
Chapter 15

A flash of red tore through the air as Vesryn sent a bolt of fire at the man's chest. The man pushed his wand forward to meet the attack as the magical flames splashed against an invisible wall, the impact of which forced him to push his arm to the side and deflect the spell to the side where it burned halfway through a nearby tree. As he waved his wand in a constant effort to defend himself from the following barrage of attacks, he realized that he made a mistake. He thought the spell that hit the tree before was all the boy was capable of, weak but wordless magic, a feat that would have been impressive for any other child his age. He was wrong, and he saw that spell clearly now for what it was, a trap. He was told that the child was just some child who was able to speak to dragons, a child whose only way of defending himself was through hiding behind the fire breathing monsters. No, the child was just as much a monster as the giant beast he rode on.

'I need to get closer. He should tire out soon if he continues casting like this. If I can just grab him, it'll be over.' He thought to himself as he ducked beneath another bolt of fire that was aimed at his head. An attack that punched a smoldering hole in the trunk of the tree behind him, warning him that this boy was as much a predator as he was. Either the boy knew he could react fast enough to avoid that last attack, or he simply didn't care if he died. Sweat began to pour down his body, soaking his hair as fire began to fill the surroundings and yet when he looked at the platinum-haired child, who seemed perfectly fine even as he continued to attack while dodging the few attacks that he managed to throw at the boy.No labored breathing, no sweat on his skin, no sign of any exhaustion, only that amused look in his violet eyes and that slight smirk on his lips as he stood there with one hand on his belt where a small black pouch was hanging, his body swaying and turning to evade the spells thrown at him by a hair's breadth. He was playing with him.

"You don't do this often, do you? Fight someone that can fight back? Pity, I was hoping for more." Vesryn said as he watched the man deflected his attacks away, apparently having realized that simply blocking the spells would not be wise. He saw the scowl on the man's face as Vesryn tilted his head to the side to dodge a red streak of light before waving his wand forward, launching a bolt of fire that collided with an incoming attack and exploding into a shower of flames.

He couldn't help but smirk as he felt the ease of which magic flowed in and around him as he cast his spells. His new wand made spellcasting so much more efficient and effective. Without it, it would've taken him at least a second to gather the energy to cast just one of the firebolts. And yet now in the same amount of time and the same amount of energy, he was firing two or even three of them with the same amount of power. Even a few minutes later as he watched the wolfman struggle to deflect his attacks and close the distance, Vesryn felt no drain on his magical stamina, as though the wand allowed him to cast efficiently enough that his recovery offset the exhaustion. His eyes passed over the surroundings as he took note of the flames that were beginning to spread among the trees.

'Well, maybe I've done a bit much.' Vesryn thought to himself as he paused in his attack. From the corner of his vision, he noticed the man take advantage of the opening and charge toward him. An idea came to his mind as he pointed his wand toward the man, as he watched the man dive to the side in an attempt to dodge a possible attack.

"Aero." Vesryn said aloud as he watched the man attempt to continue his charge only to immediately have to grab hold of a nearby tree as he felt his body being pulled backwards. The surrounding ash, embers, and detritus whipped past the man's face as the surrounding flames were pulled into a swirling whirlwind behind him. He turned and looked over his shoulder to see a raging vortex of wind and fire that had consumed all of the flames from the surrounding forest. Then just as he believed his grip was enough to keep him in place, he heard a voice cut through the raging winds that despite its youthful nature, sent shivers down his spine. He felt a small hand grab onto his wrist as he turned back to see the boy tear him away from the tree with unbelievable ease. His feet dangled in the air as the boy held him in place as the violent vortex threatened to draw him in. His claws swiped out in an attempt to force the child to let go, only to slip harmlessly against his skin as though it was covered in a smooth layer of metal.

"I expected you to be heavier." Vesryn muttered as he spun around on the spot and threw the man towards the burning whirlwind. Roaring as his body passed through the vortex of flames and debris, the man felt his wand slip from his grasp just as the winds began to die, leaving behind embers, ash and scorched debris.

"There. No more forest fire. Don't think people would appreciate me burning all of this down.." Vesryn's voice rang out as the man turned to look at the boy that was standing in the center of the road, the smirk on his face now replaced with a look of cold focus.

"You ready to keep going? I have a couple of questions I wanna ask you. You don't have to answer, of course. Honestly I'd prefer if you resist. I have a couple other spells I want to test before people come to investigate." A look of hesitation spread through the man's face as his eyes kept switching between Vesryn and the night sky.

"Now tell me. Who are you and who sent you?" Vesryn asked as he cracked his neck as the man growled and backed away. A ray of silvery light illuminated the road as Vesryn noticed the moon appear through the ruined forest canopy, full and bright. Looking back at the man, Vesryn saw that he now had a wide toothy grin on his face.

"You should have just killed me when you had the chance instead of playing." The man said as he stood up straight.

"Why? Because you're a werewolf and you're gonna turn now? Tell me, do I look concerned?" Vesryn questioned as he withdrew his right hand from his pouch, allowing the longsword in his slip back into the confines of the bag. He watched as the man's jaw clenched as he growled, displaying his set of sharp yellowed teeth.

"Go ahead. Transform. I'm gonna get my answers out of you, one way or another. Even if it means I have to break every bone in your body and wait for you to turn back. You're just making this more difficult for yourself here." Vesryn added as he cracked his knuckles and neck, the sound echoing clearly in the air. He saw the hate filled expression in the man's eyes just before he saw the moon's reflection in his pupils. He watched on with interest as the man began to shake and tremble. Growls and snarling filled the air as Vesryn watched the man's head and body lengthen, his shoulders hunching over while his hands became claws. The clothes ripped apart as the man grew in size to become a large, seven foot tall, grey-furred, bipedal wolf. The werewolf howled into the night sky as his head turned to face the platinum-haired boy watching him.

"Hmm. Smaller than I was expecting. Well. I hope you regenerate." Vesryn muttered as he readied himself for battle against the hulking beast that was beginning to walk towards him. However, instead of the charge that he was expecting, he watched with confusion as the beast stopped in its tracks as it growled, and barked at him while slowly backing away. The hate and rage-filled eyes slowly being overwhelmed with fear and terror.

"What the- Hey! Stop! Don't fucking run away!" Vesryn shouted out in surprise as he watched the werewolf turn and sprint down the road before giving chase himself. There under the light of the moon, Vesryn sprinted after the beast as they entered the streets of Hogsmeade. Countless people peeked out their windows to see a large grey-furred shadow barreling followed by a smaller figure speeding down the road and shouting obscenities into the night. The werewolf pushed past a trio of men that jumped out of the way before they noticed the short figure that was easily keeping pace and even seemed to be slowly gaining on the monster.

"I said stop! You bloody son of a bitch!"

"Wa... Was that? That was the dra-dragon boy right? Ch-chasing a werewolf?" One of the men asked as he looked at his companions before looking back at the figures disappearing into the distance.

"Yes? No? That don't seem right. Maybe we've been dr-drinking too much." Another man answered as he looked between his friends and the bottle in his hand labeled 'Blishen's Firewhiskey'.

"Maybe it was... just a big d-dog or somethin'." The last man responded as he rolled over and attempted to push himself back to his feet only for the entire group to be quickly knocked over by a violent rush of wind as a massive shadow passed overhead. Rolling over the man watched as a large black dragon disappeared into the distance followed shortly after by several figures on broomsticks.

"I think I'm... just... gonna... lay here." The man muttered before his head fell back on the street and he fell unconscious. As the trio gave themselves over to their drunken dreamland, a pair of individuals passed through the air above them on a single broomstick. Dressed in a green nightgown, McGonagall controlled the broomstick as a short man with white hair wearing black robes and a long, floppy nightcap held tightly onto her from behind, pointing out at the dragon in the distance. Pushing forward, they fell in behind the group of wizards in front of them as they followed the giant creature as it appeared to slow down.

"There! In the street!" The short man called out, directing McGonagall to look down at spot the platinum-hair figure sprinting through the streets after a large grey-furred beast.

"Filius, is that?!" McGonagall asked loudly over sounds of rushing wind as they descended closer to the rooftops beneath.

"Merlin's beard! I think that's a werewolf!"

[Dusk! Cut him off!] Vesryn called out as he spotted the large figure passing overhead, his words sounding like a loud rumbling growl in the air. Dusk swooped down close to the buildings below, the tiles shaking as he passed over them before briefly rising in an arc to turn around and land in the street ahead of the werewolf, his claws digging into the sides of the road as he slid backward to a halt. The grey beast came to an abrupt halt as the dragon roared in front of him, shaking the ground and shattering the windows directly nearby. Shouting echoed into the air as people leaned out their windows and complained before quickly growing silent as they took in the situation before them.

With his only path to escape cut off by the black dragon, and the crowd of witches and wizards floating overhead on broomsticks, the beast turned around and charged toward the only opening he could see. Tucking his wand back into his pouch to avoid using the indiscriminate spells in his arsenal, Vesryn pushed off the ground, leaping into the air as he saw the werewolf scrambled up the side of a building towards the only direction that wasn't blocked off. As the beast crested the edge of the roof, all he saw was the small leg tearing through the air in his direction as Vesryn carried the momentum of his jump and delivered it through a devastating roundhouse kick to the werewolf's chest. The sound of cracking bone carried into the air as all those present watched the large werewolf get launched from the roof and back towards the street below.

Roaring in pain and anger the werewolf swiped his claws as Vesryn appeared in the air in front of it. Slapping his hand forward to direct the incoming attack away, Vesryn used the opportunity to push himself over the beast's head to avoid the second claw. Spinning around the werewolf swiped wildly like a savage, cornered animal at the boy as he landed on the ground. Slipping under and away from each strike, Vesryn timed his openings as he lashed out with brutal blows of his own. The force and sound of his attacks shocked the surrounding witches and wizards, as they watched the large seven-foot tall werewolf that looked like it could weigh almost six hundred pounds get knocked around with each impact from the five-foot tall, eleven-year-old boy. Despite the clear reach disadvantage he had, they could not help but stare as the boy evaded every wild strike as he stuck close to the beast.

"Shouldn't we help him?" McGonagall heard Charlie ask from atop a broomstick nearby.

"Help who? The werewolf?" Marisa questioned as the sound of a loud crack and subsequent pain-filled yelp caused her to flinch as she watched the brutality unfold.

Weaving out of the way of two claw swipes, Vesryn delivered a swift uppercut as the werewolf attempted to bite him and quickly followed up with a vicious blow toward the beast's knee. A howl of agony filled the night sky as the werewolf's leg bent in the opposite direction. Taking advantage as the werewolf recoiled from the sudden pain, Vesryn reached out with his left hand, grabbed the creature's left wrist, and pulled it to the side as he slipped underneath. Pulling the arm as he pressed his back against the beast's, he lifted the werewolf into the air in a perfect arc before slamming him into the ground. Cracks spread like webs on the ground as Vesryn pressed a foot beneath the werewolf's armpit as he pulled and twisted the arm, forcing out another roar of pain before he let go and stepped away. The werewolf rolled over onto its belly and attempted to push itself up, an act that was painfully difficult with an arm that was hanging limp and a leg that was bent the other way. Vesryn pushed his hair back and out of his face, a frown on his face as he watched the beast struggling to stand and limp away from him.

[Dusk. Hold him down.] Vesryn ordered flatly as the dragon reached out with his right claw and pressed the werewolf flat onto the ground.

[Don't kill him. I want answers.] Vesryn added as he brushed himself off to get rid of the dust and ash that had built up on his body. Vesryn looked down at the struggling beast trapped beneath Dusk's claws as he heard a group of footsteps drawing closer from a distance as two other sets touched down behind him.

"Vesryn? What is happening here?" McGonagall asked as she held the broom at her side.

"What, this? It's an interesting story, really." Vesryn began to respond as a loud voice shouted into the air.

"Werewolf Capture Squad! Nobody panic!" A man with greying brown hair, green eyes, and a thick brown mustache came running into view with two other individuals. Each one was dressed in a purple tailcoat that had two rows of silver buttons and a white oval patch on their shoulders with a black paw-print in the center. On their heads, Vesryn spotted a round helmet with what looked like a howling wolf's head against a white moon stamped directly in the center.

"Where is it? Where's the werewolf?" The man called out as he looked around at his surroundings before going stiff as he noticed the giant black dragon that was staring at him. Dusk tilted his head slightly as he examined the strange man before looking down at Vesryn.

"That... Is not a werewolf." The man muttered as he looked over his shoulder at his companions. "Okay. Nobody panic, and nobody move. Maybe it won't see us if we just stay still."

Vesryn recoiled at the strange logic being used as he looked at the man with an expression of disbelief.

'I'm not sure if I should correct that or just let him stand there.' Vesryn thought to himself before he ultimately decided to say nothing.

"Anyway. So someone sent this werewolf after me. We fought, he lost, he transformed, and then we fought again." Vesryn answered as he turned back toward Professor McGonagall.

"Minerva. I think I recognize this one." The short man said as he held his wand out in front of him, a bright light shining from its tip. McGonagall furrowed her brow as she looked at the struggling beast trapped beneath the dragon, her wand gripped tight in her hand.

"Vesryn. What did the werewolf look like before he transformed?" McGonagall asked as she turned back to look at the young boy that was standing with his arms crossed.

"Uh, gray hair and whiskers? Pointy yellow nails and teeth. Looked more like an animal than a man?" Vesryn answered as he looked at the struggling beast.

"Greyback?" McGonagall asked as she looked back toward the beast.

"I'm sorry young man. You said you fought him and won?" The short elderly man asked as he spun around toward the boy.

"Well, fought might not be accurate. I didn't really give him the chance to fight back." Vesryn answered before the short man rushed up to him and began to bombard him with a series of questions.

"How'd you do it? What spell did you use? What about the environment? Was that a factor? Have you dueled before? Who taught you?"

"Ahem. Professor Flitwick?" McGonagall cleared her throat as she looked at him over the edge of her glasses with her eyebrows raised.

"Oh, right. That was a very dangerous thing to do. Very dangerous." Flitwick said, nodding his head with his eyes closed before suddenly jumping away as the werewolf snapped its jaws at him.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Professor Flitwick asked as he stepped further away from the werewolf. Vesryn looked down at the werewolf that seemed to shrink under his gaze.

"I have a couple things in mind."

{A/N: putting the main part of my A/N here, since 500 characters doesn't seem like enough to me sometimes. Just in case people ask, Vesryn, physically is unmatched by any wizard. Likely the only things that can have the strength to contend with him even at 11 are giants, trolls, dragons and other xxxxx magical beasts. For comparison, Wilson Fisk, canonically weighs 450lbs and has the physical strength to contend with captain America, in some of the comics anyway. Werewolves like Greyback, ones that aren't malnourished are about the same level when transformed if not with greater strength. Vesryn at this moment is on par with that level of physical strength, just significantly more skilled than a savage and instinct driven werewolf or a wizard who has never actually fought a real physical battle.

Other thing is why Vesryn was actually able to beat Greyback with magic. Vesryn's not more skilled with magic. What he is, is just more powerful. If he and another wizard casts the same spell with the same amount of effort, Vesryn's will have more impact. It'll be explained more thoroughly in the future.}

I’m gonna hold off on P@treon for the moment. Right now the only thing I have for offer is a discord channel that I’m going to separate for each book so people can interact and ask questions. In the future once the p@treon is up, I’ll have it so you can one or two chapters ahead of what I put on Webnovel. Also I’m working on an original story that I will put on p@treon that will be five to ten chapters ahead of what I will eventually post on Webnovel.

HuntingFatecreators' thoughts