
Chapter 1: The Devil In Me

Lucifer sat on a wooden noble carriage bench, with his head looking upward. They made the carriage with smooth black wood that could negate the vibrations fully. He leaned back against the quilted seat and looked outside from his carriage window.

'I didn't think I would leave Grendel so quickly.' (Pride)

He felt a snake's tail slither along his thigh. His carriage only kept two people, himself and the other, his teacher and Principal Esther.

'How did this woman avoid her responsibilities?' (Pride)

[You know she did this for fun. Don't avoid reality, master!]

Since the day he forged his own path. He spent several days with each woman who could not join him.

Luca would remain to finish her studies. Her dream was to become a blacksmith and thus stayed with his blessing.
