
This Hero Is For Real [Pt 1]

'The fuck? What kind of development is this?'

Why would parents tell a kid something so gory? And why was she looking at me like that?

'Death by demons... just how many times did she hear that?' I stared at the little girl with very conflicted emotions.

Of course, as the Hero, I could only be one thing to folks like her.

"Of course..." I gently patted her soft brown hair and smiled confidently.

Crouching a little, so we could be closer in height, I locked eyes with her, taking her small hands into mine.

"... I'll save everyone."

We both smiled at each other, and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling within me. The child's innocent grin further intensified the warm happiness that I was currently feeling.

It made me mean every single word of assurance I said to her. For the sake of children like her, and the hope of all the people in this City placed in me, I couldn't lose.

"That's a promise."




The girl bounced off, smiling brightly as she left.
