
74. Miguel JoJo and Anne Zeppeli ~Third Date~

Miguel and Ghost Jedan play checkers.

*click clack*

*click clack*

*click clack clack*

"Stop cheating," said Miguel.

"It's not cheating if you didn't see anything!" shouted Ghost Jedan.

*click clack*

*click clack*

*click click clack*

"You did it again," said Miguel.

"No, I didn't," replied Jedan.

"Hmph..." Miguel hmphed.

*click clack*

"That was my turn," said Miguel.

*click clack*

"Stop that," said Miguel.

*click clack*

"I win," said Jedan. "I thought you could stop time."

"Yeah," said Miguel. "That's how I knew you were cheating."

Anne walks in.

"Anne. Tell Jedan that he's cheating," said Miguel.

Raphael pant-hoots and crawls and climbs to Miguel's shoulder.

"What is it, kid?" asked Miguel.

"You aren't really keeping the monkey, Kuya?" asked Kariel, who is on the sofa.

"I am, Kariel," said Miguel. "And he's not a monkey."

"He's an ape. Yeah, yeah," said Kariel.

"No," said Miguel. "He's a real boy. For all we know, he's our last chance to survive The Random Chimp Event."

The Crusaders are shown to have returned to their cabin in the woods of the original Universe's Burnham.

A truck stops by with Miguel's image on it. "Vote for Miguel JoJo!" it says, as Miguel is shown to be forced to smile with a forced thumbs-up.

Stephen Rivers opens the door and walks inside.

"Miguel," said Stephen. "You're in for another meeting!"

"Oh! Sure thing, Steven!" smiled Miguel.

"Stephen," corrected Stephen.

"Whatever, Jared," said Miguel, as Miguel walked outside. Stephen rushed out to follow him.

Anne gives out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong, girl? Talk to me," said Jedan.

"Sister! Miguel's been too busy with all this Maharlica Presidency nonsense that he doesn't have time for the kids!" shouted Anne.

"But Anne," said Kariel. "Jedan from the Prince Universe is the one who takes care of the kids."

"Lady, tell the truth!" shouted Ghost Jedan, slamming his hands on the table.

"Ugh! Fine!" shouted Anne. "Miguel doesn't have time for me! He's been too busy trying to become President, 'The Right Way.' And he's not going to do any form of Graft or Corruption. He won't even do Electoral Fraud!"

The other Crusaders, including the children, gasp.

"He is not going to survive the election," said Jedan. "No one wins in the Philippines "

"Well... this is Maharlica," said Anne.

"Yeah! And the Philippines is their Capital!" shouted Jedan.

"Wait!" shouted Anne. "We should go on a date!"

"Kinda drifting away from what's important here... With Miguel wanting to save the world from fear and stuff..." said Jedan.

"Gabrielle will be in preschool! Kid Jedan will take care of Raphael!" smiled Anne.

"And I don't matter to Kuya!" sarcastically smiled Kariel.

"Yeah!" smiled Anne. "We have time to be together! That's what we'd do today! Some Political Romance Action!"

Kariel sighs and stands up. He walks away and opens a portal.

"I'm going to meet the kids," sighed Kariel.

Miguel sighs, sitting down beside Josuke on his bed.

"Kid... You did good," said Miguel. "I could very well say that I'm proud of you, kid."

Miguel chuckled.

"Hay Naku..." said Miguel. "I'm really glad that you're sleeping right now... or else you'd-..."

"OH, MY FLIPPIN' GOSH!!!" yelled Josuke, standing up.

A few days later...

Kariel smiles as The Fusion is brought to the lowlands of San Diego.

Kariel, Josuke, Finn, Jake, Gumball, and Darwin each walked outside the portal. Spongebob and Patrick stood in Gumall's pockets.

"I'm telling you!" shouted Josuke. "I have... *sniff sniff*... I have a dad now!"

"That sure is great, Josuke," sighed Gumball, as he texted on his phone.

Darwin looks around and sees that they're in a very dusty place of slums.

"Where the heck are we?" asked Darwin.

"Patrick... I'm scared!" shouted Spongebob, hiding in Gumball's pocket.

"Spongebob, I believe that this place is what you call... Canada," said Patrick.

"Patrick. It's a hundred degrees out here and I see that people are walking around in their underwear," said Gumball.

"Not too shabby in the observance skills, Gumball!" smiled Patrick.

"Why is this place so... mathematical..." said Finn.

"It's like a market in our home," said Jake.

"Waddup, Earth Grimmsters! I have a dad, people!" shouted Josuke to a man who flexes at him as Josuke backed away out of fear.

"I thought Filipinos are nice on this Earth!" shouted Josuke. "Were all those YouTube videos of white people reacting to how it's more fun in the Philippines wrong?"

"Yes and no," said Kariel. "Welcome to Metro San Diego! This is the capital city of the Philippines!"

"Shut up! Putang-ina mo ka! Alis!" shouted a shirtless delinquent with abs and yellow hair, pushing Kariel away.

"Screw you, yellow head! SUCK MY PASTILLAS, TORPE!!!" Kariel replied.

Kariel turns to the kids and smiles. "Today, I'm going to show Josuke the culture of San Diego! Kuya asked me for Josuke to understand his cultural heritage which was lost to history on his Dimension!"

"Why are we here?" asked Gumball.

"You asked to come!" shouted Kariel. "Ugh... Anyway... Let's go have a fun day in the Philippines!"

"Is that a dead cat?" asked Patrick, pointing to a bloody and battered cat on the side of the road.

"What dead cat?" asked Gumball, turning to the dead cat. "OH MY GOD!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE FRIGGIN' SAVAGES!!!"

"Kuya wanted you to know your culture before your coronation and the election later!" smiled Kariel.

"Shouldn't you be home preparing for the speech?" asked Finn, turning to Josuke.

"I already mastered it! Watch!" smiled Josuke, as he prepared to speak.

"Okay! Stop right there! I don't wanna get bored right now! I just watched my own kind get thrown into the dumpster by that old lady over there," said Gumball.


Raphael pant-hoots and plays patty cake with Gabrielle, who constantly hugs him. "Bababah!" she shouted. She crawls on all fours like Raphael.

"Gab... What'd I say about copying your brother?" asked Miguel. "Remember? Bipedalism, Gabrielle. Bipedalism."

Gabrielle sighs and stands up. She crosses her arms and says, "Hmph!"

Raphael climbs Miguel and kisses his cheek. Miguel kisses his face and Gabriell's face, as he hugs them both.

"Tonight, we're reading Tom Sawyer!" smiled Miguel. "This version has the N-Word in it! I wanna show you the terrible horrors of world-historical racism at your early age so that you won't do the mistakes of our past ancestors!Be aware, kiddos! Next time, I'm showing you the play, 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch' to help you understand gender!HOORAY FOR POLITICALLY CORRECTNESS!!!"

"Miguel," said Ghost Jedan, walking into the room. "Don't you hate white people?"

"I don't hate white people. I just like to constantly remind them about the horrible things they've done to my people," said Miguel. 

Anne, who was reading a book on the couch, squints her eyes.

"But I don't do that anymore!" shouted Miguel. "I'm not taking sides! I now understand that the past is the past and we should learn from it rather than blaming white people for conquering and enslaving our nation for 333 years."

Note: That's actually the true number of years in Filipino Colonization.

"Saying that fact right after that statement of yours about having no sides kinda shows that you do, in fact, still take sides," said Ghost Jedan.

"Oh! Right!" said Anne, standing up. "Miggy! We're going on a date!"

"And make sure they drink their milk tonight!" shouted Miguel, as Anne pulled him away from the JoJo Residence. Bodyguard Jedan could be found by the door, waving goodbye. "And make sure that you don't mix up Raphael's and Gabrielle's meals! Raphael likes to eat the special meal with the perfect amount of protein and veggies I've specifically made for him while Gabrielle eats puree I also made specifically for her!And make sure that you change their diapers every two-to-three hours! And keep them away from appliances and small holes! Keep a watchful eye on them! Make sure Gabrielle doesn't bite you or her bloodlust would get triggered and we might miss her first woge!Also, if anyone tries to harm our kids, just call us and we'd murder them right away!"

"Miguel!?" asked Anne. "We'll be late for the theater."

Miguel gives Anne a thumbs up.

"Oh, my God... The hell with that mannerism of yours!? You even do that after sex!"

"It's called POSITIVITY!!!"

Anne puts Miguel into the front seat while she enters the driver's seat.

"Let Raphael swing on some trees, okay? He's really smart for a Chimp and I've been reading him Tom Sawyer and he's the smartest Chimp I've ever met!" shouted Miguel. "He always comes back! Trust me! Also, when a meeting calls from Maria Higashikata, tell her that I have plans! But don't tell her that I have plans!The numbers for the fire department, for the police, for the poison hotline, the hospital, and the President of the Philippines are all in there!Also, Raphie, Gabbie! I love you, babies! *blows kiss* I love you so much! Daddy will come back in one piece!If anyone tries to attack you, use some of the Capoeira moves I taught you! Okay?"

"Your kids will be fine, Miguel," ensured Bodyguard Jedan.

"If not, I'll knock you down!" smiled Miguel. "Or kill you! Depends on the amount of pain they or I suffer!"

Anne sighs. "Miguel, the kids will be fine."

"That's what every sitcom father says before he regrets his words after the children suffer a horrendous accident!!!" shouted Miguel.

Anne slams the door closed and drives away as Miguel sticks his head out the window.

"I'll be back!!!" shouted Miguel.

Jedan sighs.

He turns to the kids, who are by his feet.

"You guys wanna watch-?"

Jedan sees that the two kids have disappeared.

"Oh no..." he said, as he looks around. "Kids? Gabrielle? Raphael?Crap..."


Miguel and Anne have dinner in the restaurant known as 

Miguel takes out a triangular metallic medallion and whispers a spell unto it.

"Miguel," facepalmed Anne. "Why are you using your agimat?"

"In case the kids might die, Anne," said Miguel. "I'm turning them invisible."

"Miggy, won't that confuse Jedan-?" asked Anne.

"Shush!" said Miguel. "Tagabulag... Commodo abscondere filii mei, donec veniat."

He blows into the agimat as a yellow glow appeared from it. Miguel charged with Hamon around his body as his eyes went black.

"Sir! You're the guy running for President, right?" asked a woman who approached them with her friend, coming to Miguel.

"Yeah!" smiled Miguel.

"Can I please get a selfie with you?" she asked, as she and her friend giggled together. "My friend thinks you're pretty cute."

"Uh-huh..." angrily said Anne, crossing her arms.

"If it's okay with my partner, it's okay with me," smiled Miguel.

He took a selfie with them by doing a peace sign, smiling with them.

"God... Right!" shouted Miguel. "I have to do a date with this little piece of work over here!"

Anne looks down and pouts.

Miguel sighs. "Anne, I'm... I'm sorry. I promise I won't think about the election tomorrow and the coronation! I swear, Anne!"

"No... It's pretty stupid that I asked you to have a date with me right before the big day," said Anne. "I know you get stressed when you don't do anything... I shouldn't have done something so stupid... I just wanted to spend more time with you."

"Anne... Are you kidding?" smiled Miguel. "I should be the one who's sorry. I have been neglecting you! I should be here for you as much as possible... and today's my free day. I'm glad you did this for me."

Miguel held her hand, as Anne turned red.

"Let's do this," smiled Miguel.

The waitress comes.

"Just red wine, for now," smiled Miguel. "We'd like to savor the moment."

"Aw!" smiled Anne. "But I am pretty hungry, Miggy."

Miguel sighs. "I'll have Pakbet and she'll be having the Beef Wellington."

"Sir... you mean Pinakbet?" asked the waitress.

"No," said Miguel, shaking his head.

"Fish or Shrimp, sir?" asked the woman.

"Fish," said Miguel. "But give me a small plate of the Shrimp Paste. And the Beef Wellington's garlic should be minced, not roughly chopped. And give the Beef Wellington a side of Sweet Potato Fries."

The waitress smiles, nods, and walks away.

"Huh..." smiled Anne. "Never thought you remembered how to cook my favorite dish..."

"Yeah," he laughed softly.

"I used to never think you were such a gentleman," she giggled.

"Anne, darling..." laughed Miguel. "I'm a lot of things. A secret writer, a Grimm, an Aswang, a future President, an owner of a farm that's costing us a lot of money because no one's buying-..."

"What?" asked Anne.

"What farm? Shit. What?" asked Miguel, as he quickly grabbed the menu. "Oh! Look! They have sorbets!!!"

Anne squints her eyes in suspicion.


"These are called agimats!" smiled Kariel, as he showed them several medallions with different Roman Letters on them in a medallion shop. They have gold colors and have things like angels and eyes on them. "They're used to ward off evil spirits in our world! And for spells like Superhuman Strength, Invisibility, Invulnerability, etc. These things are pretty dangerous! My family had been using these for spells and Hamon Conduction! I have some right now!"

Kariel showed the agimat to the group.

"Should you be saying this in public?" asked Gumball.

"Yeah," said Kariel. "The thing is, Kuya recently told everyone on our Dimension who he is and revealed the Supernatural! He's been in the News and hundreds of politicians and Cryptid Mafias want his head!But, he's now the head of the Helsing Organization!We used this in warfare and-!"

Josuke sees a group of Tikbalangs, a group of humanoid horses in their woged form, being beaten by a group of humans.

The Fusion doesn't seem to notice this, as they are listening to the agimat story. But Josuke immediately ran to them.

Finn sees this and follows after. "Jake! Common!"

Jake, meanwhile, continued to eat mayonnaise from a cup. "I'll get to that!"

"HEY!!!" shouted Josuke. "PRINCE!!!"

"ORA!!!" shouted Prince, as Prince bashed one of their faces with its face. 

"MUDA!!!" Finn bashes one kid's face with Time Adventure.

A loud crack and splat could be heard from his face.

His nose is pushed to the right.

"AAAAH!!!" shouted the human.

"Why the flip are you hurting these innocent Tikbalangs!?" shouted Josuke.

"Yeah!" yelled Finn.

"Yeah!" Jake yelled in the background.

"You're not part of this," said Finn.

"I know. I disgust you!"

"Oh, shit!" shouted one of the kids. "It's the Aswang Prince! Let's bail!"

"Wait-!" shouted another.

The one he punched had his nose heal, but his face becomes incredibly ugly with exaggerated features, such as a large nose and doe-like eyes.

"AAAAH!!! Juanito's a monster now!" shouted one kid. "RUN!!!"

"Wait for me!" followed Juanito.

Josuke sighed.

"Hey. You guys are okay?" asked Josuke, squatting down.

The Tikbalangs woge back, revealing a father, mother, and child.

The father nods. "Thank you, Prince Josuke."

"It's fine!" smiled Josuke.

They woge and neigh, sniffing Josuke. Josuke woges into an Aswang, Josuke purrs, and Josuke sniffs back.

Josuke smiles and bows down to the family.

The family bows back. The father grabs the mother's and child's shoulders as they walk away.

Josuke puts his hands on akimbo and gives out a manly laugh.

"Why are you acting like a Superhero right now?" asked Gumball, walking toward Josuke with the other.

"A bunch of guys was beating this Cryptid," said Josuke. "It's just a bit of a pain, y'know?"

"Yeah!" yelled Finn. "Buds aren't supposed to get hurt like that just for being neigh-neigh!"

"Well that's hypocrisy, Josuke," said Kariel, squatting to Josuke's level.

"How come, Mr. Ranger?" asked Josuke.

"Well," said Kariel. "When you see a human getting beaten by a bunch of Cryptid kids, you react with happy whistling and you turn your nose away."

"What? Psh..." shouted Josuke. "I don't do that... Do I do that? I... do... do that."

"Well that's the thing, kid," said Kariel. "Take it from a Grimm like me... Whether it be the tallest Kapre or the smallest Duende... Whether it be the most monstrous Aswang or the most lovely Sheepman... Whether it be a Cryptid, Grimm, Human, Bizarre, or Supernatural... Everyone has a little bit of prejudice in them.It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is or your species is.People are just too stubborn to accept the current world we're in!"

"I... Geez..." whispered Josuke. Josuke looks down and clenches his fist. His expression crossed with anger and confusion.

"Whoa..." said Gumball. "Josuke, you should change your speech."

"Shut the fk up!" shouted Darwin, smacking Gumball's head.


Miguel and Anne giggle as they enjoy their food.

"So, I was like, 'Girl! My boyfriend saved the Goddamned Universe!' and she laughed at me, Miggy! Little did she know that I'm about to get married to you!" smiled Anne as she took another bite.

"You should stop using our partnership to get more ice cream from Dairy Queen. Or just stop going to Dairy Queen." Miguel squints his eyes as he continues eating his meal.

"I have other ways," she shrugged. 

*ring ring*

Anne checks her phone.

"Ah..." she said, as she puts her phone back in her purse and continues to eat, this time, silently.

"What's wrong?" asked Miguel, steepling his fingers and putting his elbows on the table.

"It's nothing... It'd ruin our night! Haha..." smiled Anne.

Miguel smiles and tries to speak.

"Okay, fine I'll tell you! It's my dad..." said Anne. "He's offering me a job in the Bed Industry. Can I just take this call?"

Miguel chuckles.

"Miguel... I'm kinda excited that for the first time, my dad is listening to me!" smiled Anne. "Please understand! This is all I've ever wanted."

"Sure?" asked Miguel, as he chuckled some more.

Anne calls her father. "Hey, Daddy! About the job... I'll take it! Yeah? Yeah! O-M-G!Miggy! I got the job!"

Screaming could be heard from the phone.

"No, Daddy... sorry... we're still together," said Anne.

Miguel starts playing with his fork and knife, pretending to do lightsaber fights with his fingers.

"No! Daddy! I love him!" shouted Anne. "And! We're getting married! Hmph! I still get that job, right?REALLY!? EVEN WHEN I'M WITH THIS WEIRDO!?"

"Oy!" shouted Miguel.

"Sorry, Miggy!" smiled Anne. "OH, MY, GOD!!! THANK YOU, DADDY! THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!!"


Anne giggles and excitedly hops on her seat.

"Who are you?" Anne asked Miguel.

Miguel facepalms. "Hay naku."

"What?" asked Anne. "I was kidding!"

"Are you focused now?" asked Miguel.

"Yep!" smiled Anne, as her leg shakes.

Miguel sighs. "You do realize that you're being a hypocrite right now? Right, honey?"

"What?" asked Anne.

"Earlier, where I could've worked and practiced more for my electoral speech tomorrow, I, instead, chose to be with you because I realized that I was neglecting you," said Miguel. "And here you are excited about your job your father, who I keep fighting so that he would respect you for once, gave you enough that you aren't focused on this date. Sure, it's trivial, but feel a bit tossed aside."

Anne texts as Miguel speaks with her.

"Anne?" asked Miguel, sternly. "Anne. Put down that phone and speak with me."

"Uh-huh..." said Anne.

"Young lady, please put down the phone," said Miguel.

"Ugh! Get off my back!" shouted Anne, standing up and walking away.



The Fusion and Kariel travel around San Diego. They've been to the Mall of San Diego, the largest mall in the Philippines. They've also been to the San Diego Zoo, where they watched tigers, Chimpanzees, Asian Elephants, etc. They've also been to the JoJo Park, a park based on the legendary Simoun JoJo. They've also been to the San Diego Church, where they learned how to pray the Rosary. They've also passed by the Intramuros, a large fort-like structure where the Spaniards used it to wall Manila from the rest of the Philippines. They also went to the Marine Park where they saw different fauna found in the Philippines like the Surgeonfish, Parrotfish, Snapper, Grouper, Rays, Sharks, and many more. They also saw the National Museum of San Diego, seeing several beautiful sculptures, paintings, and arts created by Filipino artists in the past during the Pre-Colonial Period all the way to the present where they found paintings like the Spoliarium and The Blood Compact both made by Daniel Pecson.

Note: These are based on real-life tourist attractions like the Mall of Asia, Manila Zoo, Rizal Park, Quiapo Church, the real-life Intramuros, Ocean Park,  and the National Museum of the Philippines (where the real-life Juan Luna painted the Spoliarium and The Blood Compact).

"Spoliarium..." said Patrick. "It must mean to account the suffering of the Filipinos depicted by the Gladiator dying and being dragged by his enslaver... It could mean the Filipino people after being enslaved by the Spanish."

Patrick has a thinking face, putting a handgun gesture underneath his chin, thinking very well of the painting he had at hand.

"What!?" asked Gumball. "How'd you know all those facts I don't know about?"

"His range of intelligence varies every topic. Watch," said Darwin. "Hey, Patrick! If you take 5 apples from my 6 apples, what will I have left?"

"I don't know!" shouted Patrick. "Ask Spongebob! He's the mathematician."

"I'm actually not," smiled Spongebob.

Kariel turns to Josuke, who he sees is looking at the sky.

"What's wrong, Josuke?" asked Kariel,

"Kira's defeat brought back your world... and allowed me to enter this world," said Josuke. "And this world showed me what a hypocrite I am! Ugh! Get off my back! I won't ever tell you!"

"You actually just did..." said Kariel.


"Anne! Wait!" shouted Miguel.

Anne walks away in the cold and foggy city at night as Miguel follows after her.

"Ugh!" shouted Anne. "Why do you discipline us like that! I hate being disciplined, Miguel! You know that! I'm a grown woman!"

"Then start acting like it!" shouted Miguel, crossing his arms.

"You're a-... You're a hypocrite, too!" shouted Anne.

"How?" asked Miguel.

"Y-You-!" shouted Anne. "You're neglecting me and I'm fine with it... but when I neglect you-!"

"Anne, I was trying to make up for it, while you were being a child!" shouted Miguel.

"Stop that!" shouted Anne.

"Stop what?" asked Miguel, as he tilted his head to the left. "Talk to me."

"There you go again with your stupid mind-reading technique! Just squeezing it out from me!" Anne thinks for a second. Miguel tries to speak. "Okay, fine! You act just like my father sometimes!"

"What!?" asked Miguel, chuckling.

"No, really," said Anne. "You're stern, strict... you discipline me... you scold me..."

"Wow," said Miguel. "So, you're saying that I'm all those things?"

"No... No..." said Anne. "I'm sorry, Miggy... No, you're not... That's not a fair assessment. You're like my father in some ways, but compared to him-... I don't have the right words... I-..."

"Save it," said Miguel. "You compared me to someone who was never there for you. I've been working my hardest to the backbone to try to be here with my family. For five years, I was always there... Because I knew what it feels like to have a dad that isn't perfect!"

Anne stared at Miguel, teary-eyed.

"I'm going home," said Miguel. "I can sense Other Jedan being an idiot."


Jedan looks around the house using his molds for the two kids.

"OH, GOD!!!" shouted Jedan. "OH GOD, NO!!! I'm going to get beheaded by a Grimm and a Black-Eyes tonight."

Giggling could be heard.

"The angels giggle for my coming to Heaven..." whispered Jedan.

Back to Miguel and Anne...

Miguel walks away as Anne followed.

"Miguel, wait!" shouted Anne.

Miguel teleports away as Anne was left on the cold sidewalk.

"Don't leave me like how he did..." she said, grabbing her chest. "Don't leave me like how you did..." she cried softly.

Miguel sighs. "Hay Naku... We really are a couple of emotionally stunted psychopaths."

Yeah... You guys are... psychotic and being annoying to each other? I don't know. Like children! That's the word! Children!

"Just admit that you don't think that working with my father is such a good idea!"

"Of course it isn't!" yelled Miguel, approaching her. "That man made you feel like a child. No... He kept you a child your entire life and now I have to correct what you became! A fucking burden!"

Anne's expression looks hurt. Miguel's eyes widen.

"I didn't mean-..."

"Save it," Anne turns around and leaves.


Josuke runs back to his house in his own dimension.

"Damn you, Human!" shouted a man. "Get the fuck outta my lawn you damned filthy animal!"

"Stay away from him, honey!" whispered a mother. "He's a Human! They're bad company!"

"Stay away, filthy Pigman!" shouted a Lycan.

"Huff and puff away, Lycan!" shouted a Pigman.

A young Human boy is being beaten by a pair of Lycan cops.

"Stop taking drugs, boy!" shouted one of the cops.

The boy struggles and sobs. "I didn't do anything!"

Josuke reaches home and entered the front door and takes out a candy bar he bought from the store. He ran up the staircases and into his room.

Josuke sat on his bed as he rewrote his speech on his iPad while back in his room in the Prince Dimension.

"'Good evening to all Cryptids, Humans, Grimms, the Bizarre, and the Supernatural...' No! If the Cryptids were to be called first, it'd be racist!"

Kariel knocks on the door.

"Hey!" smiled Kariel.

"Hey, Mr. Ranger," smiled Josuke. "I don't wanna talk to you right now."

"I know! I'm not the best person to talk to right now," said Kariel.

Miguel then walked in and sighed. "Hay Naku..."

Miguel sat down on the bed with Josuke as Kariel shut the door.

"Hey, kid," sighed Miguel.

"Your eyes look wet," said Josuke.

Miguel immediately uses his sleeve to wipe his tears. "I uh... had a bad date."

"Uh-huh... So... What is 'love' like, exactly?" asked Josuke.

"Strange sudden line of questioning but... it's..." said Miguel. "Something."

"You always say that," said Josuke. "I don't think you ever connected with me before. It's alright, you're not my dad, anyway."

Miguel stared at Josuke with utter pity.

Miguel sighs and looks at Josuke. "Anyway... returning to the important conversation... You found an obstacle in your little journey toward your coronation, I was told."

"Mr. Reaper... I've been an idiot this whole time!" shouted Josuke. "I didn't know that Humans felt like Cryptids on your Earth! And I thought it was completely normal! I didn't know that this mattered-!"

"-if your people were the one being treated that way," said Miguel. 

Miguel looked around, avoiding eye contact with Josuke. Josuke, however, turned to Miguel. 

"I... had a hard time trying to understand Salvi's motivations five years ago. Five years later, I've come to terms with it. People are terrible, Josuke. People will always be terrible. People are scared of things that they don't understand. But the point of you being coronated is for you to help them understand... So that they won't fear anymore... so that they won't have to hate anymore...A new world cannot be built on the grounds of fear.No race should be below another. If one race is below another, then your world is built with fear. This fear-built world will just crumble into dust and flow away in the wind. Faith. Have faith in yourself and have faith in others... and have faith in what's right.And that's the thing kid...You're a kid... that just means you're our hope for the future."

"Faith?" asked Josuke. "We're relying our new Empire on faith?"

"I believe we can make them understand each other," said Miguel. "So that things will go for the better."

Josuke smiled, looking up to Miguel.

"Hey, Mr. Reaper?" asked Josuke. "You're pretty cool."

Miguel smiled softly. "Thanks, kid. I think you're pretty cool, too."

"I wish I had a dad who was there for me," said Josuke.

"Hm," smiled Miguel. Miguel's eyes widen. "Well, my dad was a master of random bullshit."

Miguel stands up and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going, Mr. Reaper?" asked Josuke.

"I think it's time for me to make myself understand someone, too," said Miguel.

Miguel teleported away.

Josuke looked with hope.

"What is faith?"

Anne wept as she sat in a fetal position in her bedroom.

Miguel teleports inside.

"I'm sorry," said Miguel.

Anne runs to him and hugs him.

"I should've understood what you've been through when I disappeared for five years... I should've understood what you've been through when your dad wasn't there," said Miguel. "And I shouldn't have said that I'm correcting you. I'm not your parent. I'm your partner and I care about you. And... I trust you. Also, don't worry about dinner. I bought take out."

"No... I should learn to grow up," said Anne. "I'm not taking the job."

"No," said Miguel. "Sweetie, this is your chance of connecting with your father. You should take it."

Anne smiles. The pair kisses and hugs.

"Wanna have sex while doing your speech?" asked Anne.

Miguel takes a rather deep breath. "You're so... so weird," said Miguel. "I like it! Even though I'd have no idea how that works... Do we write while doing it... or-?"

"Let's find out," smiled Anne.

"A'ight," said Miguel.

"Faith... is a power like no other. It's a risk. It could create and destroy relationships. Do you know what this proves? Faith is a powerful weapon. And that's why I'm relying on this Empire with Faith. As the King of Aswangs, I promise that we could make a difference. Everyone, from the Cartoons, Humans, Cryptids, the Bizarre, the Grimms, and the Supernatural, could all live together in peace and harmony. No matter how bizarre we are or our worlds are, I believe we could all live together in peace and harmony."

The audience applauds as Josuke walked back to his throne. Josuke wore a green Balon and red pants with golden stripes. Then, a golden cloth was tied around his head by his bodyguard, Jedan. 

Miguel is now wearing a black polo, pants, and shoes. He has no hat. His black polo has white stripes going down from his nipples to his pelvis and one in the center. He has a heart-shaped hole on his polo that reveals his chest. He has black-spotted pink ladybug buttons on his polo's nipples and his belly button. He has pink wristbands and pink wings on his turtle neck collar. However, he still sports the same haircut, spiky and curvy long hair with very short bangs and one long curled-up hair over his left temple.

Miguel smiles.

Miguel slowly approached the mic stand. He tried to speak.

"Election's done!" shouted the announcer. "President JoJo!!!"

"Wait, what!?" asked Miguel. "We worked hard all night to get this speech!"

"Mr. Reaper, you're the first and only electoral candidate," said the man.

"WHAT!?" asked Miguel. Miguel shows his paper. "But I have this speech, and-!"

"Why is the second half all gibberish?" asked the man. "And it has those dark stains all over it."

"Not the point-!" shouted Miguel.

"Only 19 people voted for you," said the man.

"What!? I know 20 people... Which one of you assholes didn't vote for me!?" asked Miguel.

All of them, who are in the middle of the crowd, look at Gumball.

"His words were *pfft*..." said Gumball.

"I'm sorry?" asked Miguel, at Star Platinum teleports behind him.

"You don't scare me, little man-!!!" shouted Gumball.





An image of Miguel punching a 13-year-old appeared all around the media of the five Earths.

"Shit..." said Miguel, as he sat down on his desk.

Miguel sighs as he sat on the table in his formal clothing with his hands steepled.

(theme begins)

Miguel stared outside and smiled. He puts his steepled fingers over his mouth.

"Hay Naku... I, Miguel JoJo, have a dream that I believe is just. I will take away all the cancer of society we have by the neck and I will tear out its throat. I will bring peace and harmony to my nation in my next 10 years of service, and I promise you, I will succeed. Because I have faith in it."

(theme ends at 0:47)

(Sub to Samuel Kim, Song by Yugo Kanno)
