
475. June 12 or July 4...?

"Independence Day...!?" asked Anne. "But it's June...!"

"Yeah... It's our Independence Day!" smiled Miguel. "When New Israel was freed from MABUS!!!"

"And when the Philippines was freed from the Spanish!" smiled Josuke. "*cough!* (And later, the Americans!) *cough!*"

"And when we were freed from the original Japanese government," said Erina. "*cough!* (And Josuke's family took over...) *cough!*"

"*cough!* Our family! *cough!*"

"And when the United States was declared an independent federal state along with the 200 other countries of each Universe in Maharlica," smiled Marcy.

"So... It's not the United States' independence from the British, but our technical independence from you guys...?" asked Sasha.

"No doy!" smiled Josuke. "Haha! If Dark was here, he'd say something incredibly racist."

"So... You guys get to celebrate a day of independence...?" asked Hopadiah.

"A whole day!?" asked Sprig.

Everyone is preparing a banquet. The Jazz Fusion, The Crusaders, The JoJoCorps, The JoJoRunners, and the Weather Reporters are all here. There is Kare-Kare, Inasal na Manok, Kakanin, Adobong Baboy, Adobong Manok, Sinigang na Baboy, Adobong Suso, Chocolate Bateroles, Halo-Halo, Mangu, Mondongo, Niño envuelto, Asopao, Chulitos, Majarete, Red Bean Soup, Red Curry, Sashimi, Osaka Sushi, Tempura, Toriten, Hokkaido Ramen, Phad Thai, Phat mu rat khao, Khanom chin namya, Khao man kai, Kaeng som,  California Rolls, Pizza, Lasagna, Carbonara, Chop suey, Chanpuru, Gua Bao, Beef Noodle Soup, several Dumplings, Kottbullar, Meatballs, Rakmacka, Shrimp Sandwiches, Wesen Foods, and foods from the Boiling Isles are all placed around the tables.

"This seems a little derivative... and it's kinda weird since... why would a bunch of Filipinos celebrate its sub-state's independence from their own nation...?" asked Sasha. "They colonized this country!"

"I dunno. Here's the answer. Don't think about it, too much," smiled Miguel. "Here's some rice wine. 14%."

Sasha smiles. "Huh... Thanks..."

"It's made from rice that I fermented myself. It's called tapuy. But I changed the ingredients a bit to speed things up," said Miguel.

"With what?"

"I fermented it with my spit!" smiled Miguel.

Sasha and every Weather Reporter as well as every character there spit out the drink.

This was true except for Hopadiah, who enjoyed the wine.

They all yell at Miguel, pretty much disgusted by what he did. They all argue and chase him out.

"I JUST WANTED TO ADD CULTURE!!!" sobbed Miguel.

Happy Independence Day for the United States... and to ALL COUNTRIES!!! Well... Almost... all... and for the Philippines...? Happy... Belated... Independence Day-!? I dunno... Just... Be happy if you aren't colonized anymore... or... at all...? Unless you were a... coloni-... Fuck... Uh... Screw those who want to invade and oppress. Like DIO. Fuck DIO. Happy Independence Day. And racists. Fuck racists. And sexists... And bigots... And people who hate foreigners... And people who hate natives... and people who hate minorities... and... and fascists... and communists who are actually just fascists... and people who are bigots on Twitter and Facebook and are open about being bigots... and people who hate people who like the DC Universe more than Marvel...

Getting a little personal, there...

Just... Happy Independence-...

