
Chapter 39 The Captain Steps on Land

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The pigeon's words were always amusing in both content and tone, silly and comical.

However, it now was an undead bird entirely engulfed in Spectral Flames, its translucent flesh revealing bones and tendons flowing with fire, its cries intermixed with crackling explosions, like the wails of wronged spirits leaking out when the gates of the Underworld swung open.

As it turned out, there wasn't such a great distance between the sinister and the comical after all.

The Spiritual Fire that wrapped around Duncan continued to burn, and he watched as the three heretics vanished before his eyes, yet he couldn't be sure of the principles behind this process.

All he knew was that this was Ai Yi's ability.

A few seconds later, after confirming that the three heretics were truly gone, he slightly tilted his head and asked the pigeon on his shoulder, "... Where did you take them?"
