
I will not be signing this!

Jerry's head bobbed in understanding, and in a sudden burst of strength, he yanked the door with such force that both doors flew open, crashing together with a resounding "Bam!". Without casting a glance at the occupants seated inside, Jerry cleared his throat and declared, "Captain Wyatt has graced us with his presence." Despite being unaccustomed to such introductions, his captain had specifically requested it, leaving him resolute in his determination to deliver nothing short of excellence.

In walked his 'captain,' each step exuding elegance and confidence befitting a nobleman, as if he were born and bred in the lap of luxury.

'Miss Nina must have dedicated countless hours to perfecting her skills,' Jerry pondered with a smile, though his visage remained impassive. He shut the door firmly and trailed behind his 'captain,' heading towards his designated seat.