
Chapter 95

Maggie and Alex go through the proposal again, taking turns explaining parts. They hold hands as they do and Maggie sometimes runs her fingers over Alex's ring, like she can't quite believe that she said yes. Kara's crying happy tears as they explain it and Lena pretends that there aren't tears glistening in her eyes as well.

Kara smiles at the end of it, using her hand that's not holding Lena's to wipe away some of her tears. "Can I hug you guys again?"

"Sure," Alex answers.

"Of course. But I would like both of my feet to stay on the ground this time." Maggie says, smiling softly and raising an eyebrow at Kara, who flushes.

"Right. Sorry about that, I got excited."

"No worries, Little Danvers. Now hug me." Maggie opens up her arms.

She lets go of Alex's hand as Kara hugs them at the same time. This time, she pays careful attention to not lift them into the air. Maggie hugs her back and when Kara pulls away from them, she's beaming.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you two!" Kara says, bouncing on the front of her feet.

"Thanks, Little Danvers. Now get in here, Little Luthor."

Maggie opens her arms again and Lena's pleasantly surprised when she doesn't flinch at the sound of her last name. Maggie says it just like she says Danvers, with fondness and a twinkle in her eye.

Then Lena processes what Maggie said. "What?"

"As long as you're comfortable doing so, hug us, you dork." Maggie says, keeping her arms outstretched.

Lena nods and leans in, hugging Alex and Maggie. They both hug her back and Gods, Lena hasn't been hugged like this for... She can't remember the last time she's been hugged like this.

They hug for a long moment before they pull away, all smiles while Lena tries to discretely wipe away the tears that escaped from her eyes. Kara takes her hand once again and Lena squeezes it in thanks, letting the feeling of her girlfriend's hand in hers ground her.

Maggie wraps an arm around Alex's waist, smiling softly when Alex leans into her touch.

"So when is the wedding?" Kara asks excitedly.

Alex and Maggie exchange a glance and Alex answers. "We haven't discussed that yet, actually. Um. It depends on what Maggie and I decide on, we'll talk about it later. But I would think sooner rather than later, if only so that we don't have to hold Mom off from doing anything too extravagant."

"Her eldest daughter is getting married, I'm not surprised she would want something extravagant." Lena admits.

Alex sighs. "She still has her youngest daughter's wedding to look forward to."

"Al, I'm not the one that's engaged." Kara points out.

"Yet," Alex mumbles under her breath, momentarily forgetting that Kara has super hearing. Kara flushes. "I mean, she'll probably want to have our wedding be a huge one, open to the Kingdom or something."

"You know you'll have to have a celebration for the Kingdom, right?" Kara asks.

"Yeah, I know. We'll have to talk about that too." Alex kisses Maggie's cheek, hoping that this isn't too overwhelming for her. Maggie gives her a reassuring look but they both know this will be a lengthy discussion for later.

"When are you going to tell Eliza and Jeremiah?" Lena asks.

"After we finish up with you guys." Maggie responds, glancing over at Alex for confirmation. "Yeah. After this."

"Do you want to get going? We can always talk more after this. I know you both probably want to get that over with. Plus, Kara still has a lot of organizing to do." Lena says.

Kara sighs and looks over at the boxes piled everywhere. "Yeah. I may have to use my superspeed for this one."

Lena chuckles and presses a kiss to Kara's hand. "Good luck with Eliza and Jeremiah, I'm sure they'll be ecstatic."

"Thank you." Alex smiles genuinely at her. "Good luck with that one." She gestures to Kara.

"Thanks, I'll need it." Lena winks at Kara when she protests. "You need to pack more clothes, darling. You can't always wear your supersuit and those five cardigans you packed."

Alex chuckles and she and Maggie sneak out of the room while Lena and Kara debate whether or not she needs more clothes. Kara does, which she concedes when Lena mentions how much she loves Kara's arms in button-ups. But Alex doesn't need to know that.

Alex and Maggie walk through the castle, taking a less direct route to the throne room. Alex feels her heart pound in her chest and Maggie pulls her to a stop in one of the hallways no one uses anymore.

"What's wrong?" Maggie asks quietly. "Are you nervous about telling your parents?"

"Yeah. I don't know why." Alex confesses, leaning against the wall and looks over at Maggie. "They love you, I know they'll be more than happy to have you as their daughter-in-law. But..."

Alex tries to think of an explanation for the anxiety that's sinking in her stomach and rising in her throat but none she has seem good enough to warrant this. She huffs and Maggie squeezes her hand.

"Hey, you don't need to explain yourself to me, Danvers. Are you okay telling them now? If not, we can wait as long as you want."

Alex smiles softly. "Thank you. I'm good, I promise. Just anxious."

Maggie squeezes her hand again and they head into the throne room. Eliza and Jeremiah are sitting at a table, not on the platform the thrones are on. When they hear the doors open, they look up and smile at the girls.

"Hey Alex, Maggie." Jeremiah smiles widely at them.

"Hey Dad." Alex greets, fiddling with Maggie's fingers. "Um, we have something to tell you. We're engaged."

It's silent in the room, so silent that if the nervous sweat on Alex's hand were to drip onto the floor, she's certain they would all be able to hear it.

Next chapter, Eliza and Jeremiah's reactions! ;) I promise it'll be okay! And Kara and Lena will be having more scenes coming up! Assuming I don't overwhelm myself with all I have to do this weekend, I should have time to plan! I hope... Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!
