

  "You haven't cleared the table yet, huh?" Aunt Clara asked the minutes she sauntered into the house to notice both Rose and Raya weeping hard, she swiftly noticed the plates they had used to eat two hours ago were still placed in the same position.

  "Grandmother?" Rose called with a cracked voice as her perfectly white teeth seemed to be trembling.

  "Who's this man in this picture together with mother?" Rose asked Aunt Clara who yanked the letter from her grip furiously.

  "How did you find these pictures in my room huh? I told you not to touch anything that doesn't belong to you little brat!" She exclaimed, eyes focused on them before using the envelope to hit them each.

  "But grandmother, we only wanted to know what our mother is truly doing! Please, tell us. Who is that man in the picture with her?" Rose asked hesitantly.
