paw on Philomel's shoulder.

" Elf. Can you smile for me?"

Philomel asked and Rehaa gave her a big smile revealing her sharp small teeth. Philomel's eyes widen as she turns to block Amon's view of Rehaa's teeth. But it was too late and the damage had already been done.

" Yup! I'm bringing Little One along with me."

Amon nods, trying to reassure himself to grow a spine and go against Philomel's orders.

" Would you quit being stubborn and give it a try? That baby is going to grow up here. You should at least, let him get used to the environment."

Philomel scolds Amon as she puts the bear back into the playpen.

" But! On the first day??"

Amon exclaimed trying his best to convince Philomel. Hector at this point started feeling extremely bad for Amon.

" Maybe we should just bring the baby along just for today."

Hector interjected with a small smile hoping that would be enough to convince Philomel.

" If you do this you might jeopardize a family adopting him. First impressions are everything."

Philomel casually reminded and Amon found himself speechless. He knew he couldn't argue with that. He cradles Little One in his arms as he gazes at Little One's chubby sleeping face and instantly remembers his promise.

"Just wait and see. I'll find you a family where you'll never need or want for anything more."

Amon lets out a heavy sigh as he passes the sleeping baby to Emma. His whole expression turned sour as he wore a terrible look of defeat.

" Hello there."

Emma whispered softly as she took Little One from Amon's arms. Little One sleepily opens his eyes, slightly annoyed at all the noise before realizing that he was being held by an unfamiliar person. Little One immediately looks around and as soon as he saw Amon just a small distance away, he relaxes, closing his droopy eyes, trying to get more sleep.

" What's his name?"

Emma asked as soon as Little One was comfortable in her arms.

" Uhhh... Stan?"

Amon guessed as he shrugs.

" Oh no! No names. You name it the more attached you'll be and we can't have that especially since we're leaving tomorrow. "

Philomel interjects as she waves her arms frantically between Amon and Little One, separating them.

" If you need something to call them, then call him, adopt me now and fast."

Philomel informs as she proudly names Little One with a terrible name.

" Best let the kids know him as Little One and then reintroduce him tomorrow when his new family has named him."

Hector suggested to Emma.

" Very well then. I'll let him sleep some more and when he's awake I'll introduce him to everyone."

Emma nodded as she walks over to a crib near the playpen that was right next to the window. She tucks Little One in and draws the white curtains, shielding him from the morning sunlight.

" Great! We'll leave him to you. Cya before dusk. Come on Amon! We have work to do."

Philomel gleefully said as she pats Amon on the shoulder and skips out the door.

" Goodbye."

Emma says with a wave.

" Cya later, Emma."

Hector nods at her before following Philomel, Emma nods back in reply. Amon stood there, staring at Little One, sleeping peacefully in his crib.

" I assure you I'll take the best care of him. No harm will come to him here."

Emma gently reassures as her hand hovers over her heart like she was taking an oath. Amon lets out a heavy sigh as he scratches the back of his head. Silently knowing he would rather be here with Little One, helping out with the daycare rather than visiting half the village looking for a suitable family. How badly his head wanted to stay and spend his last day filled with fun with Little One, but unfortunately, duty calls.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

