
Day One | The Message

"Today you will learn the consequences for aggrieving cultivators and striking them!" The emperor yelled, flying 300 feet over Marysworth Hospital.

Evalyn watched the ordeal in astonishment. Moments before, she was on her death bed after tasting raw power. Now, she was healed and learning who Kaze was—who he really was.

She wasn't bothered by who he was; the part of her that would care was locked away at present, and she wasn't certain if it would ever return. But that didn't matter to her.

The state she was in led to her treating all actions and events as if they were equal.

"Malta has led its people to the slaughter by hiding the nature of Qi Sickness, and the foolish people in this hospital have killed my mentor, Doctor Martin Miser, or stood around while he died!" Kaze roared, "Both are responsible for his death!"

Evalyn's muted emotions returned in full force after his declaration, and a torrent of ice formed around her.
