
The wedding (part 1)

The morning of the wedding day. Ara was immediately rushed off her feet the moment she opened her eyes.

They were already quite a few people present in her room, including Mary, who came early. And a few hair stylists. The servants gave her a long fragrance bath, after the bath, the hair stylist made her hair and another lady gave her face a touch up.

Three more servants helped her get into the wedding gown after her hair was fixed. She was dressed completely from head to toe. Finally the dressing was over and she slowly stepped out from the dressing room.

Everyone's mouth fell open at the sight of the bride. She wore the gown with the golden embroidery on it's sleeves, the white gown had a full circular skirt with a demi-train sweeping the floor. Her exposed neck was adorned with the shinning diamond necklace with it's matching earrings dangling on her ears. Her red hair was tied in a lower bun.

"Oh good Lord!" Someone exclaimed among the servants.
