
Me Neither

Pansy was smiling so hard it hurt as she thrust her hand towards Hermione and Astoria, showing off the diamond ring. There was a round of squeals that nearly broke Pansy's ears, and then questions that were peppered at her.

"Calm down! I'll explain it all, alright?"

Astoria flicked her wrist, summoning a plate of fruit that landed smoothly in front of the three girls. Pansy clapped excitedly as she relayed the story: going to New York, like she's always wanted, seeing the sights, and Theo proposing on the top of the Empire State building.

"I have one more piece of good news."

Hermione leaned forward eagerly as Astoria smirked, confident she knew what Pansy was about to tell them while sipping a glass of water. "What is it?"

In response, Pansy pulled out a thick folder, setting it on the table. Across the front, in bold letters, was written

Hermione gasped excitedly. "You're going to do it? I'm so proud!"

Pansy grinned, waving a piece of paper in the air. "Handing in my resignation tomorrow, and I've purchased property literally two blocks from my apartment for a store. Fashion industry, here I come!"

Hermione launched herself at the other girl, as Astoria started to rummage through the sketches.

"As soon as you make something I'm going to buy it-"

"You know, you're not obliged to."

"Well, too bad, I'm going to."

Astoria held one up. "I love this one."

The sketch was the same one Hermione had seen before- the cross-strapped one studded with diamonds and an open back, pooling at the wearer's feet. Hermione nodded in agreement.

"I honestly think that's one of your best."

Besides that, there were a myriad of other ballgowns and evening dresses, as well as working wear for women and androgynous fashion ideas scattered throughout. Pansy pointed to one of the androgynous ideas when Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"I just don't think anyone should have to conform to gender norms if they don't feel like it. I started with the ballgowns, because that's what I'm familiar with- so those are my earliest sketches. But the working wear and androgynous fashion is newer, because people should be able to wear what they want. And so someone's gotta make it."

Hermione nodded. "I love it. It's great that you've branched out to all this different, non-conforming stuff. It's brilliant."

Pansy looked touched. "Thank you."


Theo smirked as he toasted Draco and Blaise.

"I'm assuming this is a celebration, not a pity party." Draco raised an eyebrow. Theo elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"Shut up, you twat. Don't mess with my good mood, otherwise I'll call over my fiancée to hex you."

Draco took a sip of the drink, lips quirking up at the corners. "I suppose I should congratulate you. However, Pansy is a quite the firestorm, so I wish you good luck."

Blaise nodded. "That she is."

Theo cringed, grimacing. "Please don't mention that you dated Pans. It's- really weird."

Draco shrugged. "Well, it's a matter of fact. Nothing is gonna change the fact that she is a spitfire, and that she's will obliterate you if you fuck up."

"Well, that's definitely a reassurance."

Blaise toasted the air sarcastically. "Indeed it is. Amen to that."

"You guys are great friends." Theo rolled his eyes.

Draco scoffed. "Yeah, that's me, the best bloody friend in the universe."

Theo nearly spat his drink out. "That you are. So good I've been questioning whether I should get other friends."

"Well, I wish you all the best in luck trying to find friends that like you, you prat."



Pansy huffed as she lugged cans of paint with her. Hermione tugged her hair back into a bun again, dressed her jeans and oversized shirt.

"How much more are we going to need?"

Hermione pointed to one wall, then another. "We've got a wall and a half to cover, plus the name."

The place Pansy had purchased had been beautiful, with gold-streaked marble flooring, but she'd hated the colour scheme of it (orange and purple, she'd wailed, had never done anyone good) and planned to make it neutral so that the colours of the dresses would pop against a contrasting background.

She'd gotten many, many cans of pure white paint for the walls, and black for the pillars that held up the ceiling. Astoria wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. attempting (ineffectively) to prevent paint from smearing on her face.

"Astoria can you do the sign- please, both Hermione and I are confident that we're gonna fuck it up-"

Astoria sighed. "Fine. What colour do you need it to be?"

"I have gold, but I also like the silver. Maybe do the silver."

"The floor is gold, you know."

"I do know, surprise surprise, but I just like the silver better. And I plan for gold and silver to be accent colours anyways, so I think it'll be alright."

Astoria sighed. "Oh, alright. Hand me the can of paint and I'll get started."

In a beautiful script the blonde began to spell the words Pansy hadn't quite elaborated on her choice of name, but neither Hermione nor Astoria had questioned it. Astoria's face was relaxed and happy as she finished it with a flourish; Hermione knew she'd asked out Liana and that it had gone rather successfully. Pansy sighed, breaking Hermione's train of thought.

"I think this is gonna take up the rest of the day."

Hermione nodded."I think that you're right."


What felt like ages later, the three girls were finally done. The walls were finished, the sign had been mounted, the pillars redone. Pansy hadn't wanted to change the layout too much, just the colours.

They'd brought in mannequins of all sorts, placing them in the back room of the store, as well as fabric, shears, measuring tapes and some patterns before shuttering the large French windows and locking it up, adding extra protection spells to it as a precaution (as Pansy had said, "If I come back to this place vandalized, someone's gonna get their ass beat.")

"Oh!" Pansy turned to the two girls walking beside her, bracelets gleaming in the sun. "I forgot to ask. I won't have any models on my payroll, because there's no one looking for work. Would you guys be open to doing it?"

Astoria beamed."What kind of question is that? Of course I would!"

Hermione laughed. "I'm not sure if I'll do your clothes justice, but if you're okay with it, then sure."

Pansy scowled."You are beautiful, Hermione Granger, and I'll make you see it someday."


"I can't believe Hermione's getting ." Ginny sighed as she slid into bed next to Harry, the latter propped up on his elbow as he face her.

"Me neither. But it's her life, and her decisions, so there's nothing we could do about it."

Ginny threw her hands up. "I know! And that's why I hate it! I can't hate her, because she had a valid reason to leave, but I can't hate my twat of a brother either because he's my twat of a brother!" Ginny huffed in frustration."So I can't hate anyone, there's no validation for me to hex anything, and I want both of them in my life and not just one!"

Harry kissed her forehead. "I know. I feel the same. But hopefully someday we'll see her again. And then we can try to make amends."

Ginny collapsed backwards onto the pillows. "I sure damn hope so."


"How's that not-for-profit going, love?"

Hermione grinned excitedly as she waved the papers in the air. "Only a few more revisions and then we'll be golden."

Draco smiled."I'm proud of you already."


"Mhmm." He smirked against her temple. "C'mon. It's dinnertime."

Hermione pushed the chair back, making her way to the kitchen and pulling out a pre-wrapped salad from the fridge, the delicious smell of pasta that Draco had made already filling the kitchen.

Hermione smiled. "Did you know Pansy is going to start her fashion company?"

"Theo said so, yeah. I heard you and Astoria were busy painting all day."

Hermione grinned. "Mhmm. I can't wait until she launches it."

"Hmm. Easy presents location."

"Draco!" Hermione exclaimed. "You don't need to, I'm not broke-"

"Yeah, but how can you expect me not to get lovely presents for my to-be wife?"

Hermione smiled. "I can't wait."

"Until when? Thought you didn't want me to buy you things?"

Hermione scowled. "No, you prat, until I'm your wife."

Draco got up and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Me neither."

