
part 6

It was Saturday, two days after Draco had helped Hermione into bed. She didn't remember anything but he did. He didn't mention it to her, refused to acknowledge that maybe he was caring about her.

On Saturday Harry had forced Hermione to come with him and the others to the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw game. Hermione had argued but she was forced to come. Hufflepuff won by 130 - 20. It was an easy win. Hermione had complained that she had wasted a whole day of revision.

"Granger it was a Quidditch match, its called fun!" Draco interrupted as everyone else were arguing in the common room.

"Yea but I could've been working!"

"You have the whole year to work! Quidditch is what, a few hours, once a month?" Draco asked.

"Listen to him, for once he makes sense!" Harry grinned.

"Boys! Quidditch is a silly game! Nothing more," Hermione grabbed her books. "Now if you excuse me, I have work to catch up on."

Hermione left the common room and headed to the library. Draco rolled his eyes as he continued to work on the desk in the common room. That's how they were for a few days. Homework, N.E.W.T. Work was piling up on them. They worked and barely had time to exchange insults.

Their second Life Class was different to the first. This time no Dumbledore, only Snape and McGonagall.

"I don't see much point to these classes," Snape began, McGonagall glared at him. "But you're here so your bad luck. Today I don't want any exchange of spells, hexes, curses or its straight exclusion. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Today I want you to spend time with your black diaries and planning a few dates for what ever it is you need to do," Snape said as if he was bored.

"What Professor Snape means is pick a wedding date, a date for maybe an engagement party," Professor McGonagall smiled. "And also put in the dates of friends weddings."

There were desks set up. Draco and Hermione sat at one and opened their diaries.

"Granger," Draco said. "Lets at least try and make an effort to get along, at least today." Lets see how long this lasts!

"Fine," Hermione said, flicking through pages. I bet he ruins this truce!

"3rd December, Ginny and Harry's wedding day," Hermione said.

"Am I meant to come to that?" Draco asked.

"Yea," Hermione replied.

"Blaise is on April 8th."

"Right," Hermione wrote it down. "So um...us..."

"Sooner or later?" Draco asked.

"Not all the way in Easter, most couples are getting married then before the deadline," Hermione replied.

"Right um how about New Years Eve, start the new year as..." Draco trailed off.

"Sure, New Years Eve," Hermione replied. It was still mid September, they still had weeks to go.

"Right," Draco said. "So ring, we need to go ring shopping. I'd rather you come and pick one with me, rather then me getting one you don't like."

"Ok, Saturday?" Hermione suggested.

"Ok," Draco said. He looked up at her. "Granger."

"Hmmm," Hermione was still writing.

"Our first civil conversation."

Hermione smirked, "Yea, might as well mark it in the diary, celebrate our anniversary."

Draco grinned.

"October 7th," Hermione said. "My birthday party, I'm not sure what I'm doing but Ginny wants me to something so might."

"So that's my invite huh?"

"Yea," Hermione smiled. "When's yours?"

"September 1st," Draco said.

Hermione looked at him, "Your already eighteen?"

"Yea," Draco replied.

"Any other dates?" Hermione asked.

"When you going wedding shopping?" Draco asked. "For your dress and stuff."

"Oh last week of October, with Ginny I think. She's getting hers so I might as well get mine, no point getting Mrs. Weasley and everyone to come twice."

"What about your mum?" Draco asked.

"Died in the war," Hermione replied.

"I'm sorry," Draco said genuinely.

"Its fine, over it," Hermione shrugged. "Next date."

"You want an engagement party?"

"Not really, we can just celebrate it at my birthday unless you want a party," Hermione replied.

"Not really, we'll just get everyone drunk on one night, it'll work for me," Draco smirked.

Hermione looked up, Ron was sending them looks that could kill. Hermione didn't take notice. Draco did.

"Why is Weasel giving us weird looks?"

"Unless you haven't noticed he doesn't like you," Hermione grinned.

Draco laughed, "Now I'm getting a worse look."

"Does he scare you?"

"As if," Draco faced Ron. "What you looking at Weasel, never seen anyone as good looking as me?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Vain much?"

Draco smirked. Harry and Ginny came up to their table.

"Hey, you know October 8th, I know it's the day after your birthday but can we do the meet the parents thing?" Ginny asked.

"Huh?" Hermione asked.

"You know when Harry's family if they turn up, meet my parents and Lavender's parents as well and Malfoy's too, meet the family day, might as well do it as a group thing, rather then individual," Ginny said.

Hermione looked at Draco.

"Its fine but if we're having a birthday party for you, we are intending to get wasted," Draco said.

"Sunday evening, not morning," Harry smirked.

"Potty has a few brain cells, glad to see that," Draco grinned.

Harry grinned, "Its one more brain cell then you."

Draco couldn't help but smirk. He was surprised he was getting along with Harry more and more.

"So you sure yea?" Ginny looked at Hermione. "I mean I can always change it, if you want."

"No Ginny its fine, I don't even wanna do anything big for my birthday!" Hermione sighed.

"Yea right, Granger we're having a party, a huge party, whether you like it or not," Draco smiled.

"Huge party?" Hermione repeated.

"That's what he said!" Ginny smiled. "Bless you two are actually getting along, no throwing hexes!"

"We've even marked this date in our diary!" Hermione laughed.

"Cute," Ginny smiled. "Snape's giving us evil's, we better sit back down. See you later!"

Hermione waved at them then looked at Draco, "Since when do you get along with Harry and Ginny?"

"Potty and Freckles," Draco asked. "Oh we go way back."

Hermione laughed, "I've never seen this side of you."

"It's the nice side, woke up on the right side of the bed."

"Are you drunk?"

Draco laughed, "Granger I do have a nice side!"

"Just checking!" Hermione smiled. Maybe this marriage won't be too bad.
