
Provisional License 2

"Start!" said the announcer before the big group of students all launched balls at the U.A. group.

"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down first!" said Shindo with a smile.

Seeing the balls being launched at them, everyone used their quirks to block them. Mina used her acid to block them, Midoriya used his legs to blow them away, Kyoka used her sound to stop them, and Tobias summoned a whirlwind to suck them up.

"Hey, that's not very nice." said Tobias with a smile before controlling the whirlwind to spin faster before launching all the balls back. But since he wasn't trying to hit anyone, they all managed to dodge the balls, leading to a standoff.

"They repelled most of them." said one of the Ketsubutsu students who had blue skin and a rock-like appearance.

"Yup. This alone won't be enough to take down the U.A. kids." said Shindo.

"But, well, now we've seen what they're made of. Your turn." said the blue student before doing something to the balls and then tossing them to another Ketsubutsu student, one with long hair and a plain face.

"My turn, indeed. Apologies in advance for possibly being the first to pass this exam, everyone. But given that I'll be reducing their numbers, perhaps you can forgive me." he said before throwing the balls into the ground before they began moving towards the U.A. group.

"Kyoka." said Tobias.

"Got it. Heartbeat Distortion." she said as she plugged her jacks into the ground before it broke from her ultimate move, digging up the balls and causing the group of students to lose their footing.

"They're still coming." said Tobias, seeing that the balls he Ketsubutsu student were still going.

"I got it!" said Mina as she used her acid to block the balls and melt them.

"Nice. They've lost their footing, go on the offensive." said Tobias as he took out a card and activated it.


The ground rumbled for a few seconds before dozens of vines sprouted from the ground that rushed to the students surrounding the U.A. group. Thanks to Kyoka's Heartbeat Distortion, the vines were able to wrap up about a dozen students while simultaneously showing their targets, for easy picking.

"Throw your balls to the ones caught in the vines." said Tobias to his classmates as he enchanted a few balls to seek out the targets on two of the caught students before throwing them.

Unfortunately, one of the students Tobias threw the balls at was able to react and used quills that came out of his skin to block the three balls. While the other student was not so lucky, making him the first of two required for Tobias to pass. But before Tobias could do anymore.

"Maximum Force!" said Shindo.


The ground in front of Shindo split apart, far more than what Kyoka did, causing the vines to break and the U.A. group to be split up.

"Hey, hey. Going a little overboard don't you think?" said Tobias, now with wings on his back, as he looked down on the broken battlefield from up high.

"One hundred and twenty examinees are out! All taken down by a single fighter! Nothing beats a surprise like that to wake a guy up. Keep up the pace, ladies and gentlemen!" said the announcer.

"Aw, man. I wanted to be first. Should I try for 121?" thought Tobias out loud before he suddenly dodged.

"I thought I would've gotten you there." said a girl with a Shiketsu hat on who had springboarded off some rubble to try to pin a ball on Tobias.

"You're going to have to be quicker than that." said Tobias.

"In a chaotic exam like this, there's sure to be lots of us who would target those we already know the most about. Given that, I realized U.A. would probably be taken out quickly, so I came to find you people. This just seems like a good chance to get to know other schools, and boy, I really wanna know more about you guys at U.A." she said.

"Smart. But you should pay more attention to your surroundings instead of monologuing." said Tobias as the ground under the girl changed into arms that grabbed her legs before continuing up her body to encase her in stone.

"Seems like you've trained your quirk. You don't have to use cards anymore." she said.

"What can I say, I'm just that good." said Tobias, not bothering to correct her before going up to her and placing the balls on the targets.

"Boo. I wanted to get to know you more." she said with a pout.

"Sorry. I'm taken." said Tobias.


"You've passed, so please proceed to the reception room." said the targets on Tobias, which were now lit up to show he passed.

"Too bad. Really. For real! I wanted to talk a little more, but it looks like that won't be possible now. Too bad." she said with a real yandere vibe.

"Uh, okay. See you later then. I guess." said Tobias as he backed away from her before turning around to go to the reception room.

'I mean I know I'm handsome and all, but for her to fall in love with me at first sight. That's too much even for me. Sigh. What a curse.' thought Tobias.

Making his way to the reception room and entering it, he saw that there were already quite a few people in there. And one of them was Yoarashi from before the exam who was happily talking to another examinee.

'If I had controlled the whirlwind better from early on in the exam, I could've been first. Oh well. Not that it really matters. Only serves to stroke my own ego. Not that it needs more stroking.' he thought as he sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

"I knew you would make it too!" said Yoarashi who was now standing in front of Tobias.

"Thanks. But I'm trying to rest a bit here if you don't mind." said Tobias with his eyes still closed.

"Sure, sure!" he said, going silent for a few moments.

"So, who's your favorite hero?!" he said.

"Sigh." said Tobias opening his eyes to converse with Yoarashi before seeing that Todoroki had entered the reception room.

"Oh, Todoroki. Glad to see you passed." said Tobias while Yoarashi glared at Todorki before walking off.

"What's up with that guy? You know him?" asked Tobias.

"No." said Todoroki.

"Well I'm glad you came at the perfect moment or he would've talked my ear off." said Tobias before closing his eyes again.

"Tobias." said Kyoka who had just entered the reception room.

'Well it was a short rest.' thought Tobias opening his eyes.

"I knew you would pass." he said with a smile as she sat down right next to him.

"The test's not over. But thanks." she said before kissing him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" asked Tobias.

"For helping me calm down." she said.

"In that case, I'll help you calm down whenever you want if that's the reward." teased Tobias causing Kyoka to chuckle.


"One hundred of you have successfully passed. Now will all one hundred of you please watch the screen." said the announcer, causing everyone to turn to the screen.


"Why?" asked Kyoka as they watched the different testing areas be blown up.

"Rescue." said Tobias.

"Round two's the last one! You examinees will venture into the ruins as bystanders and prove your worth when it comes to rescuing innocent victims. You will enter the disaster scene as bystanders and will undertake a rescue exercise."

"Bystanders?" asked Eijiro.

"People who happen to be on the scene. The term is also used to refer to ordinary civilians." explained Momo.

"You will not act as ordinary civilians, but as those who have hypothetically earned their provisional licenses. You're being tested on how well you respond in rescue situations."

"Why are there people down there?" asked Shoji.

"Everyone there is a highly trained professional rescuee and in very high demand as of late. Please welcome the good people of Help Us Company or HUC for short. The members of HUC will be feigning injuries all across the field. It is your task to rescue them. You will all be scored on how well you perform these rescues. Those who attain the required points at the end of the test will pass. We'll start in ten minutes, so take your bathroom breaks now." said the announcer.

"How well we perform these rescues, huh?" said Tobias.

"What about it?" asked Kyoka.

"I'm guessing these rescuees will be extremely picky about the process of how we rescue them. Which makes sense, you don't want a hero that's supposed to be rescuing you to accidentally kill you in the process. I'm sure even the conversation we have with them while rescuing them is going to be judged."

"You think they'll be that picky?"

"I think so. After all, even though good combat prowess is essential when being a hero, when it comes down to it, we're supposed to be rescuing people more than fighting villains." said Tobias.

"Then we're at a disadvantage." said Kyoka.

"Yes, we are. Class 1-A has been more focused on the combat side of things rather than the rescue side. Though it's not like we had much choice with all the things that have been happening, but we're definitely not as prepared as the rest of the students here." said Tobias.

"Is the great Tobias finally worried?" said Kyoka with a teasing smile.

"Nah, that just makes it more interesting." he replied, a big smile on his face.


"Terrorists have launched a massive attack! There's wide-scale destruction throughout the city. Buildings are collapsing and people are hurt! With most roads out of commission, rescue and relief squads are having a hard time reaching the scene! Until they arrive, it's up to you heroes to take charge and rescue civilians. Save every life you can!" said the announcer as the reception room opened up and all the students rushed to save people.

"So, how are we doing this?" asked Kyoka as she rushed towards the disaster zone with Tobias.

"With your quirk, we'll be able to pinpoint any rescuees, including those who may be trapped under rubble. We'll focus on those who are harder to reach, but help any we come across." said Tobias.

"Sounds good." she replied.

The two then continued on passing their classmates and other students who were already helping rescue survivors when Kyoka stopped.

"Over there." she said pointing at a collapsed building.

"How many?" asked Tobias.

"I can only hear one but let me plug my jacks in just to be sure." she said before plugging her jacks into the rubble.

"Just the one."

"Good, gives me more room to maneuver." said Tobias before pulling out a card and throwing it at the rubble.

Once the card landed on the rubble and Tobias activated it, the rubble started to turn into dust before rearranging itself into a solid cube of rubble, away from the rescuee.

"Huh?" said the rescuee, who was a little confused at what had happened to the rubble.

"It's okay, we're here." said Tobias and Kyoka to the old lady, with big smiles on their faces.

"O-oh. T-thank you." she said.

"Are you hurt anywhere besides the scrapes and bruises?" asked Kyoka.

"My leg. I think it's broken." said the old lady.

"I'll make you a leg splint. It'll help stop any further damage to the leg. Once we're done here, we'll take you to the aid station." said Tobias who pulled out a card, activated it, and then began to use the splint on the old lady.

"Thank you." she said.

"Of course, what are heroes for." said Tobias with a smile causing the old lady to blush.

"Oh my." she said, like a maiden in love.

"Here, this will take you to the aid station." said Tobias, moving past her swooning and Kyoka's teasing look, and creating an automated wheelchair.

"Thank you." she said after Tobias gently lifted her up and placed her in the wheelchair before it started going to the aid station.

"Please don't tell me you're leaving me for her." said Kyoka.

"Maybe. She's got spunk." said Tobias.

"Let's mov-"


"Another terrorist attack?" asked Kyoka.

"Seems like it." said Tobias as they saw the smoke clear to reveal a humanoid Orca and his goons.

"That's Gang Orca." said Kyoka.

"The villains have shown up, and they're on the move! You hero candidates on the scene will suppress the villain incursion all while continuing the rescue operation." said the announcer.

"Kyoka, I'll go deal with the villains. What about you?" said Tobias.

"I'll go help with the rescue." she said.

"Okay. Good luck." said Tobias before summoning his hoverboard and rushing to where the villains appeared which just happened to be near the aid station.

'This test seems too hard for a provisional license. The after-effects of losing All Might are already appearing.' thought Tobias as he saw Shindo rush forward to try to stop the villains before being stopped by Gang Orca.

"You left a single anchor to deal with a threat like me? Don't get cocky, kids!" he said before being blasted with a wave of ice, courtesy of Todoroki.

"Incoming!" said Tobias as he threw a card in front of Gang Orca and Todoroki jumped back to dodge what was coming.


A giant wall of earth appeared separating Gang Orca and his crew of villains from the rest of the disaster zone.

"Everyone, continue with the evacuation! The wall will hold them back for a while. Todoroki." said Tobias as he used his hoverboard to get on top of the wall.

"Mm." replied Todoroki before using his ice to join him.

"Blow the heck away!" said Yoarashi as he appeared out of nowhere before using his wind to blow a few of the goons back.

"Why don't you help evacuate the area? Your quirks suited to that. I'll take care of these guys." said Todoroki to Yoarashi.

"Hmph." he replied.

"Alright, you two. Settle down. We're supposed to be holding the villains back to allow for the rescue to continue, not squabbling over petty beef. Save that for after." said Tobias.

"Creating a barrier to separate the villains from the civilians, allowing for both the rescue to continue as well as stopping the villains from continuing forward. Very impressive. But you two, this is not the time to be squabbling." said Gang Orca.

"Tch." x2

"Shoot." said Gang Orca.

"Roger!" said his goons as they pointed their arms, which had a blaster of sorts, at the three students and shot.

Tobias used his hoverboard to dodge, Todoroki used his flames to melt the projectile, and Yoarashi used his wind to sweep them aside. The projectile that was dodged by Tobias hit the earth wall and hardened into cement.

"They're shooting cement. Careful." said Tobias before pulling out two cards and throwing them down.



"Oh?" said Gang Orca as he looked at the two 3-meter-tall mud golems that Tobias had created.

"Cool!" said Yoarashi.

"The golems should be enough to take care of the goons, you two take care of Gang Orca." said Tobias.

At this, the golems began to walk toward the goons and throw mud at them so as to stop their movements. After all, Tobias wasn't trying to hurt them since it was just a test.

Meanwhile, Todoroki and Yoarashi both launched a wave of fire and wind respectively, but the heat from Todoroki's fire made Yoarashi's wind rise. This only served to annoy both of them, causing them to launch another wave of their respective element, creating the same situation. Meanwhile, Gang Orca just stood there.

"Hey, children. If your heat makes his wind rise, try to shoot it from below." said Tobias.

Hearing this, the two launched a low attack at Gang Orca simultaneously, causing the attack to combine into a big fire tornado.

"Go for the wind user!" said the goons as they tried to hit Yoarashi with the cement guns. Unfortunately for them, they stopped to do so and allowed one of the mud golems to collapse on top of them, creating a mire.

"A red-hot prison of fiery wind. It's a decent idea. If I was an ordinary villain, I might surrender and beg for mercy. However, that just ain't the case. From the second you hit me with this, I was already planning my next move." said Gang Orca as he poured a bottle of water on himself before using his supersonic attack to dispel the fire tornado.

"What now?!" he said before being blasted by a wave of ice that pushed him upwards before being slammed down into the ground by a blast of wind. Once on the ground, roots appeared and wrapped around him.

"Oh." he said, blushing at being taken down so quickly after his big speech.


"Ahem! At present, every last HUC member on the field has been rescued from impending danger. Therefore, I declare that this test is over!" said the announcer.

"Just in time." said Tobias as he undid the roots binding Gang Orca and the earth wall.

"The results will be announced once all scores are tallied. Those with injuries, please proceed to the medical area. Everyone else, get changed and stand by for instructions.


"It's been a long battle, everyone, but now it's time for the results. Before that, though, regarding the scoring system, we of the Heroes Public Safety Commission, along with the members of HUC were deducting points on two issues as we watched you perform. Essentially, we judged you on your ability to act flawlessly in a crisis. Anyhow, here are the names of those who passed the test, in alphabetical order. Keeping everything I've said in mind, please take a look." said the announcer as the screen showed the results.

"Nice, I passed." said Tobias finding his name.

"I passed!" said Kyoka, getting excited and hugging Tobias.

"Haha. I'm proud of you." said Tobias hugging her back.

"I didn't!" said Bakugo, mashing his teeth in anger.

"It's because of your potty mouth. Words matter you know." said Denki.

"Shaddup if you don't want to die!" he said.

"Everyone else passed. As your class president, good job. I'm proud of everyone. Except for Bakugo. Buck up." said Tobias.

"I assume you've all had a chance to view the results. Next, we'll be handing out score sheets. We've explained the scoring system in detail, so read over them carefully." said the announcer as the sheets started being passed out.

"Fukushima." said the employee.

"Thanks." said Tobias as he grabbed it and read it.

"96, damn." said Tobias.

"You got 96?! I got 85. What did they deduct points from?" said Kyoka.

"Because I waited for Todoroki and Yoarashi to fight Gang Orca instead of fighting him together from the beginning. Oh well." said Tobias.

"It was a punitive scoring system, with a threshold of 50 points. On your score sheets, you'll see how many points you lost for each given action.

Going forward, those who passed now have the legal right to act in a heroic capacity, but only during emergencies. That means fighting villains, and rescuing people in disaster scenarios, and even without a professional hero's guidance, you're permitted to take action on your own. But keep in mind that every action you take comes with a heavy responsibility to society."



Third weekly chapter, completed! Sorry for the non-consistent schedule, but it should end in two weeks give or take.

Also check out my new novel, Day In The Life Of A Mercenary. A darker one compared to my other ones, but it's potentially a one-shot, so no worries there. If not a one-shot, it'll only be for when I'm in the mood to write for it, so no worries there.

Thirty-fifth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts