
New Home [3] - The King of Fates


-Unknown Planet within the Gartia Galaxy-

"Hand over the phoenix flame..." A man with piercing golden eyes ordered as he slowly descended toward the ground. He had pale blonde hair that matched the soullessness within his eyes and an unchanging facial expression no matter the situation.

It had always been like that for him... It was as if nothing could surprise him anymore, and in a way, that was true.

He wore a beautiful set of black and gold armor that would put most armor in the galaxy to shame. The sheer forge mastery needed to create the armor he was wearing would have required the best former masters in the galaxy several weeks to create it.

While his power seemed to be sealed behind the cloaking runes of the armor he was wearing, the sheer quality and power within the armor had already sent waves of fear within the crowd. Very few were capable of standing up to the man. However, there was one man who did.
