
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Past Comes Back to Kill


Rolling onto my back, my quaking fingers poked my forehead. Red blood painted the tips, the hallway spinning around me. Hudson towered over me, his hand hovering in my face. Accepting his hand, it felt as if I had been hit by a train. Groaning to myself, Hudsy yanked me up. Crashing down the hall, the floor creaked the moment I sank to my knees. Lunitia was once leaning against the wall, seven forlorn people coming out of her room. Scanning them all, wails of deep loss echoed down the hall. Struggling to my feet, horror widened at my eyes at the sight of them holding their weapons over their hearts. Stabbing their hearts, their skin decayed to ash. One by one the weapons crumbled into dust, silent tears stained my cheeks. Pushing past my horror, my trembling hand opened the thick oak door. Blood painted the walls, files covered the bed. Sitting down inches from the files, my shaking fingers flipped through the scribbled notes. Scanning line after line, none of it made sense. Stopping at the file named Mayhem, my mother's face glared up at me. Seeing her sent me off into a quiet panic attack, my concern for what was coming that would cause the Demon Gemholders to kill themselves calming that familiar sensation down. Hudsy hovered in the door, Daryll coming in with Flynn. His jaw dropped to the floor, my trembling fingers scanning the lines once more. Who was her boss? Wondering if I knew who he was, nothing was jumping out at me. Dragging the files into a single pile, I pulled every suitcase onto the bed. Unzipping them, I sent Hudsy out with everyone else. Puck knocked before entering the room, his brow rising in response to the open suitcases on the bed. Tossing the clothes on the floor, my fingers lined the edge. Every left corner had a small tear, my claw extending from my fingers. Running my claws along the edge, a lump formed in my throat. Thousands of pictures littered the space, most of them were of me, and my fellow gem holders. Gathering them all up, I shoved them into a plastic bag along with the files. A boom echoed in the hall, Puck pulling me into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, the quick rain of warm water hid our scents. My hair clung to my face, his hand covering my mouth. A masked figure burst into the bathroom, the lights flickering wildly. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, the rotten scent of sulfur filled up the room. Gripping the handle of the bag, the evidence remained mostly dry. Footsteps banged their way around the room, furniture snapping in half.

"Where is the information that they were carrying? We need to know more about the Reaper's Angel!" The raspy male voice roared in the bathroom, his fist smashing into the mirror. "We will stick around for another day to find her." A meek voice cleared his throat, the masked figure stiffening with frustration.

"Master Nuit, we don't know what she looks like." He squeaked out frightfully, the two of us not knowing what they looked like. "How are we going to fi-" The sound of a neck cracking stopped my heart, even Puck beginning to lose his composure. Bones crunched as Master Nuit began to devour his subordinate, my breakfast threatening to visit again. Sucking on his fingers, a long sigh of satisfaction left his lips. Glancing over at the shower, his hollow footsteps approached. One step, my heart jolted back to life. Second step, the corner of my lips quivered. Third step, my breathing grew shorter at his gloved fingers curling around the curtain. Relief crashed over us the moment someone called out for him, the sound of boots pounding out of the room allowing my body to relax. Waiting a good hour, Puck stepped out first. Motioning that everything was clear, he waved me out. Stepping over the damaged furniture, Puck whisked me into the hotel room with an eager Hudsy greeting us at the door, curious looks flitted between the two of us. Hudsy clutched me close to his chest, every cell in my body was happy that I was here to protect my family. The reality of the situation set in, my heart sinking at all of the senseless deaths for Master Nuit. Kissing the top of my head, Hudsy's big hands cupped my face.

"Promise me you won't leave without protection for the rest of the weekend." He pleaded adorably, his embrace stealing away some of the shock. "Grappy, I order you to never leave her side. Tell me what you saw." Clearing my throat, my wet eyes refused to meet his. Sitting me down on the bed, he wiped the tears from my eyes. Taking the bag, his eyes fell on Puck. Opening up his locking suitcase, Hudsy began to organize the files in the secret compartment underneath his clothes. Snapping to his feet, his fingers examined my tattered costume. One stern gaze sent Puck and his son to their room, his steady hands passing it to Grappy. Pulling one of his sweatshirts out, he tugged it over my head. Flynn rolled around in his playpen, his coos helping my fraying nerves settle a bit. Taking a first aid kit from his suitcase, a knowing smile lit up his worn face. Dabbing alcohol on my forehead, he examined the damage

"I am glad I packed this. Is there a situation where you won't get hurt?" He teased with his crooked grin, he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "The characters have a mask towards the end of the game. Let's go with that plan. Grappy will watch Flynn while I watch you take a quick shower." Chuckling darkly to myself, did he not realize how creepy that sounded.

"Should I charge you?" I teased playfully, stripping off the sweatshirt. "If we weren't married that would sound incredibly creepy." Hopping into the shower, he hung back. Letting the warm water bathe me, the trauma of it all hit me. Sinking to my knees, the image of all the blood mixed the sound of Master Nuit's voice. Trembling in the tub, Hudsy poked his head in. My chest tightened, each breath grew shorter. Clutching my chest, teardrops mixed with the water raining down on me. Lunitia died because of my mother, the guilt eating me alive. Seven more people died because of another war, his voice ringing in my ear. Why was he looking for me? How many people were looking for me? Strong arms wrapping around my shoulder snapped me back to reality, a fully clothed Hudsy rested his chin on my head.

"I am scared that your mother is back as well." He whispered sweetly in my ear, my mind blanking on that fact that she was back. "I will lay down my life for you. Promise to never to die on me again, especially by her hands. Take deep breaths." Noting his suit, shame dimmed my eyes. Turning to face him, my fingers gripped his soaked suit.

"I ruined your suit." I wept brokenly, resting my head against his chest. "You h-" Lifting up my chin with his finger, his lips smashed into mine passionately. Pinning me to the bottom of the sleek claw foot tub, his eager eyes gazed upon my puffy tear stained cheeks. Scarlet colored my cheeks at the wet clothing sticking to his muscles, a wicked grin curling on his lips.

"Oh no, I will have to take off one of the three suits I packed for this trip." He growled huskily, unbuttoning his suit lustfully. "May I take you, Miss Evie?" My thighs rubbed together, the inner wolf telling me to give in. His clothes landed with a wet plop, his palms rubbing my bump. Walking his fingers to my swollen clit, his free hand turned off the water. Hearing the television volume rise, I could feel Grappy rolling his eyes. Closing my eyes, his arms held a bubbly Flynn.

"Have fun, idiot." He shouted through our mental connection, a fit of laughter burst from my lips. Rolling him underneath me, my hair dripped onto his face. The depression came back, Hudsy picking up on it. Teardrops soaked his face, his arms pulling me into a desperate hug. Sobbing into my shoulders, his emotions burst.

"I miss Luny because at the end of the day we were tedious friends who always looked forward to seeing each other. The past couple of years we would sit at the bar together and have honest conversations. Once a month she would call me and walk me through on how to get you to be my wife. Hell, she would listen to me talk about my parents arguing and how it scared me." He sobbed violently, his whole body quaking. "She was my only other ally in high school." Letting him cry for thirty minutes, my own tears slid down my cheeks. Popping to his feet, his quaking hand turned on the warm water. Numbly washing up, the whole experience seemed to hit him. Taking my turn, he held me by my waist. Finishing up quickly, I squirmed out of his arms. Turning off the water, silent tears streamed down his cheek. Stepping out, I passed him a towel. Drying myself off, his expression didn't change. Panic gripped my mind, his speech was tomorrow morning. Twisting my brushed hair into a bun, my stable fingers shaped my bangs. Helping Hudsy out of the shower, his wet eyes met mine. Clutching me to his chest, guilt ate at me. All of this was my fault, my lips pressing into a thin line.

"It's my fault. They were looking for me." I mumbled under my breath, his finger lifting up my chin. "Once again, everything is all because of me. I am sor-" Gazing lovingly into my eyes, his lips kissed mine sweetly. Tracing his thumb along my cheek, his lips brushed against my forehead.

"Stop saying sorry." He groaned tiredly, pulling on the robe he traveled with. "Let's go to bed. I am exhausted." Dropping my sweatshirt over my head, he guided me out of the bathroom. Grappy slumbered with Flynn in his arms, Hudsy's brows rising as I placed my finger on my lips. Taking out my phone, I took a picture. This moment had to be saved forever in the space of my phone. Scooping up Flynn, Hudsy moved the blanket. Laying down, he faced me while smiling warmly down at Flynn. Playing with his hair, his other hand rested on my bump. Snores echoed in my ear, my insomnia stealing any chance of sleeping. Waiting patiently for his alarm to go off, I pulled out one of my books. Flipping through the pages, everyone snored away. Something caught my eyes, my repaired and cleaned up costume rested next to him. A loud growl rumbled in my stomach, Grappy jerking awake. Yawning groggily, a crooked grin danced across his lips.

"Do you want me to go get you something to eat?" He offered sincerely, remembering Hudsy's orders. "I can't. Sorry." Death popped up with a bag of burritos, his scarlet velvet suit contrasting his pale skin. Tossing me a burrito, embarrassment painted my cheeks at another loud rumble. Opening the wrapper, Hudsy's eyes fluttered open. Yawning, the bed groaned as he sat up. Passing him the burrito, Death tossed me another one. Eating our breakfast in silence, the four of us must have looked odd. Tossing me a book, Master Nuit's name shimmered on the worn leather binding. Flipping through the pages, they were blank. Flipping them back and forth, confusion dawned on my face.

"Why are they blank?" I demanded grumpily, his shoulders shrugging. "Why is he looking for me? Another question! Why is my mother back from the dead! She is supposed to be buried in the fucking ground." Leaping off the bed, my bare feet pounded towards him. Slamming the book into the center of his chest, his eyes narrowed in deep thought. Snapping his fingers, my mother's book rested in his palms. Ripping it open, a cruel snarl twitched on his lips.

"That asshole resurrected her." He cursed audibly, his hair blowing back as he slammed it shut. "I have to go. See you soon, dear." Grabbing his wrists, I needed answers. His face softened at the sight of me, his hand cupping mine. Ruffling the top of my head, my mother's book disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Who is this masked asshole?" I queried brokenly, wanting all of the answers now. "He is coming for me. Why? I resurrected because demons are supposed to be scared of me but I don't know what I did. You can't lie to me. Most people don't get kicked out of Hell because they are dangerous!" Rubbing my forehead, these new people were going to be more of a headache than the hunters.

"How do I kill a demon, especially my mother?" I continued venomously, letting my rage out on him. "I hated her before and I now have to face her repeatedly. It will take a few fights to kill my mother who abused me my whole life. Aagh! I hate this with every part of my heart. What's next, is my stepfather going to be raised from his grave? Fuck all of this. I was finally starting to feel okay but nothing lasts, does it!" Dropping my arms to my side, my father clutched me close to my chest while my tears soaked his jacket. The shrill alarm shattered the moment, a knock on the door telling Hudson to hurry up. Puck poked his head in, ready to watch Flynn for us. Snatching my costume, I slammed the bathroom door behind me. Tugging everything on, Grappy stepped in with his dusty brown Victorian suit. Fixing my hair into the proper style, he arranged the crown properly. Placing a golden wolf mask into my palm, he pulled his midnight black raven mask over his face. Sliding my feet into the golden boots, my shaking hands dusted off the golden vest. Fixing his hair, his elbow hooked into mine. Stepping out, Hudson was already gone. Checking with my father, he was already putting a protection spell on the room. Sending me off with a hug, our shoes were clicking down the hall. Sprinting into the side of the stage, an anxious Daryll tugged on his suit sleeve. Preteens and teens sat next to their parents, curious glints sparkled across the room. Motioning for the speech to begin, Hudson cleared his throat while Daryll trembled next to him. Clearing his throat, his words flowed like a river. Motioning for Daryll to take the podium, his dictation proved to be a lot less smoother.

"I made this game to make my surrogate mother proud. She stole me from a world of darkness and showed me the light. Her one downfall is that she is constantly getting into trouble, so her bodyguard kind of has the hardest job I know." He joked with a million dollar smile, his head turning towards Hudsy. "I have to thank this guy standing next to me. He believed in me and allowed me to do this first project. Without further ado, our guests will present our game called Guardian Angel." His wet eyes said to come out, Hudsy pulling him into a triumphant embrace. Running out, cheers erupted as we skidded to a stop. Taking the microphone into my hands, my heart stopped. A reincarnated version of my stepfather ripped the doors open, his bone white hair having been buzzed. Ruby eyes watched me, a cruel grin spread cheek to cheek. Dusting off his sleek silver armor, my trembling hand reached for my dagger. Hudsy gasped audibly, all of the horrid memories flooded back.

"I am going to show you a live performance." I chanted gleefully, my mother clapping on the side of the stage with the crowd. "May my guardian angel keep me alive." Ripping off my dagger, gasps bounced off the wall at the scythe now resting in my clammy palm. Holding it up shakily, dual curved silver blades spun in his palms. Charging at me, his speed doubled mine. My mother's body slammed into mine, the power punctured my liver. Blood pooled in my mouth, the copper taste poisoning my taste buds. My vision blurred, Grappy and my stepfather battled it out on the other side of the stage. Kicking my mother off of me, bricks crumbled upon her impact. Struggling to her feet, Hudsy stepped out in front of Daryll. Childlike wonder kept the crowd clueless, the floor cracking and popping upon her incoming attack. Even if she lacked weapons, her strength was more than enough to take me down. Dramatic music came over the speakers, the masked figure leaned over the soundboard. The changing lights bathed the sharp angles of his mask, his black designer suit unsettling me. Another wave of my mother's impact sent me through the floor, splinter's sticking out of my skin. Pulling myself out, one single tap of my foot repaired the broken boards. Spinning my blade over my head, ice crept out from underneath my feet. Grappy scooped me up before my mother hit me again. Dropping me behind her, a swift kick sent her up in the air. Flipping through the air, my only choice was to climb the wall. Kicking off of the wall, a spike of ice shattered the stage. Landing gracefully on it, one bounce off prevented her fist from hitting my chest. The ice shattered beneath her, panic flickering on her face. Grabbing the catwalk, the first bit of inky blood dripped from her lips. The audience picked up the pieces of ice, the stage repairing itself. Louder cheers erupted as I launched myself towards the catwalk, Grappy landing behind me. Huffing and puffing, we had met our match. An idea came to mind, wicked grins dancing across our lips. Waiting for them to charge us, we leapt up in the air at the last minute. My stepfather's bones shattered upon impact, his blades quivering in her heart. Choking on their blood, Grappy pushed off of my back. Sickening wet noises permeated the air as our weapons sliced them into pieces. Inky sludge painted our masks, the mastermind leapt out from behind the soundboard. Swaying slightly, my body was protesting every movement I made. Lightning crackled underneath Hudsy's foot, bolts crackling in every direction. Pulling out his blade from his belt, the crowd went wild. Spinning it in his palm, Master Nuit clapped his hands. Disappearing in a puff of smoke, the air growing clearer. Mouthing a silent spell, a golden barrier protected the room. Tucking his blade back into his pocket, his arms caught me as I leapt down. Picking up the rolling microphone, I held it to my lips. My scythe shrank back down to my dagger, Hudsy clipping it back into place.

"That was a special performance." I huffed nervously, bowing in their direction. "You may now meet and greet us while playing the game. Please get in line." People lined up in long lines, Daryll shot me a thumbs up. Laughter twinkled in the air while silent tears slid down my cheeks, flashes blinded me for the rest of the day. The last girl bounced up to me, her hands cupping mine. Her caramel waves floated around her face, her exhausted mother attempting to calm down the fourteen year old. Putting my other hand up, she stepped back a bit. Crouching down to her level, Grappy had his own line of sexually charged women. Joke's on them, he already had a husband.

"Do you want to play a match with me?" I asked kindly, tears welling up in her emerald eyes. "I would love to see you win. Who do you want to be?" Asking permission with her eyes, she played with the hem of her emerald cotton dress. Guiding her to the main computer, Hudsy hung back with several men in suits, my attention falling on her. Selecting my character, it was my turn to be Grappy. Playing through a couple of rounds, her ability to win games stunned me. Leaning back in my chair, I tugged the leaf crown from my head. Placing it on her head, her arms pulled me into an excited embrace. Waving Grappy over, she snapped a dozen pictures. The last people left, a few college representatives and google associates hovered at the computer screen. Daryll seemed glued to my side, the college representatives walking up to us. One by one they dropped full ride scholarships into his shaking palms, Hudsy taking a few cards of his own. The last empty footfall echoed out of the space, Daryll embraced me desperately. Tears of joy flooded from his eyes, a sense of accomplishment brightened his face.

"I am so proud of you, kiddo." I exclaimed jovially, letting him bask in his success. "I knew you could do it." Leaning his head on my shoulder, tomorrow Hudsy and him could geek out tomorrow. Popping to my feet, a yawn escaped my lips. Strong arms hugged me from behind, Hudsy's chin resting on my head. Melting into his arms, I could feel the tenseness in his muscles. The battle had stressed him out, alas it sank my mental space into an odd space.

"I know a good Chinese food place near here. Do you want that for dinner?" He asked with a crooked grin, hiding his fright behind a smile. "I will take your lack of a response as a yes. Let's go back upstairs and I will have them deliver it." Placing me on his back, Daryll walked on his heels. Hoping that Master Nuit wouldn't attack for the rest of the weekend, my nerves refused to settle. Moon Goddess, grant us with any good fortune.
