
V5 Chapter 23 Oh! Gods! Help Me!

Philomel said with a smile and a nod before closing the door.

" Hey darling, remind me again when did we marry? And why??"

Amon questioned as he sat down on the ratan bench across the room. Philomel awkwardly turns around, leaning against the door as she gave Amon an uneasy grin and scratches her cheek nervously with her pointer finger. Her gaze avoided Amon's narrowed stares as she slowly started noticing each item in the room. A short distance away from her was a nightstand with a burning candle on it, next to that was a queen-sized bed, hanging above the bed was a huge painting of a lotus flower, on the other side of the bed was another nightstand with another candle.

Close to the second nightstand was the long rattan chair that Amon was glaring from, so her eyes avoided that and glanced to the other side of the room. On the other side was a single-seater rattan chair in front of a wooden table, there was a quill, ink, and paper on the table along with another burning candle. When Philomel realized that she had nothing else to look at, she decided that her boots were the most amazing thing in the world and stared at them.

" Well?"

His voice boomed throughout the room in an annoyed tone. Philomel jolted at his sudden deep voice.

" Well... "

She trails out before awkwardly laughing, trying to clear the heavy atmosphere.

" She kept going on and on about how sinful it is to be traveling together when we're not bonded in any way... not to make us look suspicious... I improvised. Tee hee?"

Philomel gave her most innocent smile as her hands held both her cheeks and she stared at Amon with shiny eyes. Amon continue to stare at her as he crossed his arms. Little One who was sitting on his lap, kept glancing between the two of them, wondering what new game they were playing.

" That isn't the issue, the issue is you could have just said that we are friends or even siblings and we found this baby. Instead, you called me hubby."

" I didn't think of that!"

Philomel exclaimed as she facepalms, Amon did the same upon hearing her answer. Little One seeing both of them facepalm, decided to do it as well, thinking the game was being a copycat.

" Now what do we do?? Should we go back out and clarify it??"

" It might look suspicious best just keep up the act for now."

Amon lets out a long sigh, not really wanting to put up an act, it was already exhausting enough to take care of Little One. Amon glances down at the little baby, still holding his palm to his forehead. Amon let out a chuckle as he taps Little One's cheek.

" What are you stressing about, Little One?"

" Auuu"

He mumbled as he keeps tapping his palm on his forehead. Philomel approaches Amon, Amon glances up at her as she takes the baby from his lap and places him on the bed.

" Among."

Philomel called out as she got down on one knee.

" Will you fake marry me for three days?"

Philomel asks as she held up the ring that kept her ruched fingerless long gloves, from down her arm by staying connected to her middle finger. Amon's jaw almost hit the ground at such a question.

" Is this really necessary??"

" Isn't it?? You were angry that I didn't ask for your consent, right? Well, now I'm asking it."

" It doesn't need to be this dramatic!"

Amon exclaimed as he took the ring from Philomel and placed it back on her middle finger, hooking her glove back to the way it was.

" And it wasn't just about consent. It was also the fact that you never really thought this through."

Amon clarify to Philomel as he pointed at the queen-sized bed, where Little One was rolling around and attacking the blanket like it was an enemy.

" What didn't I think through? The baby?"

She questioned as she pointed at Little One, Little One squealed a curious sound when he noticed both Amon and Philomel pointing at him.

" No, the bed. There's only one and we'll be sharing a room for the next three days, darling."

Amon spat out the last word like venom as he slightly push down her arm, and corrected Philomel's pointing finger to the bed. Philomel froze on one knee as she processed the new information. Philomel's hand stops pointed at the bed, both hands covering her mouth as she gasps in realization.

" That's what I thought."

Amon smugly says as he leans forward, resting his arms on his lap, just so he could get a better look at Philomel's shocked expression.

" But I can't sleep with you!!"

Philomel finally exclaims as she turns to gaze at him.

" I'll get pregnant!"

She added on, now it was Amon's turn for his heart to drop to the ground as his brain failed to process all information.

" ... What?"

Was all he could muster as his brain struggled to make sense of everything.

" Daddy told me that if I sleep with a guy, I'll get pregnant and die."

Philomel softly explained, both her hands still covering her mouth as she sank to the ground, her legs folded next to her and she sat on the ground.

" Y- your father... told you... that if you sleep... Philomel we're not sleeping together in that way. "

Amon lightly waves his hand hoping that the misunderstanding would just disappear.

" Daddy said it would happen in any way as long as it's with a guy."

Philomel says as her gaze stared at Amon. Even under the dim light of candlelight, Amon could still clearly see her blue eyes swirl with such belief. The soft glow of orange bath this innocent girl, in its flicking lights, highlighting her figure as she sat there on the ground. Amon finally notices how close she was to him and just the thought of explaining to her how ... *coughing* adults... What couples do during their honeymoon, made him blush. Amon covers his face with his hand, hoping that she didn't notice his hot red cheeks.

