
Welcome To the DryLand Mines

“You can’t be serious. The village is going to be attacked soon, and you are suggesting that we leave?!!” Kelvin asked in shock.

“Of course; you don’t expect me to risk my life and fight some creature, all in the name of saving some dumb village that doesn’t even exist.” Jason replied.

“They might not exist, but they still helped us. They gave us food, water and even some clothes. Don’t you have a heart?”

“I do have a heart, and currently my heart is telling me to leave. Our mission is simple; retrieve the white flag. Any other thing or side mission that goes against that is not my problem.”

“I’m not begging any of you to come; you guys are dead weight anyway, so if you want, you can stay and play the hero. Just know that I’m taking the map and compass with me.” Jason concluded, with a smug smile on his face.

Kelvin’s hands formed into a fist and he was about to punch Jason in the face, when Muna stopped him and intervened.

“Let us not fight among ourselves; Ken, I’m afraid Jason is right. Fighting here now might cause us some injuries, and further jeopardize our chance of success. We have to save up our strength for a real battle.” She said.

“I appreciate what the villagers did for us, but it’s just not worth it.”

Kelvin lowered his hand and after thinking for a while, he had to admit that they had a point. There were still more dangers they would have to face up ahead. He hated that he had to think this way, but there was nothing he could do. Perhaps he could have helped if he was stronger.

“Now if we are done talking, let’s get out of here.” Jason said, packing up their items in the mini container.

They finished packing up their stuffs, and sneaked out of the room through the window. They had spent a lot of time arguing in the room, that they couldn’t realize the situation happening outside.

The desert ground worm had reached the entrance of the village and shot its massive body out of the ground. The ground worm had a white centipede like body with no arms. It had no face or eyes, just a circular large mouth filled with a set of pointy sharp teeth.

The villagers tried their best to fight off the ground worm, but it was just a futile resistance. The ground worm, would swoop down occasionally and grab a villager in its mouth, grind the said villager to nothing but flesh and bones, and then swallowed them.

It was a gruesome sight to say the least. Kelvin, Jason and Muna, used the chaos as an opportunity to leave the village; Jason stole some camels and other important supplies to take with them.

They mounted the camels and rode off. Kelvin looked back at the village and saw that the ground worm was now in the heart of the village, destroying the buildings and attacking the women and children hiding inside. He closed his eyes and looked away, hoping to drain the sight away from his mind.

‘Why am I like this?’ Kelvin thought to himself.

‘I’m sure Carl would have saved those people regardless of whether they exist or not.’

“Why am I pathetic; why am I…so scared of myself?” He asked in a low voice, looking down.

They rode silently throughout the night, and by the crack of dawn the next day, they arrived at the desert mine.

The compass arrow moved and pointed in the direction of the mine entrance, indicating them to enter. The mine was located in a much more sandy area. There was also a large, old, poorly constructed wooden sign that read: “The DryLand Mines.”

Without any hesitation, they readied their weapons brought out the flash light, and entered inside.

As Kelvin and the others entered inside, they were welcomed by the smell of wet wood. They turned on the flash light and saw that the mine was old and abandoned, almost as if the miners had left in a hurry.

The arrow from the compass still pointed deeper into the mine, so they continued walking.

The deeper they went, the darker it got until eventually, the flash light was their only source of light and illumination. The smell of wet wood also started to change to a more horrid stench.

Nevertheless, they continued on their path. They kept on walking until the mine path broke off into 3 separate paths, which led to different tunnels.

The arrow from the compass turned and pointed at the left path, so they followed that path.

“Hmm, it seems the white flag is located inside an ancient temple.” Muna said, studying the map.

“But I won-”

“Shh!!!” Jason suddenly said, cutting Muna off.

“Do you hear that?”

They stopped walking and listened for any strange sound. Not long, they started to pick up the sound of multiple screeching noises coming from ahead.

They all readied their weapons. Jason was a spear user, while Muna used two short ninja looking blades.

They waited in anticipation as the source of the sound drew closer and closer, until eventually they saw multiple red eyed creatures coming over with speed to attack them.

The creatures were a freakish mutation of a spider and a monkey. The creature had 6 red eyes; three on each side of their head, and a set of pinchers coming out of the mouth. In terms of body structure, the creatures had the body of a black furred monkey, in addition to 4 long hairy spider legs coming out of their backs.

Originally Kelvin, Muna, and Jason were planning on standing their ground to fight, but after seeing the sheer number of the spider monkey mutant creatures, they instantly gave up on that idea, and took to their heels, running back the way they came from.

“What the hell are those creatures? Are those demons?!” Kelvin asked.

“I highly doubt that!” Muna replied.

“Of course they are not demons; we are not even in the real world!!” Jason added, while running with all his might.

“Shit! If that’s the case, I wonder what other kind of messed up monstrosity that Ms. Everdale has in store for us in her imagination.” Kelvin voiced out in frustration.

They ran back to the three separated paths, and without thinking, they rushed into the middle tunnel.

The spider monkey mutants followed after them. Some of the spider monkeys were running up on the walls, while a good number of them were running on the ground, using their long spider legs. Some of the spider monkeys were even swinging with webs that they shot out of their mouths.

Kelvin and his fellow team mates continued to run down the tunnel path, until they ran into an unfortunate dead end.
