
249. Preparation of Armies

"So... who do you suggest should join this army of ours?" Diana walked with Lord in Burnham City.

"We find my friends... Weeb Town!" smiled Lord.

"I checked out the place the others went," said Frank. "They're retrieving the Prime Arks as we speak."

"I don't think we'll be able to assemble an army in just a short amount of time," said Clark.

"Try me," smiled Lord.

(By Electric Light Orchestra)

Quill presses a button in his new iPod...

(theme begins)

Lord, Diana, and the other members of the Secret Crisis meet up with Weeb Town.

"Hey!" smiled Lei, holding their daughter, Lady. "I finally had time to get the groceries. What's up?"

Lord and Diana smile at her.

"Seriously?" asked Deadpool. "This one?"


Do'Bumsha Do'Kalak, Ryle Karne, Yang Fugo, John "Zed" Calamansi, Celine Ai-Ghirga, Van Hol Horse, Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Steven Universe, and Star Butterfly all hang out in the office as everyone else pays Celine 200 pesos as she dances, winning the bet that Stefan is still alive.

Lord and Diana walk in.

"Oh! Hello, Lord Marvel!" laughed Bumi. "To what do we owe the pleasantries?"

Lord and Diana smile.

"Fortisite," said Quill.


Spongebob and Patrick laugh and run around, squirting tartar sauce at each other.

Finn and Jake read magazines on Prince Josuke's apartment.

Gumball is strapped in an electric chair as Darwin whispers, "3... 2..."

Lord yells as he speeds inside, "WHOA!!! GUYS!!! NO!!! You'll actually die! Death sentences are real!"

"Wait, REALLY!?" asked Gumball. "GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!"

Diana turns to Lord with a weirded-out expression.

Lord smiles nervously and shrugs.

"Why are they testing out if electric chairs are real?" asked Frank.

"And... Why'd you choose Gumball?" asked Lord.

"Darwin picked Gumball," said Spongebob.

"Huh..." Gumball squinted his eyes.


Lord and Diana meet with Kariel JoJo, who is shooting at bottles on top of the fences in the field.

"What do you want?" asked Kariel.

"Miguel asked me to assemble an army against an enemy..."

"Why should I listen to you? You practically betrayed us over a feud about our Dad..."

"Because we fought the enemy before..."

Kariel sighs. "Stefan?"


"Daddy?" asked a 5-year-old girl. "Who are these guys?"

Kariel puts his revolver in his holster and picks up his daughter. "Don't worry, Yurielle... Get back with Daddy at home..." he patted her head and kissed her. He puts her down as Yurielle ran back to the cabin.

Kariel sighs. "Let's do this... But promise that you don't do anything fucking stupid like that ever again."

"Sure," nodded Lord.

Diana stares at Lord with interest in his past with Miguel.


Lord and Diana meet with Anne.

"No," said Anne.

"But, Anne!" yelled Lord. 

"I have a family..." said Anne. "And I thought Miguel said 'No to Lord!' or whatever."

"Your kids were sent by Miguel at the last minute to recruit me... Honestly... I get why he won't talk to me himself." said Lord. "You'd do anything for Miguel, right?"

Anne sighs and facepalms. "Yeah... I would... Fuck... Well! As long as Miguel said I should.Raphael? Money's on the table. Just order delivery for tonight." Anne cracks her neck as she sighs and joins the pair.

Raphael and Gabrielle flutter their fingers together and high five then chest bump behind Anne.

Anne turns to them and they whistle and turn away from each other.

Anne sighs and turns to Lord. "Well?"


"I'm in," sighed Ghost Jedan. "As long as Miguel said so..."

"Really? Just like that, dude?" asked Lord.

"Miguel is my best friend," said Ghost Jedan. "That's my literal only character arc..."

Later... An entire army of every character from every book leading to this stood before Lord and Diana... They are all in a rented Convention Center...

"Cartoon characters!?" asked Frank.

"Yes," said Lord. "Don't underestimate them. Three of them could kill all of you."

"So... What do you suggest we do?" asked Gumball. "Train?"

"In two weeks' time, Stefan's army would come and attack all of us... We have to make sure that we are prepared..." said Lord.

"Do we get snacks?" asked Deadpool.

"Yeah!? Do we?" asked Patrick.

"Sure," said Lord.

"Do we get our own code names!?" asked Gumball. "I'll be Jack Coff!"

"I wanna be Goldfinger!" smiled Darwin.

"Ooh! Can I be Goldfinger!?"

"No. You're not a goldfish."

"I wanna be All-Star!" smiled Patrick.

"Not when I'm still here, fuckface!" yelled Twinkle, Kariel's Stand.

"Twinkle, be quiet," said Kariel.

"A one... Two... three!" smiled Rick.

"Can I put my balls in your jaws? Balls in your jaws?" sang Weeb Town.

"Can I?" smiled Morty to Anne.

Anne uses Sticky Fingers to zip his face in half as he does an annoying scream and rolls around the ground.

"Have you heard of my Emerald Splash?" Ghost Jedan told Diana. "No one can deflect or dodge it! Watch... I'll do a really weak one on you.SPLASH!!!"

Diana deflects it with her brace.


Everyone starts to talk at the same time.

"Everyone be quiet!" yelled Lord. "Uh... I guess we should raise our hands when we talk..."

Patrick raises his hand.

"Yes, Patrick?" asked Lord.

"You're talking and you're not raising your hand!" yelled Patrick.

"Patrick... That's not how it works," said Spongebob.

Patrick raises his hand.

"Yes, Patrick?" asked Lord.

"Spongebob whispered to me and he didn't raise his hand!" yelled Patrick.

"Hey! Why'd you tattle on me!?" asked Spongebob.

Patrick raises his hand.

"Yes, Patrick?" asked Lord.

"He did it again," said Patrick.

"If I shoot him, will he die? I mean, he's a cartoon character and all," said Frank.

"Yes... He will die," said Lord.

Deadpool raises his hand.

"Yes, Wade?" asked Diana.

"Does Stefan have a weird gay past with Miguel?" asked Deadpool.

"I don't know... Does he?" asked Diana.

"No! Wait... Anne?" asked Lord.

"NO!!!" yelled Anne.

"He doesn't," said Lord.

Patrick raises his hand.

"I swear to God, Patrick!" yelled Lord. "If it's about talking without raising their hand-!!!"

"It's not!" yelled Patrick.

"Okay. Go," said Lord.

"I talked without raising my hand," said Patrick. "I think we should take away the 'raise your hands' rule."

Lord stares at Patrick, loathing him.

Deadpool raises his hand. 

"What!?" asked Lord.

"Is Stefan just a childish and mentally retarded version of Thanos?" asked Deadpool.

Lord sighs. He bows his head. Then... Lord begins to laugh hysterically. "We're going to fucking die!" laughed Lord. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Deadpool whispers to Patrick, who is beside him. "The comedy here sucks. I do not belong in this Universe..."

"And I hate Miguel again," said Lord, as he walks out of the room.

Anne sighs and follows after Lord.


*knock knock*

"Hello!" smiled Anne.

"Waddup," sighed Lord.

Anne leans on the wall and crosses her arms and legs.

"You gotta let go of this thing with Miguel," said Anne. "Because I know for a fact that Miguel doesn't care anymore..."

"Then why wouldn't he talk to me?" asked Lord.

"Because you won't talk to him," said Anne. "He's scared of what he'd say or do to you if he tries to talk to you... Because of what he knew you would say to him..."

"Like what?"

"Probably something hurtful... But the world needs you two, Lord..."

"Our Dad loved him... Dad didn't love me..."

"Lord... Hating Miguel won't change anything... Do realize that... people around you already love you...People love you, Lord... The world loves you... Our family loves you... We love you... We're here for you, Lord...Don't blame Miguel for something he has but what you don't... Because it's not his fault.I understand what it's like to not be the favorite..."


"Yeah... Lei was the favorite. My brother and I were always trying to take Dad's attention, but... Eh... Dad loved Lei more..." Anne looks away. "The best thing to do is to accept your place and accept who you are... Because the only thing that can destroy hate is love..."

"Hm... Probably fell for the wrong Zeppeli..."

Anne laughs and punches Lord's shoulder. "Ow!" she yelled, grabbing her fist.

"Fine," said Lord. "I'll try... I honestly will..."


Bruce uses his binoculars to look in the far outreaches of the horizon, seeing the twilight above and their target palace is in where the sky meets the land.

"4 kilometers," said Bruce.

Dark sighs as he spins his blade around his hand. "My God! Is hiding from the enemy absolute cringe...!"

"What's your deal?" asked Bruce, seeing Dark doing this.

"I want to be a Superhero..." said Dark. "I promised that to every man and woman I've assassinated in my past."

"Psh..." said Bruce, using his binoculars once more.

"What?" asked Dark.

"A Superhero is not a title. It's an honor," said Bruce. "And I don't prefer calling us 'Superheroes...' Because we're more than that... We're a family."

"You've never met them before."

"But we've been through enough to figure out what we are... We're not just the Avengers... not just the Justice League... We're the Secret Crisis."

"That name makes no sense."

"Sounds pretty damned cool, though."

Dark leans on the rock Bruce is on. "Have you ever won a fight?"

"Tons... But against Stefan? Technically, I didn't win... No one wins in war."

"I'll drink to that if I had any beer."

Bruce chuckles. "You're alright, John Stefanio."

"I... I wish I was born a hero."

"Heroes are never born. They're made."

"Hm... Alright... You learned that from Megamind, right?"

Bruce turns around and walks toward Miguel. 

"Oh, come on! YOU TOTALLY DID!!!"

"We'll get there through the Batwing," said Bruce to Miguel.

Giorno, meanwhile, sits at the far south of the group.

"Anything wrong?" asked Jotaro, approaching Giorno.

"I'm starting to understand what you mean by 'Yare yare,'" Giorno smiled.

"I think after this... We'll finally catch a break," Jotaro smiled. "Thinking about DIO?"

"I'm thinking about my own familia..." said Giorno. "I really want to bring them back... The ones I've been with against Diavolo and the ones I've just met. Fate can't tear us apart... I believe it..."

"Yeah," said Jotaro. "I believe it, too..."

"Where do you think we'll stand in ten years from now, Signore Jotaro?" asked Giorno, as he grabbed his arm.

Jotaro sighs. He lets the solar winds flow his hair back as he looked into the distance. "Yare yare daze... Probably somewhere where there's no going back... A place where either use or the enemy gets the last laugh... Call it pointing out the obvious... But that idea terrifies me... Because if we fail... If we die in this dimension... We'll never come back."

"Well," said Giorno. "I'll find a way to take them all out. Hopefully, they didn't die in vain..."

"Believe me, Giorno Giovanna," said Jotaro. "They didn't. Our struggles matter. Even if fate goes against it."

Miguel stares out in the distance. 

"We're going," said Prince Josuke. "I'm... scared..."

"l know," said Miguel. "Me, too."

"What if we'll never come back?"

"Then you'd have served the whole world."

"Oh, please!" yelled Vegeta. "What has this world ever done for you!?"

"I'm one of the idiots who live in it, jackass," said Miguel.

"Good fucking point," sighed Vegeta. "I live in it, too."

Gappy looked into the distance. "I promised Yasuho that she wouldn't get hurt."

Duwang Josuke sighs. "I know... We'll find a way to bring them back and stop Stefan. Whoever gets the Arks first gets the last laugh."

"Hey, Mr. Wayne?" asked Peter.

Bruce turns to Peter.

"You're... my closest friend..." said Peter. "I just... want you to know that."

Bruce sighs. "I know kid."

"Well! Let's do this, buddy!" smiled Goku.

"Yeah!" nodded Shigeo and Saitama.

"Hmhmhmhm... I shall make this Stefan bow before me," chuckled Vegeta.

"Hey, Dark?" smiled Hercules. "To becoming heroes."

"To becoming heroes," said Dark.

The other heroes, Peter, Hercules, Duwang Josuke, Gappy Josuke, Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, and Shigeo gather around the others.

"Let's do this," said Miguel.

