

"But how am I supposed to learn flying?" It would be interesting to know if dragons teach their children how to fly or if the just push them off a cliff and if they don't fly then they just accept that.

I was shivering as I remembered the part of a documentation where a mother bird pushed her babies out of the nest and two of them just hit the rocks with full speed and the mother didn't even flinch.

"Natural selection.... I better learn how do fly quick. I don't want to be grounded. How did Stoick say? A grounded dragon is a dead dragon. Judging with that in mind I'm basically death." I really had something against the idea of dying.

"This place looks good enough" I thought. The place I was currently at had no trees. The only thing that was here was the lake surrounded by a big field of grass. "The worst thing that can happen here is landing in the water. "

After finding a place which I thought of as the best available place for training I tried to focus just on flying. "Ok here we go!" I spread my wings. I did what all these pilots in movies always did. I tried to tilt my wings in different ways and I also practiced to open and close my tail fin.

After I think I couldn't do anymore to prepare myself I flapped my wings. "Ok that was easy" I thought because my body was pressed up in the air like it had no weight at all. But at the same time that meant that I catapulted myself way to high.

"Okay just try to flap in a steady motion and concentrate on flying in a straight line" Surprisingly my instinct took over 100% of the control regarding my tailfin which automatically corrected itself to fit the direction I wanted to fly.

"I only have to concentrate on my wings." I somehow managed to fly in a straight line but I soon had to realize that I was now flying over the ocean. "Ok I need to turn back somehow." I turned my head a bit and tried to reposition my wings making me turn sharp left.

After that I landed back on the island. "Conclusion: Take off bad, flying medium, landing perfect" That's how i graded myself for this try.

"I'll try it one more time" I thought. I carefully took of because now I knew how powerful my wings really were. After flying some circles in the air I practiced some things like diving down or going up as fast as possible before landing again.

Conclusion: Take off medium, flying perfect, landing perfect" The only thing I had to do now was trying to take off fast and clean and if possible gaining as much height as possible in the first few seconds.

I shot up in the air again grinning at myself. If I had to grade myself I would reward me with a award for super fast learning and excellent results.

The feeling of flying was unbelievable for a human who sat in her house the whole day. And the best part is that I can experience all of that completely for free unlike dragon riders who have to rely on their dragon to carry them around.

The word dragon rider remembered me of Ava talking about how she'd want to be a dragon rider. "If she really got her with me then she'd probably end up at least at the same island as me right?" I decided to cycle the island hoping to find something.

"Trees trees there are only trees." While staring at the ground I thought about a different possibility. As far as I know there aren't that many uninhabited islands in the world so maybe..." I gulped after thinking about the possibility of actually being in another world.

"Does that mean that dragon hunters exist" On reason more to watch the ground. There may be some of these net throwers or other things that dragon hunters used.

Then i heard a faint voice in the distance. "Why is nobody here?"
