
End of the DHA Entrance Exam

Although the rock provided a good cover against the flames of the dragon, it didn’t really help in terms of the heat.

They were in a really dire situation. The beacon was just up the hill; they were so close to success, but couldn’t reach it.

“How did the practical examiners expect us to kill this beast? It’s almost as if it doesn’t have a weakness at all.” Carl said, in annoyance.

Kelvin looked back at the dragon, which was still blasting them with its overwhelming flames. He scanned the body of the dragon and thought to himself,

‘The dragon has a strong scale that covers its entire body; attacking the body, in an attempt to graze it, seems almost impossible. So what if we don’t attack the body. What if we attack an unprotected area?’

Kelvin continued to scan the body of the dragon, looking for any unprotected area, or a part of its body that has a lesser number of scales. He looked a little while longer, and suddenly a thought clicked in his head.

‘The eyes; it’s a long shot but what if we attack the eyes. I can’t believe we didn’t think about this sooner. But how do I get high enough to attack the eye.’

Kelvin looked around the vicinity, in search of anything that would give him a height boost. He looked up the hill that wasn’t too far away from him, and saw a slab of rock that was resting on top of a fragile looking root, that was sticking out from the hillside.

“Carl, I might have an idea; the chance of success is really low, but that’s the only solution we have at the moment.” Kelvin said.

“Okay, what is it?” Carl asked.

“I need the both of you to distract the nether dragon. And also, can I borrow your daggers?”

“Yeah, sure” Carl said, as he gave Kelvin his Kusarigama daggers, and switched it for the sword.

“So you just want us to distract the dragon?” The no weapon exam candidate asked.

“Yeah, can you do that?”

“We can try; I really hope your plan works out.” Carl said, dashing in the direction of the dragon together with the exam candidate.

“I hope so too.” Kelvin said to himself, as he prepared to execute his plan.

With Carl and the exam candidate keeping the dragon distracted, Kelvin rushed over to the hill, and started scaling it as quickly as he could. His plan wasn’t polished or well thought of at all; so he tried as much as possible to concentrate, hoping that luck was on his side.

Kelvin used the daggers as a medium, to climb the hill slope faster. His target was the slab of rock, which was on top of a root. The success of his plan was highly dependent on that thin fragile root and good timing; one single slip up, could very much cost him his life.

He reached the rock slab, and as gently as he could, he climbed on top of it. Kelvin was now on a head to head level with the nether dragon. He grabbed the chains of Carl’s Kusarigama daggers, and encircled them around his fore arms, while holding each of the daggers. Kelvin then took a deep breath, and yelled:

“Hey!! Over here you stupid dragon!!! Come and get me!!!”

The nether dragon turned and looked at the Kelvin.

“I really hope I don’t die.” Kelvin said, as he ran and jumped towards the head of the dragon.

Kelvin felt as if time had slowed down; he could hear his own heart beat racing with every passing second. Seeing the dragon from a close up angle; Kelvin could really feel the menacing gaze of the dragon, which added to his existent fear.

‘So far everyone has done their part, in other to pass this exam. I have to fulfill my own end of the bargain; they are all relying on me, so this has to work.’

With that thought in mind, Kelvin gained a little courage and swallowed his fear. He raised the daggers, and in a single, swift motion, he brought them down on the eyes of the beast, blinding it instantly.

The nether dragon roared in terror, and threw Kelvin off its head, causing Kelvin to fall, and breaking a few more ribs.

Due to its blindness the dragon went on a full berserk mode, and started shooting flames around the area. It smashed trees, and slammed the ground multiple times, trying to crush whoever that was responsible for its predicament.

Carl and the exam candidate rushed over and helped Kelvin to his feet. The nether dragon gave out an ear piercing roar; with two of its eyes gone, the dragon activated something called a third eye, another trait of the nether dragon, that helped it to sense the aura and presence of its opponent. The third eye was a large eye that was on the top of the dragons head, right in the middle of its horns.

Though it couldn’t see its opponents, the dragon could still sense their presence, all thanks to the third eye.

“Shit!! The dragon was hiding another eye?!” Carl said, in frustration.

The dragon looked around the area with its third eye, and finally spotted its targets. The dragon was about to burn them to a crisp, but suddenly stopped when it saw the aura of Kelvin.

Although Kelvin was doing a good job at hiding his demonic aura, the third eye of the nether dragon was powerful enough to see right through his disguise. And what the dragon saw was nothing short of terror.

From the dragon’s perspective, Kelvin’s aura was like a deep void of darkness; and within that darkness was a wild raging fury that threatened to bring destruction to everything in its wake. The dragon felt consumed by that raging fury, thus creating a strong feeling of fear.

The dragon had never sensed an aura so overwhelmingly, powerful and strong before. The nether dragon tucked its tail underneath its legs, and quickly backed away in fear. Not wanting to have anything to do with the dreadful aura, the dragon flapped its massive wings and quickly took to the skies.

Although Kelvin, Carl, and the no weapon exam candidate were glad that the dragon had fled, they were still confused.

“Why did the dragon run off like that?” Kelvin asked.

“I don’t know; but I’m glad it did.” Carl replied.

“We have to go and look for Nao and Ray.”

All three of them, set out to search for Nao and Ray. They went in the direction they last saw them, while calling out their names. After searching for a while, they finally found them; both Nao and Ray were knocked out cold. The hit was so strong, that it was a miracle they were alive.

Kelvin’s broken rib was already healing, so he was able to help Carl and the no weapon exam candidate, who later introduced himself as Nathan Fisher, to carry their passed out friends.

They all proceeded to the hill, climbed it, and now they were walking towards the stadium.

“Five exam candidates have successfully completed the practical examination, within the specified time range.” The echoing voiced announced.

There were several health wardens in front of the stadium, who were ready to attend to injured examine candidates. They rushed over with two stretchers and helped them out with Nao and Ray, who were still unconscious.

“We will take it from here. Your friends will be taken to the medical facility, for proper treatment; we will like the three of you to follow us, so we can check up on you guys too.” A female health warden, dressed in a white laboratory coat, said.

Kelvin, Carl, and Nathan, followed the health wardens to the medical facility, which was quite close to the stadium. They were all so tired; it had been a very intriguing, but dreadful experience for them all, and they were really happy that it was finally over..
