
We are not equal.

There were a total of 16 people among the "soldiers", a group of 4 had some seniority, and managed to fight quite closely, managing to kill more than one orc with their teamwork.

In that group they were all level 10 and could take care of themselves decently.

On the other hand, the civilians couldn't do much, the 3 bravest ones tried to fight, and 2 stood their ground and made sure that no blow would harm them... The other 7 were too scared, they just stayed in place without looking at the situation, leaving their life or death to fate.

"The ogres will be your rival! There will be no goblins to train!!!" Viktor rambled.

"Why is this dungeon like this? They were supposed to be goblins!!!" The question everyone wanted to know was shouted by a young woman.

Viktor obviously tried to pretend he had no idea.

" I don't know why. "He said, looking to the side.

"But the dungeon changed, and we must adapt to it "Clarifying the facts, Viktor tried to keep the situation under control.

'System, what can we do to get out of here?'As he spoke, he asked the system in his head.


The dungeon polemos, it must be destroyed for the portal to reappear.

To destroy it, since the polemos is usually a core with a life and form of its own, it must be destroyed. It is easy to distinguish it because it is usually the most powerful monster in the dungeon.

Sometimes, a whole monster is the core, and sometimes, it is just its vital organ.

In a low level dungeon like this, it would be very rare for the polemos to be completely independent, so it would have taken the body of some monster, and strengthened it.

Perhaps it looks like an ordinary monster with some strange feature, like a glowing core somewhere on its body, possibly near its heart].

This answer made Viktor despair, and he could barely "hide" his despair.

The strongest monster in this dungeon... It didn't look like it was going to be easy. Now Viktor with his well-trained senses could clearly "see" that this dungeon had quite a bit more energy than simple goblins or a group of two or three orcs...

"For now, you new soldiers will have to become stronger."

"My family and I will lead the way and leave the ogres wounded, and you will have to attack when those creeps are close to dying."

"After you gain some experience, you will fight between the 10 of you against some ogres."

"And remember, that a dying one is the one who will go the craziest, so if you get careless, the ogre won't be the only one who will die."

Saying this was cruel, especially, with 2 wounded who might actually die, but not saying it was allowing them to ignore reality.

The 2 wounded were men, one of them had a large cut on his arm, and the other had broken his leg.

The latter looked terribly bad, as if he already knew what was going to happen to him...

"Let's all try to survive!"Viktor raised his voice, in a vain attempt to encourage the others.

On the other hand, his sister and their family, more accustomed to socializing and encouraging others, achieved a slightly more satisfactory result.

Lucia patted the man with the injured leg on the back, who had a look of despair on his face.

Their mother, Emma, healed his leg a bit while giving him a sympathetic smile, but she still couldn't easily put the bone back in place.

Yet those spells were like months of healing, helping the man. With help, he could get up, and with a spear as a cane, he could finally move.

Akiba looked at the man with the wound on his arm, as Emma healed him. This man was still determined, trying to live a little longer.

"Both of you, you will have to grit your teeth and carry on. "Akiba said as he smiled.

"You are young and will no doubt be able to survive this and much more. "He added.

"Look at my son...His right arm hangs limp, not because of an ornament, but because of a situation where he almost died."

"But his will to live and fight gave him hope to continue."

To Akiba, as a good otaku who saw many epic speeches, and also worked for many years in a world where even if you didn't want to you would end up encountering frustrating situations, you would encounter difficult situations for yourself and those close to you.

In those situations, you somehow have to encourage yourself and others, which Akiba is really good at.

He was able to give a speech that would motivate these survivors, who surely went through enough negative things in this unreal world.

The man's bone had healed a bit badly because Emma's healing couldn't put it back in place, but it was better something like that than not being able to even support his foot a little bit.

Although he could move, it was decided that he would be supported by others while they were not fighting, so as to go faster and not overload his leg. Both Ickia and another man named Richard (nicknamed Rick) were in charge of this.

Hours of exhausting and non-stop work followed the group.

Searching for food was going to be difficult and exhausting, but still...

Why did this man keep asking them to hunt non-stop? This monster didn't seem to understand the situation.

Finally, one of the men from the group of "civilian soldiers"( that are just civilians who were going to be trained) spoke up:

"We need a break!"

"And get food and water!"The tone of the "soldier" was not very friendly. He was clearly irritated.

Viktor just looked at him, with a look somewhere between anger and derision.

"Oh, yeah? Then go hunt for yourself..."(Viktor)

The man became angry and embarrassed lowering his gaze, knowing that he can't afford to be left behind by the family.

Again, although he wanted to control his temper and simply give "friendly advice" to this immature young leader, who was making them exhausted, he let himself go, thought the man of about 55 years old named Caves.

He was a former businessman who headed a company and honestly underestimated Viktor quite a bit. His tone was haughty and contemptuous.

Of course, with his eyesight Viktor could understand how this man looked at him...

"Listen to me everyone...When faced with reasonable doubts, I'm going to give reasonable answers."

"As long as it's a question made with respect."

"Here, it doesn't matter the age or previous status."

"Only strength and ability."

"Of course, you can criticize me, but don't forget that right now, I am the one who makes the final decision."

"Right now, we are not equal."

"Don't talk to me as an equal."

"The only ones here who can call me an equal are my family."

"And let's be clear, we are the ones who are helping you. Right now, the situation has changed, and no one will tell us anything if we can't bring you back alive."

"If we try to keep you alive, respect that we are the ones making the decisions."

"I'm being strict because we have to survive here."

"And even my family is not guaranteed to survive here."

"I'm not going to take care of people who don't want to try as hard to survive as I do."Viktor spoke, trying to command respect.

The man and the new "soldiers" swallowed, thinking what this man who looked at them with a gaze that to some, looked like that of a sadist who was going to enjoy torturing could make them do.

On the other hand, the real soldiers, who were already level 10 before they entered, kept quiet and didn't complain about anything. When Viktor spoke they looked at him seriously and nodded their heads.

The truth about his "sadistic" look is that Viktor tried to show a smile so that he didn't appear too strict, he simply wanted to warn them and make them realize the seriousness of the current situation.

He didn't want them to see him as a monster or something similar.
