
Chapter 287 - Demon Retrieval(Part 3)

"Yeah...in hindsight, I suppose it was a bit optimistic to expect both nations to cooperate, huh? I guess we got lucky with Onyx," I sighed wistfully, as I stared down at the capital city of Zircon, which was engulfed in flames.

"It couldn't be helped, I believe we were more than generous in offering them the opportunity to resolve this peacefully," Responded Satan, shrugging indifferently.

About a couple of hours or so had passed since we wrapped things up in Onyx. After we left the capital of Onyx, we met up with Izzy and Lucifer, who took Aratron to Arcadia, while Satan, Frielektra and I made our way to Zircon, to free the final captive Demon.

We went with the same approach that we used in Onyx, barging into the Royal castle and giving the Queen our demand.
