
Chapter 35 Gift of the heaven

Lee Yon was a powerful warrior. Throughout his life, he faced many powerful foes to hone his martial arts which included powerful masters like Demonic Witch, Sacred Sword, and Fist of the Heaven in the East. He even fought against infamous mages, knights, monks, and brawlers to improve his abilities.

To do that, he was wandering through the continent to meet worthy opponents. This isn't the first time he heard the such a proposal, so he kept his calm as he examined the body of the boy. Although it is ideal to teach him at 3 or 4 years old, Lee Yon was a mutant who didn't care about that. He was an extraordinary martial artist who was keen on practicing through hardship and defeat. Rarely there were children who can enter his eyes.

However, this time it was different. He felt overwhelming talent and dedication in this boy's body which baffled him. All meridians and his body constitution were perfectly balanced with his energy and his dantian was aligned with his heart.

" How is this even possible? It is like those of the great spirits in the east. His body can plush out any impurities from his body."

Lee Yon thought, standing back with a wondering look. He has no idea about this boy's origin, but one thing was sure. He was talented to become a martial artist who could shake the entire world. He might even raise the prestige of martial arts. As a martial artist, there was no more honorable job than this, raising the greatest martial artist would be an honor and it was his fate to do that.

" I will accept him as my one and only student. However, he must travel with me around the world since he needs to gain experience as a martial artist."

He replied, looking at the duo with a gentle face. He was expecting a positive answer because he was giving an earnest response despite his personality.

The old man's jaw almost dropped on the floor due to the shock. He was expecting a decline from him, but he never imagined the infamous sword of Darkness would answer like this. This was totally out of his expectation and he was baffled.

" Umm, do you mean I am accepted?"

Yeager asked, not understanding what was happening to him. He was confused about the situation and he didn't know what to do. It was great to be accepted as a discipline of a master, but if the main condition was leaving his family, he wasn't willing to do it since there was no guarantee others would protect the church. His siblings were doing fine on their own, but if he leaves the church, they had to face many challenges.

Therefore, he was hesitant about whether he should leave for a while or not. Especially, his sister had a disability and his father was old. There was no way to know their situation on this street.

" Can I have a day or two to decide my fate? I have a weak younger sister and an old father. I want to consult with them and come up with my answer."

He said, looking at the eyes of Lee Yon with no fear. This amused Lee Yon whose eyes were ferocious enough to scare away the children due to their coldness.

" I understand. I will be around here for a week. You can come up with your answer whenever you want since I will be staying in the arena."

Lee Yon smiled, handing out candy from his pocket. He was a sweet lover, so he had candy on almost every occasion.

" Thank you. I will bring a positive answer."

He said, running to his home at his fastest speed. He was excited to share this news with his family because now he could provide for them and probably help his family out.

" He is a bright kid. He has a family to protect. Hence, he is willing to learn such a dangerous occupation instead of being a scientist or a priest."

The old man smiled helplessly when he saw the running kid. He didn't blame or urge him to decide to now even though he was eager. He knew this kid more than anyone else in this arena.

" I see. People often get stronger when they have something to protect."

Lee Yon laughed, turning his back to the restroom.
